
Muscovite social card: instructions for registration. Who needs a Muscovite social card?

The Muscovite social map was created with the aim of improving the quality and making life easier for a part of the capital’s population, which is entitled to certain benefits. It is issued personally to a person and is registered. Next, we consider in more detail what a Muscovite social card is, where to get this document. Muscovite social map

General information

The Muscovite social card looks like an ordinary bank card. It, among other things, acts as a personal electronic key, through which you can get information about the benefits provided to its owner. Initially, the action of the Muscovite social card was tested in three areas. To regulate the process, a special concept was developed, standards were adopted. The government considered the experiment a success. Since the end of 2001, the Muscovite social map began to be distributed in other areas of the capital. The final goal of the introduction of this document is the precise definition of the list of all persons who are entitled to benefits within the city. At the same time, the Government planned to expand the list throughout the country.

SCM types

First of all, we note that not everyone is given a Muscovite social card. Who is this document entitled to? First of all, only those categories of citizens who are entitled to benefits can possess it. SCM is of two types. One of the benefits provided by the first social card of a Muscovite is travel by public transport. This, in particular, is about a tram, a bus, a trolleybus, a metro. Taxis and minibuses do not belong to this category. There is also a Muscovite social card for pregnant women and for those who already have children.

Free use of public transport

The privilege mentioned in the subtitle is granted to a limited number of citizens. Such people can be issued a Muscovite social card. Who should use the document in this case? Categories of beneficiaries who can use public transport for free include:

  • Disabled people (including minor children with disabilities).
  • Children and one of the parents from large families.
  • Juvenile orphans.
  • Parents of children with disabilities.
  • Children without care. social card for a Muscovite student

The second type of SCM

It does not give the right to use public transport for free. This Muscovite social card is issued to women for whom one-time payments for the birth of children are provided for from the city budget, including triplets. SCM may also have young families eligible for additional benefits. There is also a Muscovite social card for pregnant women. To have it, the expectant mother needs to be registered at any clinic in the capital during the first five months of the antenatal period.

Service Categories

Of particular importance is the Muscovite social card for senior citizens. With its help, you can use the system of store discounts involved in the preferential program. In this case, the social card must be presented before payment. On SCM, payments and grants provided may be listed. To do this, you need to write a statement in RUSZN. For many, such an enumeration is very convenient. You can also just put money on your social card. To do this, contact any branch Bank of Moscow. The transfer operation is carried out upon presentation of the passport and, in fact, the card.As a rule, if this procedure is completed before 17:00 on a business day, then you can use the funds on the same evening. If the transfer was later, then you need to wait for the next day. Using SCM, you can make calls from street telephone machines that accept cards.

Adult document holders can get a short-term loan. Use this service can citizens of the Russian Federation up to 70 years of age. It should be noted that in some banks the upper age limit is 60-65 years. Pensioners, having a card, can receive social transfers to it. To do this, write a statement. It is served in Pension Fund at the place of residence. Most popular type of service that are provided to SCM owners are considered utility bills. An automatic money transfer order eliminates a visit to the bank every month, filling out receipts and staying in line. In this case, payment amounts are recalculated by the banking system when tariffs change. It is assumed that in the near future in the clinics will be installed devices for reading information from plastic cards. In this case, SCM may become an alternative to compulsory health insurance.

getting a Muscovite social card

Registration of a Muscovite social card

Depending on the reasons for which the SCM is provided, you should contact one or another institution. For example, pregnant women and those who are entitled to simultaneous benefits for giving birth to children need to come to the social security department at the place of residence (registration). Disabled persons, their parents, guardians of orphans, members should contact the same organization large families. Obtaining a Muscovite social card by students is possible only if they have a permanent residence permit in the capital and provided that they study at a university in the city that has state accreditation in full-time.

If this is observed, then you need to contact specialized points. They are located in the Moscow metro, in special cash desks. There you can get all the information you need regarding SCM. The university itself can take care of collecting questionnaires and issuing cards. In this case, you need to contact the curator dealing with this issue. The City Center for Housing Subsidies is processing cards for utility bills. Previously, you should call the institution to clarify the work schedule. In many educational institutions, a social card is issued for a Muscovite student. If the school does not provide such work, then the parents of the child should contact specialized cash desks in the subway.

How to apply for a Muscovite social card?

When applying to one or another institution, you need to provide a certain package of documents. For different categories of citizens its composition. However, always before you get a Muscovite social card, you need to fill out an application form. You will also need a passport or birth certificate. Pension and medical insurance, a 3x4 photo are also attached to the questionnaire. Students at the university must also present a student ID. The application form for underage students is certified by their parents (trustees, guardians). Print must be on paper educational institution. Pregnant women must attach a certificate from the clinic, indicating that she was registered on time.

drawing up a Muscovite social card

Additional benefits and compensation

To draw up a social card, it is necessary to provide birth certificates of children, a referral (issued upon registration of the child according to the documents of the parents) and a certificate from the registry office. In the absence of a capital registration, one of the parents is given a paper stating the place of residence of the child. A certificate from the district USZN is also required. She testifies that the second adult did not apply and does not receive child compensation.The last 2 documents are issued by competent organizations with the consent of the parents. In the event that compensation is appointed after the birth of the first baby, it is necessary to provide papers on previous children. At the same time, in addition to the birth certificate, a certificate of registration of the child in Moscow and that he lives with his parents should be presented.

SCM issuing process

After filling out the questionnaire, the applicant must take a special ticket before receiving a Muscovite social card. It must be maintained until the issuance of SCM. Otherwise, the whole procedure will need to be carried out again. If the package includes the right to use transport free of charge, a temporary ticket is attached to the coupon. He will replace SCM for a certain period. For a card, you should go to the same organization where the documents were submitted. You should have a passport or birth certificate with you.

