
Retirement for military personnel: registration procedure. Calculation of the pension of a serviceman

What a hard job for people who decided to devote their lives to serving the country and its people! Military activity is not only difficult, but also very dangerous. She takes away sleep, health, and sometimes life.

military pension

In this regard, the state has taken care of earlier dates of care for well-deserved rest for people of extreme professions. Pension for military personnel differs from other state benefits. Let's try to highlight some features and differences in the article.

Who can count on a military pension?

The person who served has the right to receive a military pension. This could be work in the armed forces of the country, in the Ministry of Emergencies, in the penal system or in the drug control authorities. The employees of these departments belong to the category of military personnel and, in certain circumstances, may qualify for a special type pension provision.

Military pension can be of several types:

  • by length of service;
  • on disability;
  • in connection with the loss of the breadwinner.

Let us dwell in more detail on each.

Long service pension

The most common type of military pension is after years of service. Until recently, only a certain service life was needed to obtain it. To date, the experience at the time of dismissal should be at least twenty years.

Due to the unstable situation in the country, the reorganization of services and departments, the need for regular activities, it is impossible to gain full military experience. In such cases, upon dismissal upon reaching the age of 45 years, the total length of service shall be 25 years, of which at least half should be in military service.

military pension calculation

On a par with others, the following periods are used for military service:

  • Military and all types of services that are equated to it.
  • Years of service in the USSR Armed Forces.
  • Studying in military schools, academies and other institutions.
  • Education in civilian universities, after which they continued their studies in military institutions.
  • Studying in civilian universities having military departments or departments, provided that the graduate was called up for service from the reserve by profession.

The pension for servicemen accrued on the length of service may consist of seniority parts for different periods. Therefore, it is important to have and keep all records in the relevant documents.

Disability pension

People who have been injured during the service may apply for a military disability pension due to disability, which caused health problems.

The same pension shall be accrued to servicemen if disability occurs no later than three months after dismissal.

There are cases when disability occurs a few years after dismissal, but in connection with injuries received during service, injuries, and occupational diseases. Such pensioners are also recalculated to a military pension.

increase in pension for military personnel

This type of government support has two groups:

  • Disability as a result of injuries sustained in military service.
  • Disability due to illness acquired during military service.

The first group includes people who have received any kind of trauma in the combat zone, at the front, border, navy, in captivity, partisan formations, as well as children who have been brought up in active units.

The second group includes servicemen who have received illnesses or who have had an accident that led to disability, but this was not related to direct duties.

Responsibility for the justification and argumentation of such cases lies with the commissions of military doctors. Disagreement with the decision issued can be challenged in court.

The size of military disability pensions is calculated on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation (Article 43), which provides for interest rates for various disability groups.

Upon reaching a certain age, military invalids must undergo re-examination within the time limits established by social medical examination. After 60 years for men and 55 for women, disability pension remains for life.

In 2015, it is planned to index the pensions of disabled military personnel, taking into account expected inflation. The authorities do not provide for a reduction in pensions and promise to make payments in full.

Military survivor pension

The state legislative framework provided for the provision of families left by coincidence without a breadwinner.

Pensions for the widows of military personnel are accrued in the event that the breadwinner died in the line of duty or died from his wounds. Missing and dead in captivity are equated to this category.

The Law of the Russian Federation provides a complete list of persons applying for this category of pension. Here is an abbreviated list.

survivor's pension

All disabled family members who are dependent on the deceased soldier. These include:

  • Children under the working age and children with disabilities, regardless of the number of years.
  • Wife (husband), disabled or elderly parents and grandfathers in the case when the income of the deceased was the main source of income.
  • Adoptors and adopted along with their mother, father and children.

Pensions for wives of servicemen who die due to injuries or injuries are paid when widows are forced to care for children, elderly parents or other close family members. This type of benefit, which one of the spouses receives, is retained in case of re-marriage.

The minimum pension for the loss of the bread-winner of a soldier is of two types. Its size depends on it.

In the event of death or injury resulting in death, the pension for each dependent will be greater than the one where the soldier died in a situation not related to the service.

