
Benefits and benefits for single mothers. What benefits does a single mother receive?

In the Russian state, families with children who have a certain social status are actively supported:

  • large families;
  • single-parent families where one parent brings up children;
  • low-income families;
  • refugee families;
  • families where children are under guardianship;
  • military families;
  • the family where the breadwinner passed away.

Mom alone

The state provides special support to mothers who raise children alone. Benefits for single mothers are calculated according to a special payment system. Moreover, not everyone who raises a child alone belongs to this category. For example, if the father of the children has died, the family will receive benefits in connection with the death of the breadwinner.

benefits for single mothers

The law stipulates that a woman is considered to be a single mother in the following cases:

  1. When a child is born or adopted out of wedlock.
  2. In the event that the child is born when 300 days have passed since the divorce of the parents.
  3. When a father is denied parental rights in court.

In all of the above families, the child benefit for a single mother will be paid according to the established legislation.

Special cases

If a dash is put in the birth certificate of a baby, then the woman becomes a single mother. After that, she can apply for state assistance in the form of certain material payments. In this case, if there is a father, the child cannot count on his inheritance. Therefore, before deciding on an empty place in the "Father" column, a woman should weigh the pros and cons. After the dash is put in the right place, the woman receives a certificate in a special form No. 25. This certificate is a confirmation of the status of a single mother.

When a father dies in the family, and the children remain dependent on the mother, the woman cannot claim benefits and benefits for single mothers. Such a family will receive state support in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

In the case when the children are left without a father due to divorce, the woman does not receive the status of a single mother, and the children have the right to apply for child support, which will be paid by the man until they come of age.

single mother allowance Russia

General benefits

First of all, compensation to single mothers is paid the same as the payments that are due to women in full families. What benefits are given to single mothers in various regions of the country, is established individually by local authorities. Moreover, there are benefits for every woman living in Russia who is raising a child on her own.

Federal payments Place of receipt
One-time payment to women who are registered in the clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy Place of work

RUSZN (if a woman does not work and does not undergo training)

One-time payment at birth
Childcare allowance for children under one and a half years old, which is paid every month

The amounts of these benefits are set by the state. These social benefits are valid throughout the country. The calculation is made in each region individually.

Additional privileges

In addition to basic benefits, additional social benefits have been established for women who are forced to raise and raise a child without the help of a second parent.

child support mother alone

Unforeseen situations occur when a woman needs to work until the child reaches the age of three. Then the child allowance is given to single mothers to the relative who will look after the child while the mother makes money.At the same time, the person who will sit with the child has the full right to registration parental leave up to 3 years on yourself. This may be a young grandmother who has not yet reached retirement age, grandfather or another relative.

In order to go through the registration procedure, you must contact the social security agency.

It should be noted that in each region of the country, how much benefit a single mother receives is decided by local authorities. Thus, the order and amount of payments to women who raise children alone are somewhat different in different regions of the country. At the same time, the following payments remain the main ones:

  • Monthly payments for caring for a child under three years of age.
  • Monthly payments for a third child up to the age of three.
  • Monthly compensation for a child under 16 or under 18 years of age.

Let us consider each of them in more detail, taking as a basis the allowance for single mothers in Moscow.

Additional monthly payments

Until 2011, legislation defined the status of a family as “poor” if the income per person was less than 8,000 rubles per month. In January 2012, the situation changed. Moscow authorities changed this amount by the cost of living.

Therefore, the size of the allowance for single mothers, when the family has the status of “poor”, may be as follows:

Allowance Benefit amount for 2015
Increased monthly allowance for a family with minor children for children under one and a half years and from 3 to 18 years - 2500 rubles;

for children from 1.5 to 3 years old - 4500 rubles

Compensation for reimbursement of expenses every month associated with an increase in the cost of living for single mothers per child under 16 years of age 750 rubles
Monthly compensation for the difference in the cost of products per child up to 3 years 675 rubles

If in a family where the income of a single mother is in the amount that exceeds the subsistence level, the following benefits are additionally paid:

Allowance Benefit amount for 2015
Monthly compensation for reimbursement of expenses associated with an increase in the cost of living for single mothers for children under 16 years of age 300 rubles
Monthly compensation for the difference in the cost of products for children under 3 years 675 rubles

How to get benefits

In order to start receiving a monthly allowance, single mothers must submit certain documents:

  1. Application for benefits.
  2. Birth certificates plus copies of them.
  3. Certificate that the child lives with his mother. A document is issued at the place of residence of the family, indicating all family members.
  4. Passport plus a copy of pages numbered 2, 3, 5, 14.
  5. Employment history.
  6. Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits by the applicant (from the employment center).
  7. Personal account number, bank details.

Documents for assigning a child benefit to a single mother are considered 10 days starting from the day they were submitted.

In the event that social authorities plan to conduct verification of the accuracy of the information received about family income, they are obliged to notify about this in advance.

Within a month, a woman receives a response to a request for a pecuniary compensation.

If a single mother is refused, then she has the right to appeal the decision of the social authority in court.

The payment of benefits to single mothers begins from the month in which the social protection authorities accepted the application. Until the child is 18 years old, monetary compensation is paid monthly.

