
What is VET: definition, features, levels, rights and obligations

In a production or construction environment, there are many definitions and abbreviations that are incomprehensible to the average person. One of these is VET. What does this mean, and what do experts in this field do? This will be discussed later.

What is VET?

In the production environment, you can not do without special handling equipment (this is PTO). With the help of various devices, transportation, unloading and loading of all necessary materials and elements is carried out. Similar mechanisms are used almost everywhere: in factories, in construction, during transportation, etc. There are many classifications of the equipment in question. What is VET, what is included in it? It is worth highlighting, perhaps, lifting machines, floor transport, suspension equipment, rail devices and much more. Of course, someone should manage all of the above equipment. There is a special profession VET engineer which will be discussed later.

Who is a VET engineer?

To the question of what VET is, an answer was given. Now you need to find out all about the experts in this field.what is pt What is all the work needed in this area? VET is a very vast environment, and therefore there can be many specialists here. But the most common is the profession of an engineer. This employee is engaged mainly in various technical documentation, estimates, reports, etc. The specialist in question lays down all the information about the operation of the equipment, about the necessary repairs, about existing malfunctions, etc.

Of course, the number of duties of an employee depends on the level of qualification and the level of available. However, almost every engineer is required to test equipment, put certain devices into operation, be responsible for safety at the workplace, etc. The worker is capable of independently developing various devices. In this case, he must check his own inventions for effectiveness and apply for a special patent.

Professional categories

In the profession of a technical engineer there are several types of categories and categories. It is worth starting with the third, initial category. This qualification level includes workers with higher technical education, but not having the proper professional experience and experience. The specialist of the third category has the corresponding functions.head of vocational school

The second category is read a little more complicated. So, an employee must have at least 3 years of experience and a mark on advanced training. Depending on the enterprise or organization where the specialist works, corresponding responsibilities will be assigned.

The highest and most prestigious category is considered the first. A specialist with a similar skill level should have certain knowledge and skills. Do not forget about the great responsibility. As a rule, the first category includes either the head of the vocational school or leading specialists.

Where can I work?

There are many areas where a VET specialist can work. What exactly belongs here? Where can a person with appropriate technical education carry out his labor activity? PT workHere are some highlights:

  • Construction organizations. Construction is probably the most common area today. Today it’s not so difficult to get into a different kind of OJSC or LLC; VET and its mechanisms are at almost any construction site.
  • Transport organizations.Here we can cite as an example transport ships, the existence of which is simply impossible without lifting devices.
  • Civil industry. Various kinds of mining enterprises, ordinary plants, industrial centers and much more - in the CIS countries there are many organizations of this kind.
  • Water supply and sanitation organizations.
  • Waterworks stations.
  • Heat supply and ventilation stations and much more.

Thus, a person who wants to work with lifting equipment will not find almost any problems with getting a job.

Responsibilities of a VET Engineer

It is worth talking about what the workers in question do, what functions and responsibilities they perform. PTO responsibilitiesVET includes many specialists of different classes, but further we will focus on engineers.

Regardless of skill level and categories, the following basic functions of workers can be distinguished:

  • monitoring and technical supervision of construction and installation works;
  • checking all available technical elements and devices for compliance with standards;
  • change of design decisions, their coordination with the authorities;
  • repair of existing equipment;
  • commissioning of certain devices;
  • accounting journal;
  • drawing up budget documentation;
  • detection of malfunctions, reporting to management on the shortcomings identified during the labor process;
  • compliance with safety and labor protection and much more.

Thus, the question about what VET is and what the specialists in this field do, the answer to the list of official duties of the employee is best.

Rights and responsibilities of a VET engineer

Each officially employed person is endowed with a number of professional rights. In this case, the considered specialists are not an exception. ooo ptWhat rights are vested in an engineer, leading specialist or head of vocational education? Here is what can be distinguished here:

  • the right to give subordinates instructions and tasks;
  • the right to control the execution of assignments and assignments;
  • the ability to request from the management all the necessary documents for work;
  • the right to submit various ideas, plans or proposals on improving the organization’s activities to the authorities;
  • the right to social guarantees and timely payments;
  • the right to demand from management the necessary conditions for a comfortable and optimal performance of activities.

And what is the employee obliged to bear responsibility for? This includes the failure to perform their duties or their improper performance, violations of the rules of the routine, being in the workplace while intoxicated and other disciplinary offenses.

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