How are pensions accrued? military?

Calculation of the pension of a serviceman is done on the basis of the following standards:

  • official salary;
  • copayment for the rank;
  • allowance for service.

The size of the military pension is affected by the applicable coefficient (0.56). In 2013, it was decided to increase this indicator every year until it becomes equal to unity.

pensions for widows of military personnel

The calculation of military pension is affected by the inflation rate in the country, which is also taken into account.


If you wish, you can independently calculate the pension of a serviceman. To do this, you need to know the formula and values ​​of constant and variable units.

Formula: (OVD + OVZ + NVL) x 0.56 x Service x Area coefficient

Constant Values:

ATS; HIA; Nvlsalaries for the position, title and length of service.

Variable units:

  • 0.56 - reducing coefficient, from 2013 added annually at 0.02.
  • Merit - 50% for the first twenty years of service and 3% for each subsequent.
  • District coefficient - some areas and duty stations have extra charges. A complete list can be found in the relevant regulation.

Thus, substituting real figures into the formula, one can independently calculate the pension.

Retirement benefits

People receiving military pensions are, in some cases, eligible for additional allowances. Such persons include:

  • Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, Knights of the Orders of Glory;
  • participants in the Second World War, prisoners of concentration camps, falsely repressed, who fell under rehabilitation;
  • pensioners who have dependents;
  • disabled people of the first group and persons over 80 years old.

Each specific case for receiving a pension supplement is considered individually. The refusal of the commission can always be challenged in court in the event that there is irrefutable evidence for calculating the allowance.

Increase in pensions for military personnel

Since the second half of 2014, it was planned to increase pensions for military personnel. The implementation did not take place due to the difficult economic situation in the country and was postponed for a year. Nevertheless, the government is working on a program to improve the living standards of the former military - the legislative framework is being revised, amendments are being made to fill in the gaps that were not taken into account at the time.

indexation of military pensions

In addition, new coefficients are introduced, the lists of persons entitled to benefits and allowances are supplemented, the list of places that fall under district indicators is expanded.

Service in government departments has a number of benefits in terms of retirement benefits. The work of the financial department is improving and implementing pension reform.

Working military pensioners

A soldier who has reached retirement age may well continue to work. However, his activities may not be related to the service. In this case, he retains the rights to military allowance.

Each year, pensions for former military personnel are indexed, resulting in a significant increase in the initial amount.

Second retirement pension

Since 2015, a new procedure for calculating and compiling benefits has been used. Thanks to this, pensions can be paid to servicemen by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Military pensioners have a real chance of receiving two types of such benefits.

Turning to the civil service, a former soldier must take care of registration in the PF and the deduction of insurance contributions to his account. This can be done independently, without resorting to the services of the employer, by contacting the regional branch of the FIU. Upon application, an insurance certificate is issued.

To receive a second pension, the following rules must be observed:

  • established retirement age and relevant seniority;
  • unaccounted for minimum insurance experience by the military department;
  • for pensioners after 2015, a minimum of pension coefficients is required;
  • the fact of the existence of a serviceman pension.

To apply for the second pension provision, it is necessary to apply to the regional branch of the PFR and provide an appropriate package of documents. It differs from the generally accepted one only in that it contains a certificate from the agency that provided the military pension.

payment of pensions to military personnel

The former military pension does not take into account the basic amount from the calculation formula.

There are times when a retired soldier who has drawn up an insurance pension continues to work. Then the amount of benefits increases annually, according to the recalculation.

Benefits for military pensions

Making out a military pension, it must be remembered that some periods of service are taken into account in a preferential manner. These stages include: participation in battles, partisan detachments, being held captive, and more. In the case when there are two or more benefits, when calculating the pension, one is taken that is more significant.

Families of those killed in the line of duty or who have died from wounds and received disabilities are also entitled to benefits. The pension for servicemen and members of their families in this case is calculated on the basis of the categories and the number of applicants.

Making a military pension has its own nuances. Accrual and control are carried out by special departments in the power structures. The state and the government are taking all feasible measures so that the old age of people who have given their best years to the protection and protection of civilians is appreciated.

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