
What does the category “Limited for military service” mean?

If you have poor health, and you are afraid that it will only worsen during military service, then you should know the rights that you can use during the medical examination at the military commissariat.

Drafty Fitness Categories

limited military service

The fitness category of the inductee must be personally determined by the doctor during medical board at the military commissariat. The doctor must collect all statements about the state of health of the young man from specialist doctors.

Drafty Fitness Categories:

  • Category A. Means that the young man is ready for military service.
  • Category B. Means readiness for military service with some restrictions.
  • Category B. Limited, but suitable for military service.
  • Category G. Means that the conscript is temporarily unfit for military service.
  • Category D. The draftee is not fully prepared for military service.

Increased requirements for a specific group of persons:

  1. For persons who were first called up or came to be registered.
  2. Contract service. “Limited fit for military service” will determine the type of troops.
  3. For military personnel underwater.

If a young man takes care of his health, this will greatly simplify the passage of a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Now not every conscript knows exactly what disease belongs to the category “limited to military service”.

  • The draftee should familiarize himself with the list of diseases that cause military service restrictions,
  • Before you come to the military registration and enlistment office, you need to decide on which disease you will pay attention to the medical board.
  • In about a year, it is necessary to go through all the doctors and, if a disease is detected, everything must be entered on the medical record.
  • You should know everything about the symptoms of your disease, otherwise members of the medical board may send you for examination to various doctors.

If you provide everything to the members of the medical board, then the situation can develop in two directions:

  1. members of the medical board recognize you as limited or unfit for military service,
  2. the medical board will refer you for examination in a specialized hospital.

Shelf Life Category A

limited contract service

This category means that the conscript is completely healthy and ready for military service. There are four subcategories A, these numbers may indicate slight deviations from ideal health. Category A draftees are mainly sent to serve in elite troops, such as, for example, airborne troops or marines.

Shelf life category B

recognized as limited

This category means that the conscript is ready for military service with some restrictions. There are four subcategories of B: these are B1, B2, B3, B4. Each figure means “destination indicator”, that is, the type of troops is determined in which it is permitted to perform military service with a certain type of minor disease.

The "destination indicator" can be determined by a special appendix to the schedule of diseases. So, for example, with a fitness category of B3, conscripts are not allowed to do military service in the marines, airborne assault forces or tank drivers.

Shelf life category G

which means limited fit

This category means that the conscript is temporarily unfit for military service. With this category, young people are suspended from service for a period of 6 months to 12 months. At the end of this time, the conscript must come to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a second medical examination, at which the fitness category is decided.Quite often there is such a situation when, due to health reasons, the conscript is attributed to an inappropriate category of fitness. For example, instead of the suitability category G, the military commissariat assigned the draftee the suitability category B. In this case, it is immediately necessary to appeal this decision of the commission.

Shelf life category D

limited to military service

This category means that the conscript is exempted from military service. A young man, when receiving the fitness category D, can forever forget about the service.

For conscripts of this category, there are serious health problems that are not compatible with military service. The disease data should include:

  • glaucoma in both eyes
  • lack of part or all of the stomach,
  • the presence of HIV infection,
  • recurring heart attacks,
  • a number of other diseases.

What does it mean “limited fit for military service”

limited service life

This category is most desirable for young people who do not want to serve. Shelf life category B means that the conscript is of limited use for military service. The young man is released from military draft and receives a military card. That is, the conscript is not fit for service only in peacetime. Category B is characterized by less severe diseases in comparison with the category of fitness D. For conscripts of category B, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination after three years, after which the category of fitness will be determined.

List of diseases in which it is established that the conscript is of limited use for military service:

  • infectious diseases
  • parasitic diseases
  • endocrine system disease,
  • blood problems
  • mental illness
  • respiratory diseases
  • digestive tract problems
  • ear diseases
  • skin diseases
  • urinary system disorder
  • various congenital malformations
  • and a number of other reasons, such as stunting or underweight.

Basic requirements for the mental state of draftees

military ID is limited

In the provision of military medical examination, there are a number of articles that provide basic requirements regarding the general mental state of recruits.

  1. Section 14 - Ordinary Mental Disorders.
  2. Article 15 - Development of endogenous psychoses.
  3. Article 16 - Mental disorders of exogenous ethology.
  4. Article 17 - Neurotic disorders associated with past stress.
  5. Article 18 - Personality Disorders.
  6. Article 19 - Behavioral disorders caused by the use of psychoactive substances.
  7. Article 20 - insufficient mental development.

The rights of military medical commissions

Military medical examination, as well as military registration and enlistment offices have the right to request information from a medical organization regarding the health of recruits. Medical organizations, in turn, are required to provide complete information about the patient’s medical history within two weeks.

The military medical commission requests information about the conscript if there is any doubt about his state of health.

Responsibility for evading military medical commissions

If the conscript refuses to undergo a military medical examination, he may incur administrative responsibility, or he will be required to pay a fine in the amount of ½ to 5 of the minimum wage.

A draftee is liable in the event that he refused to undergo a medical examination for no reason.

Can I appeal against the conclusion of the IHC

The recruitment of the IHC may be appealed by a recruit through the court or the highest representative bodies of the IHC (independently). Or through your legal representative. When appealing against the conclusion of the IHC, the conscript may be sent for re-examination and medical examination.

An independent military medical examination

If the conscript does not agree with the decision of the VVK, then he has the right to apply for an independent military medical examination.

An expert examination is considered independent only when it includes members who are not members of a service or other dependent organization. Independent VVE is carried out with the participation of a psychiatrist, who gives his opinion.

At the moment, the procedure for conducting an independent examination is not defined. And this negatively affects the recruit’s exercise of his rights.


So, let's say you have opened a military ID. It is limitedly fit for military service - such a record flaunts there. What does it mean? Note that the mark “limited fit for military service” means the ability to serve. But only in troops with reduced physical activity. In some cases, the mark “limited to military service” can be interpreted as exemption from service for up to 3 years. Although more often they put up a different category for this - G. Many conscripts say: "they recognized as limited fit, what should I do?" This situation should be considered from two perspectives. If you are categorized as “limited in service”, but do not want to serve, there are not enough reasons for this. Another thing is the desire to serve in the elite. For this, having a fitness category B and C, you have to work hard.

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