
Responsibilities of an engineer. Job descriptions

To each kind professional activity special specific requirements are imposed. And they determine whether a person is a good specialist in his field or not. For the profession of an engineer, as well as for any others, similar requirements are presented. In the employment contract, as a rule, they are described in the same way as the basic rights and duties of the employee.

Instructions for the engineer

We give an example of the following instruction. In form, it is close to these documents, according to which employment contracts are drawn up. But the article will not be written in the official style, that is, this is not an example of an agreement, but the design will be more in a journalistic style. We will try to disclose the main duties of the engineer.

General Provisions

1. Only a person who has graduated from a higher education institution may obtain a place.
2. Only the general director of the company, factory, production, or factory where the engineer is applying for in order to take a vacancy can be appointed to this position.
3. The work experience of the applicant appointed by the enterprise may be different. However, it equals approximately 3-5 years. The category to which the skills of an engineer must correspond must be at least the second. Further, as experience accumulates, it increases with experience.
4. An engineer is required to familiarize himself with the documents in which all working conditions are described.
job descriptions of an engineer
5. The principles by which the workflow should take place, you need to know by heart. Get acquainted with the technical specifications of the equipment.
6. Know what materials are used in production and how to handle them.
7. Know the standards of work and methods of organizing the work process.
8. An engineer is required to obey the orders of the chief engineer and fulfill all the requirements for him.

Additional items in the duties of an engineer

In the work of an engineer, various kinds of computer equipment are used, so his responsibilities include its practical application. He must possess the skills of scientific activities in the field of construction, design, information services, organization of production. It is also necessary to understand how the technical control and metrological support pass.
Chief Engineer
What should he do? To answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with a document such as the job description of an engineer. It says: he can analyze the technical and economic situation at the factory, make decisions that are justified for many reasons, look for ways to shorten the work cycle, provide the enterprise units with all the necessary data, documents, materials, equipment.
Another task is to participate in commissioning and testing of equipment. On the issues of work, various reports and reviews are generated, conclusions are drawn on these issues. Responsibilities also include scheduling work, orders, applications, instructions, explanatory notes, maps, diagrams, and other technical documentation.

The rights

What rights does an engineer have? Oddly enough, the documents refer not only to the duties of an engineer, but also to his rights.
labor protection engineer
1. Further training. This right consists in the fact that with an increase in seniority and the accumulation of certain work experience, an engineer has the right to establish himself in a higher category of specialty.
2.To participate in the activities of a production enterprise or enterprise and propose those changes which, in his opinion, will help in the successful functioning of the same production or enterprise.
3. To pass certification, which will help the engineer to increase the rank, that is, qualification.
4. Use materials, documents, equipment and all that is necessary for work.

A responsibility

This paragraph indicates that the engineer is not a simple specialty. As in many other cases, a person is responsible for his actions. He is responsible in the following categories:
1. Compliance with the internal routine at the workplace. That is, he must obey the discipline rules that are attributed to the leadership.
2. The work done. He is also responsible for her.
3. Compliance with the law. The activities of an engineer should be carried out within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. Record keeping. The documentation should be clearly and correctly spelled out. And, of course, combined with the actual situation.
job description engineer

If an engineer violates these rules, he is responsible under the laws of the Russian Federation. The nature of the punishment depends on the nature of the misconduct or
crime committed by an engineer.

Mode of operation

The job description of the engineer also provides for legislative coverage of the working regime of the specialist. There, the internal work schedule of the day, established by the top management at the enterprise, is stipulated. If there is a production need, the engineer has the opportunity to go on a business trip. In cases where the use of vehicles is required, an official car may stand out.
Lead Engineer

This is a general description of what job responsibilities an engineer has. They consider what is needed and what is worth doing to every specialist. But often at the enterprise each of them has its own profile. In each of the cases, the specialist makes decisions within his competence.

The work of the chief engineer

In official duties of the chief engineer in addition to the main ones, control over compliance with technical discipline is added. He has the right to conclude contracts for the introduction of new technologies, the development of modern technical equipment, organization work projects and the like.

technical engineer
Additional rights of the chief engineer include the right to sign on some documents relating to the work process. In addition, the chief engineer has the right to conduct training for other employees as part of the tasks. At his disposal is responsible for all matters relating to the profits of the enterprise, the organization of the work process, advanced training of employees, the volume and duration of the work performed. A job implies a situation where the chief engineer is a link between senior management and other specialist engineers.

Other professional categories

1. Occupational safety engineer.
Here, the duties of a simple engineer are supplemented by the development of effective programs related to improving working conditions, warning industrial injuries and diseases associated with professional activities. Its task is to maximize the safety of the workflow when tasks are performed by specialists in the workplace. An occupational safety engineer solves all problems related to working conditions, evaluating their acceptability, and so on. Provides regular training for workers in the rules. industrial safety.
2. Leading engineer.
His activities are related to computers and other electronic computing technology. Therefore, it is necessary that this specialist is well versed in electronic systems and other things related to information support.Also, a leading engineer can participate in production activities, helping to accelerate the workflow and make it more efficient by developing programs designed for this.
3. Technical engineer.
Its task is to directly ensure the functioning of the workflow at the proper level. The technical engineer is obliged to monitor the implementation of installation and construction works on time.
4. Energy engineers.
Specialists in this field calculate how much energy a company spends. The following conclusions are made. Power engineers are responsible for complying with fuel and other energy requirements.


The most important thing in any enterprise is that all of the above specialists not only comply with the duties of the engineer, but also know the relevant laws and other documents relating to the work process directly or indirectly.
power engineers
These are, in particular, the following regulatory legal acts and safety rules:
1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts that regulate the production and economic, financial and economic activities of the organization.
2. Decisions of federal, regional and local bodies of state power and administration, revealing the most priority areas in the field of economic development and the corresponding industry.
3. The basics of environmental legislation.
4. The basics of labor law. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other laws and regulations.
5. Rules and norms of safety measures, labor protection, industrial sanitary norms and methods of protection against fires.

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