You should also have a ticket with you. It usually takes about two weeks to produce a card. If there are errors or inaccuracies when filling out the application, it must be filled again. Therefore, the data should be entered carefully. You can ask a special cashier to verify that the application is filled out correctly. In addition to the social card itself, a person receives instructions for its use, a list of enterprises and stores in which you can use it. Also, each is given a sealed envelope. It contains the PIN code for SCM.

Muscovite social card action


The card has a front and back sides. At the first there are:

  • Magnetic strip. It encoded the benefits of a certain category.
  • The photo.
  • Social number. (19 digits).
  • Name of owner.
  • Personal signature (its sample).
  • 4 numbers delivered through a fraction. They indicate the expiration date.
  • Barcode.

On the back there are:

  • Bank number
  • Emblem "VISA Electron".
  • 4 numbers delivered through a fraction. They indicate the expiration date.
  • Surname and name of the owner, issued in Latin letters.

In case of difficulties with the banking application, the telephone number of the Bank of Moscow support service is indicated at the bottom of the SCM.

Features and Terms of Use

As mentioned above, it is possible to arrange transfers of compensations and other payments to SCM. It is necessary to write relevant statements in the organization. In addition, you can order a monthly payment for training, visiting sections, circles and other things. Also, money from the card can be transferred for treatment, insurance. In these cases, you will need to visit the company or clinic that provides these services, and clarify whether they accept payments in this way.

You can also cash out money through an ATM. However, it should be noted here that only three institutions participate in the program. These include Bank of Moscow, VTB24 and TransCreditBank. When withdrawing funds through their ATMs, no commission is charged. In other cases, a certain percentage of the withdrawal amount will be deducted. In order not to get confused in deductions, it is advisable to use SMS banking. The phone will receive messages about all operations with the card. During the first two months this service is free, then 50 rubles / month is charged.

drawing up a Muscovite social card

SCM validity period

Social card is active for five years. The date is indicated to the left of the VISA logo. After the end of action until 2013, the Muscovite social card was to be replaced. This could be done either in the organization in which it was issued, or in special cash desks in the subway. At the same time, they began to prepare a new map in 1.5 months. until the expiration of the former. However, the authorities decided that this procedure was inappropriate and disadvantageous. In this regard, the validity period of SCM is extended. It is envisaged that this process will occur automatically. For example, when a person once again uses public transport. Some difficulties may arise for those who for one reason or another have changed their place of residence, have received disability, and so on.For detailed information, you should contact the territorial social security agency or a specialized cashier.

Damage or loss of SCM

In both cases, a card replacement will be necessary. If it is damaged, for example, due to storage near a mobile phone, is scratched with keys or something else happened to it, and it does not work, you need to contact the institution where it was issued. We'll have to write a restoration application. If the card is lost, it should be immediately blocked. First of all, what happened is reported to the Bank of Moscow. Then they turn to the RUSZN. It is necessary to fix the fact of loss. Otherwise, you won’t get a new social card. If the previous SCM is suddenly found, this should also be reported to both organizations. Next, you must perform the same actions as in case of damage to the card. The application form is filled out again, a new package of documents is provided, as well as an application to the RUSZN. For a new card, in case of damage to the previous one, you may need to pay.

Muscovite social map

SCM Features

A social card cannot be transferred to other persons for use. Its validity, as mentioned above, is five years. During this period, plastic serves. The duration of the benefit depends on its category. SCM entitles you to an unlimited number of trips. Repeated travel can be used 7 minutes after the first (both on land transport and in the subway). It is impossible to pass twice on the same SCM on the railway (for example, to lead a child and go through later). If more than 10 people are missed on the card at one station or 5 people are in the same land line transport, it is blocked the next day. If SCM did not work on the bus, trolleybus or tram, it should be removed from the bag (wallet), the department where the metal objects are, and attached to the "black circle" again.

If, in this case, the card does not work, you must contact the place of residence in RUSZN for its conversion or write an application for re-issuance. In this case, you need to know how long the card is valid. On MZD, SCM is blocked for 40 minutes after receiving a ticket. During this time, use it at any station, it is impossible to get a new ticket. In November 1, 2013, Sergei Sobyanin (Moscow Mayor) put forward a proposal to qualify unlawful actions with an SCM executed in a false name under the criminal article “Fraud”. At the same time, the Vice Mayor suggested that the controllers take photographs of passengers who will be seen using someone else's SCM who do not pay for using public transport. Subsequently, these photos were to be published on the website of the Department of Transport of the capital. However, both of these proposals met with objections from journalists, experts and lawyers.

Muscovite social card replacement


A temporary single ticket is issued at the time of preparing the social card. It is valid for a month from the moment the first passage in the subway was made (or when it was used in one of the types of ground public transport). When checking with controllers, an identity document and a certificate of the granted privilege should be additionally presented to VESB. Checking the validity of a ticket is carried out when applying it to the circle of the validator. At the same time, the date is displayed on the screen. If an error message appears, you must contact the metro agency working with passengers.

If illegal use of VESB or SCM is detected, a fine will be charged. To make a trip in the Moscow region, you must present a single ticket to the conductor of the tram, bus or trolley. It processes the card on the validator. After that, the document is returned with the corresponding mark. The conductor may also require additional documents - a passport and a certificate of exemption.On some types of vehicles with a turnstile, a card should be attached at the entrance and exit.

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Does the student’s social card qualify for discounts on utility bills?


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