In the case when children receive full-time education, the woman receives the allowance until graduation. The maximum age is limited to 23 years.

Allowances for single mothers are assigned by the social security community. They can also be issued upon residence if a certificate is submitted stating that the woman does not receive compensation at the place of registration.

maternity allowance

Tax benefits

According to the law, a parent can use the tax deduction for a child during the year whose income does not exceed 23,333 rubles.

If the children do not have a second parent, the sole representative is entitled to a double tax deduction. In this case, the parent is recognized as the only one when there are blank lines in the birth certificate where the information about the father should be indicated, or one of the parents has died or is presumed dead.

When a single parent marries, regardless of the fact of adoption / adoption, the tax deduction is charged in a single amount from the next calendar month.

To obtain the right to this tax benefit, the only parent must provide certain documents to the place of work: copies of the passport, a certificate in form No. 25 issued by the registry office.

Benefits for early childhood education

In addition to the allowance, single mothers are given a pre-emptive right to admit children to the kindergarten.

A document granting this right is considered a birth certificate. The document must be empty in the place where the father is indicated, or a certificate from the registry office in the form No. 25 is provided.

The certificate is valid for one quarter from the date of issue, unlike a birth certificate, the validity of which is unlimited.

Until 2013, single mothers were given the opportunity to pay for visiting a child in a kindergarten with a discount of 50% of the monthly fee for the services of a preschool educational institution.

Single mothers no longer have this privilege.

how much is a single mother allowance

Moreover, a single mother can also rely on compensation of a certain amount for kindergarten in the following amount:

  • 20% of the fee for a child visiting a childcare center - for the first child;
  • 50% - on the second;
  • 70% on the third.

To receive compensation, the parent must provide the head of the educational institution with the necessary papers:

  • statement;
  • passport of the parent who writes the application;
  • birth certificates and copies thereof;
  • personal account number and bank details to which transfers will be made.

Labor privileges

Benefits for single mothers rely not only in cash.

  1. A single-parent maternity hospital is paid in full for the entire duration of his illness until he reaches 7 years of age. When the child is already 7 years old and not yet 15, and he is forced to be in hospital, sick leave is paid in the amount of 100% for 15 days off.
  2. Working women are granted annual additional leave, which lasts 10 days. At the same time, holidays and weekends are not taken into account. If the child is disabled, then the mother is entitled to 4 additional days of vacation each month, which are paid in 100% of the amount. If leave for some reason is not used, for example, in the year when the child reached a certain age, or for any other year, then the single parent retains the right to use it at any convenient time. If a woman is fired, for whatever reasons it is not important, then she can claim monetary compensation for those vacation days that she did not have time to walk.
  3. Single mothers are not threatened with dismissal if the staff is reduced.
  4. In the event of the liquidation of the enterprise, management is fully responsible for the further employment of a single mother. For the period of employment, she is paid an average salary for 3 months.
  5. For a woman whose children are under the age of 14, the employer does not have the right to refuse employment. Otherwise, a single mother may sue to appeal the decision. In any case, the employer must indicate in writing the reason for the refusal.
  6. A single mother is not involved in work on the night shift, on holidays and weekends without her consent.

Privileges of single mothers in different regions

There is a certain list of additional state assistance to single women who have two children. The only thing that in each region local authorities regulate these services at their discretion, it is necessary to clarify all the details and conditions in the social protection authorities of the population.

Benefits for continuing education:

  • For children there is a 30% discount on visits to various state institutions for additional training, for example, classes at an art school or sports sections.
  • In some regions of the country, students are given the right to provide free teaching aids and two meals a day in the regular canteen.

allowance for single mothers in Moscow

Benefits for repayment of utilities:

  • A single mother is not required to pay for the elimination of solid food waste from home until the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Benefits for single mothers for the provision of medical services:

  • The child of a single mother, according to the testimony of a pediatrician, has the right to a free visit to the massage therapist’s office at a state medical institution.
  • Children receive free provision of certain medications. Some medications also offer a 50% discount.
  • Benefits for getting permits to preventive sanatoriums for children, if there are indications.

The state also provides single mothers who have a child under 3 years old with in-kind assistance:

  • Providing the family with baby clothes and linen for a newborn child.
  • Providing free meals, which can be obtained in the milk kitchen at the district clinic. To date, meals are provided to children up to the age of three and are sold according to the prescription of the local pediatrician.

Single mother's benefit in Ukraine, as well as in Russia, is received in the form of material benefits, in the form of labor benefits and privileges in the use of certain medical services.

allowances and benefits for single mothers

Judging by the current situation, it can be said that the state ensures that citizens exist safely. All who have material difficulties are provided with feasible help. Various types of assistance are provided. Including receive allowance for single mothers. Russia is trying to ensure that women who find themselves in a difficult life situation are provided with additional payments and various non-material assistance.

However, sometimes it seems that local governments pass bills that only worsen the situation of single parents. A striking example of such innovations was the deprivation of single mothers of the right to the priority placement of children in pre-school care. But in general, the government is worried about what benefits a single mother receives to raise a child on her own.

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