
Power of attorney to receive mail: sample filling. Power of attorney to receive mail from the organization

In life, the need often arises in one way or another to confirm one's intentions and rights. For these purposes, special documents are provided and appropriate forms are developed that help find a way out of the situation. One such document is a power of attorney to receive mail.

Why do I need a power of attorney?

power of attorney to receive mail

At first glance, such a document may seem redundant and not at all necessary. Why some kind of power of attorney, if you can go yourself and get everything you need in the mail?

Really, why? This issue must be dealt with in detail. First you need to find out the reason why the power of attorney to receive mail is compiled.

For example, a registered letter came to the name of a citizen, and at that time he was in a hospital in very serious condition. Perhaps the solution to the most important issue in his life depends on this letter. How to be

In this case, he can simply draw up a power of attorney to receive mail, in which to allow another person to receive any correspondence that comes to his name, during his illness. Similarly, people act who are in one way or another limited in their actions. This may be an old man who, due to his advanced age and poor health, does not leave the house, or a disabled person bedridden. Such a power of attorney will allow them not to lose touch with the outside world.

Trust in the distance

But there are circumstances of a completely different nature. Suppose a situation where a person expects a very important letter in his address, and in the near future is forced to leave for work on a long business trip. What to do? To refuse a business trip and stay home, than to incur a just wrath of the bosses, or to leave and be tormented with painful doubts every day? After all, the letter will not lie in the mail indefinitely and wait for the addressee.

In this case, by mutual agreement with a neighbor, friend or close relative, a power of attorney is drawn up to receive mail in which the person officially allows the selected person to receive any correspondence that comes in his name. The document is certified at the post office at the place of residence and after that it takes legal force. An employee can calmly perform his official duties, and the authorized person, if necessary, will fulfill his obligations.

How to make a document?

In order to draw up a power of attorney to receive mail, a sample can be taken at any post office. The text is quite simple, but according to the rules it should contain the following required information:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the trustee;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the principal;
  • passport data of both parties;
  • date and place of issue of the document;
  • content of authority;
  • the period for which the power of attorney is issued;
  • mandatory decryption of signatures of the parties;
  • compiled paper must be certified.

The result should be a document in which the word "Power of Attorney" is written in the center. Next, the main text goes from the red line. At the end, the principal confirms with his signature the signature of the agent and stipulates the validity of the document. Depending on the content of the powers granted, powers of attorney can be of three different types:

  1. One-time. It is intended to perform only one specific action.
  2. Special.It is issued to the person for the repeated implementation of specific homogeneous actions.
  3. General. Such a power of attorney is issued to a person who is authorized for a long time to represent the interests of the principal in full.

Registration of a power of attorney by citizens

power of attorney to receive mail of an individual

The simplest option is when one citizen trusts another to carry out actions that he cannot currently handle on his own. For example, to receive a parcel or registered letter at the post office. As you know, according to the law, postal correspondence can be received either by the addressee himself or by a person who has certain authority for that.

Therefore, the power of attorney to receive the mail of an individual is a fairly common document recently. It is compiled at random, indicating all the necessary details. The text can be written by hand on any blank sheet of paper. The last stage of registration is the certification of the document. Sometimes difficulties arise with this question.

Careless postal workers send citizens to a notary public, and, as you know, a trip to a specialist of this kind costs money and considerable. Although everything is solved much easier. There is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and there is paragraph 4 of Article 185, which states that it is possible to certify such a document in the organization where the citizen works or studies, in the housing department at his place of residence, even in the post office itself and completely free of charge.

How does a legal entity solve a problem?

power of attorney to receive mail from the organization

In any organization, there is also the problem of receiving correspondence. Indeed, in most cases, letters addressed to the company are addressed to the head. In accordance with the rules, it turns out that he himself must receive them. But this is almost impossible, since any director has a ton of other urgent matters.

For these purposes, a responsible executor is selected. The power of attorney for receiving mail from the organization is drawn up on it. The document, in principle, is prepared in the same way as for an individual with the exception of some clarifications:

  1. The power of attorney is drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise.
  2. In the role of the trustee, the head acts, and in the role of the trustee, the appointed executor (secretary, administrator, head of the office).
  3. The document is compiled with an indication of the surname, name, patronymic and position of each of the parties.
  4. The power of attorney is certified by the signature of the head and seal of the enterprise.

The drafted document is sent to the appropriate post office, where the specified employee with a passport can daily receive all correspondence received at his organization.

Subtleties of registration of powers of attorney

power of attorney to receive Russian mail

When compiling documents, it is necessary to strictly monitor that all necessary requirements are met. Sometimes, responsible persons misunderstand some provisions in regulatory documents. For example, a regular power of attorney is certified by a regular post office operator. As a result, the document becomes invalid and practically becomes a simple piece of paper.

More precise explanations on how to compose and certify a power of attorney for receiving Russian mail in relation to a specific individual or legal entity are given not only in the Civil Code, but also in the Federal Law “On Postal Communication” dated July 17, 1999 and the “Rules for the provision of postal services” Communications ”dated April 15, 2005.

They say that the official witness on behalf of the unitary enterprises of the Russian Post can only be the head of the corresponding department or his immediate deputy. These powers are granted to them by law to carry out production activities and resolve current issues.

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