
How and where can I draw up a power of attorney to receive a pension?

Not every pensioner is able to independently receive the pension payments due to him. Sometimes the reason for this is a serious malaise. In this case, he needs to draw up a special power of attorney to receive a pension, which will allow another person to do this at his request.

The essence of the problem

Every person’s working career ends sooner or later, and he is forced to go on a well-deserved rest. The state in this case provides for it certain guarantees in the form of financial support from the Pension Fund. You can receive these payments:

  • at the post office;
  • in the bank;
  • using the services of another organization that provides such services.

In the case when a pensioner cannot make such an operation himself, he has the right to resort to the help of authorized persons. To do this, he needs to write a power of attorney to receive a pension, and indicate the data of the citizen, who will subsequently represent his interests in this matter.

power of attorney for retirement

The document is simple and understandable. After drawing up a power of attorney to receive a pension, it is necessary to transfer it to the very organization that is engaged in its delivery. The information will be entered into the database, and the authorized representative will be able to freely receive funds on behalf of his principal. The power of attorney for retirement remains with the contractor. According to it, the organization’s employees monthly verify the data of the authorized person before handing him the due amount.

How to make a document?

It is not difficult to write a power of attorney for a pension. The sample can be taken in the very organization that is engaged in its issuance. The principle of compiling such a document is quite simple.

power of attorney for a pension sample

It only needs to be listed with the necessary information. Moreover, this can be done completely arbitrarily. The general outline of the document is as follows:

  1. Title of the document.
  2. Date and place (city) of its compilation.
  3. Main content. It says that one citizen trusts another to receive a pension or other allowance in a particular organization for a certain period. For each person should be indicated: First name, middle initial, middle name, personal passport data, information on the address of registration (residence).
  4. Personal signature of a pensioner with a detailed transcript.

Such paper must be certified by the appropriate authority. This may be a notary public. He puts on the document the seal of the organization, confirming its validity.

Mail services

Many of the old habit of trusting post offices more. This is understandable, because banks have recently entered the everyday life of ordinary citizens.

power of attorney to receive a pension in the mail

But the rules are the same everywhere, and an old person also needs a power of attorney to receive a pension. At the post office, for many, this is preferable, because getting money, therefore, has some advantages:

  1. The amount due can be received at any time after the appointed payment day.
  2. Together with the money, the pensioner receives a detailed listing of the movement of funds in his personal account. He can visually control the change in monthly payments and existing balances.
  3. The post provides services for the delivery of benefits and other payments to your home based on a preliminary application. A citizen just needs to be home on the appointed day. This is very convenient for those who do not have the physical ability to move freely.

But there are also disadvantages to this seemingly advantageous method:

  1. The post office can be quite far from the place of residence of the pensioner, which creates certain inconveniences.
  2. Nowadays, there are many who want to profit at someone else's expense. Cases of robbery on the elderly with the most serious consequences are known.

The rest of the mail is a fairly profitable and reliable partner.

Mandatory Terms and Conditions

Any person of retirement age can draw up a similar document. To do this, you only need reasons and a person who agrees to perform the duties that the compiled power of attorney entrusts to him to receive a pension. The form must be drawn up properly.

power of attorney for retirement boank

If no special requirements are imposed on the text and style of writing, then certification must be done in accordance with all the rules. Since 2013, they have changed a little, and now only:

  1. Notary.
  2. The head of the educational institution or organization in which this principal works.
  3. The head of the pre-trial detention center if the pensioner is in jail.
  4. The chief physician of the medical institution, the patient of which is the principal.

Previously, housing and maintenance plots had such authority, but now it is strictly forbidden to them. The validity period of such a document is unlimited and may be terminated only if:

  • refusal of the principal or his death;
  • expiration of the specified period;
  • refusal of the authorized person from the duties assigned to him.

For foreign citizens, all existing rules apply. In addition, the power of attorney will have to be translated into Russian.

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