
Natural parks of Russia: list, description and interesting facts

Natural national parks of Russia are those pieces of wild life of animals and plants, miraculously preserved and allowing to observe nature in all its glory.

In past centuries, people did not think about protecting flora and fauna, many species of living creatures were ruthlessly exterminated. And only at the beginning of the 20th century did this problem come to the fore.

natural parks of Russia

Natural parks of Russia: the history of occurrence

At the beginning of the 20th century V.P. Semenov-Tien-Shansky proposed creating about 50 national parks and reserves in Russia, taking the American example as a prototype. This list includes natural parks, nature reserves of Russia, it covered almost all zones and landscapes of our country. In later years, on the basis of this list, a huge number of beautiful wildlife monuments were created, which are still popular today.

The bulk of the protected areas was created in the 90s of the last century. These are Elk Island, Samara Luka, Sochi, Bashkiria and many others. All popular tourist routes were covered.

The stage of expansion and development of natural monuments of Russia began at the beginning of the 21st century. During this period, no new parks were created, but many laws were passed that stimulated the further development of nature reserves and strengthen their protection.

What is the difference between a national park and a nature reserve

In those distant days, when the protection of wildlife was only in its infancy, these two concepts were identical. Meanwhile, there are still differences.

National parks are territories where, for the protection of the environment, human activity is limited, in particular, economic activity. However, hiking trails are generally permitted.

natural national parks of Russia

Natural parks of Russia were created in those places that had a special aesthetic, historical, educational or research value.

In reserves, any human activity is completely prohibited. They were created to protect animals and plants, which are threatened with complete or partial extinction.

In reserves, not only the living world is protected, but also water and soil. They can not hunt animals, fish, build housing, plow the land or mow the grass. Even picking berries and mushrooms is prohibited.

Where to hunt

As mentioned above, hunting is strictly prohibited in the reserves. But in a number of national parks, subject to deadlines, hunting is still possible. However, recently such parks are becoming less and less.

For example, in the Ugra national park you can hunt, but for this you need to get a number of permits.

In national parks you can watch animals. In the absence of hunting, they cease to be afraid of people, coming closer to them.

The parks management even warns tourists not to get close to wild animals in order to avoid attack and injury.

Every year, many local and foreign tourists visit the natural parks of Russia.

natural parks of Russia list

List of names of some national parks and reserves

Many parks have a similar history and type of formation, but they also have many differences. They differ in size - from 7.9 thousand hectares to 150 thousand hectares, according to the specifics of the natural area - varieties of landscapes, by the date of formation.

Also, all the parks of our country can be divided into natural monuments, which are under special protection, ordinary national parks and reserves, each of which deserves special attention.

Here are some examples of national parks in our country.

  1. Elk Island. It is located in Moscow, its area is 117 square meters. kmIt was created in 1983 at the same time as the Sochi Park.
  2. Meshchersky National Park is located in the Ryazan region, its area is 1034 square meters. km Approximately one third of this natural complex make up meadows and settlements, where people continue their economic activities.
  3. Pribaikalsky National Park is located in the Irkutsk Region, it was founded in 1986. The shores of Lake Baikal enter the park. The lake itself is a natural monument and is protected by UNESCO.
  4. Shushensky Bor. One of the smallest objects located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, its area is only 327 square meters. km In these places V.I. Lenin. Since then, there was first organized a reserve, and then a park.
  5. The Shantar Islands were organized in 2013 and are located in the Khabarovsk Territory, on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Unique islands of trees grow on these islands.

In total, the list includes more than 50 national parks.

Reserves of Russia

In the reserves, any human activity is prohibited, therefore nature is completely untouched there. There is a problem of poaching, but there is a fierce struggle with this phenomenon.

  1. Bryansk forest. A unique biosphere reserve located in the Bryansk region, founded in 1987. This is the only place where all 10 species of woodpeckers live.
  2. Sayano-Shushensky reserve has a mountainous terrain. On its territory live ungulates, wolves, hares, foxes. It is noteworthy that there is a hydroelectric station on the territory of this reserve. The load on the ecosystem during its construction was enormous. But already 12 years after the launch of the station, all living things adapted.
  3. Pillars in the Krasnoyarsk Territory were founded a long time ago, back in 1925. The flora and fauna of this wonderful place, very loved by tourists and climbers, is mainly taiga. There are a lot of birds listed in the Red Book.
  4. The Sikhote-Alin nature reserve was also founded in the last century, in 1935. Many dozens of mosses, lichens, reptiles, animals and birds are registered on its territory. The famous Amur tiger lives in these parts.
  5. Prisursky reserve is located in Chuvashia, its area is about 9150 hectares. Mixed forest predominates; there are elements of a meadow steppe. More than 190 species of mammals live in the territory of the Prisursky reserve.

Only an insignificant part of Russia's reserves is described here. You can talk about them endlessly.

The oldest national park in Russia

The Barguzinsky Biosphere Reserve is the first reserve created in our country in 1916. It is located on the shore of Lake Baikal. Before its creation in tsarist Russia, there were only private reserves owned by nobles.

The Biosphere Park is a nature reserve where, in addition to nature protection, research is underway, animals and birds are being studied.

natural parks reserves of Russia

The largest natural park in Russia

It is known that all natural monuments, national parks, nature reserves of Russia differ in their occupied territory. The largest park is Yugyd-Va, which is located on the territory of the Komi Republic. Translated, this name means "Pure water." Truly a magnificent example of nature. The area of ​​land alone is 1 891 701 hectares. Several tens of thousands of hectares of water should be added here. The park is almost untouched by man, every day he can take about 10 thousand people. On its territory there are entertaining attractions, recreation facilities and much more. Hunting and fishing are prohibited there.

national parks nature reserves of Russia

Natural Monuments of Russia under the Protection of UNESCO

Historical and natural objects are subject to special protection and are included in the UNESCO World Fund.

Natural parks of Russia, the list of which can be seen above, meet many of the requirements of this organization. About a dozen of them are subject to special protection, receiving funding not only from federal programs, but also from UNESCO.A similar number of objects are currently being prepared for obtaining World Heritage status.

the largest natural park in Russia

  1. Transbaikal Reserve.
  2. Altai Reserve.
  3. Lazovsky reserve.
  4. The reserve "Cedar Pad".
  5. Samara Luke.
  6. Curonian Spit.
  7. Smolensk Lake District, etc.

The current stage of development of national parks

natural parks of Russia list of names

In the 21st century, the foundation of new parks was practically stopped. However, the search for territories is still ongoing. The Far East, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories have not yet been sufficiently studied. It is in these places today that the close attention of environmentalists is directed.

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