
What is a wildlife sanctuary? Is this the same reserve or something else? Types of reserves

Every day, the negative impact of man more and more affects the nature. This leads to the fact that many species of plants, animals, fish and even insects are on the verge of extinction. In order to protect them, the government is introducing special bills that regulate the environmental situation in the country. Thanks to them, national parks, reserves and reserves are under state protection.

But if it is more or less clear with national parks and reserves, then what are sanctuaries? What is their purpose? How do they differ from other natural protection zones? And what is their role in preserving the environment?

What is a wildlife sanctuary?

The reserve is a part of the natural massif, protected from the harmful influence of man. But only in contrast to the reserve, not all living creatures and plants are protected here, but only their specific species. Often this is necessary in order to restore the former population of these families, or to eliminate negative factors.the reserve is

Also, on the territory of the reserve, any human activity that could adversely affect protected species is suppressed. For example, if animals are protected, then hunting is prohibited, if fish is fishing.

The main differences of the reserve from the reserve

So, let's fully understand how the state reserves differ from nature reserves. After all, this is where the fine line lies that determines the very essence of this natural protective zone.

And you should start with the fact that, unlike the reserve, any reserve is a temporary phenomenon. That is, after the population of the protected species returns to normal, measures to protect it will be lifted. True, such changes occur very slowly, due to which almost all state nature reserves have existed for a rather long period.

In addition, if any human activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, then in our case things are a little different. So, within the reserve, only those sectors of agriculture and industry fall under restrictions that can harm protected species.

Types of Reserves

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 70 reserves of federal significance. Their approximate area ranges from 170 thousand km². All of them are divided into special categories, which determine their primary tasks.state nature reserves

So, state nature reserves can be:

  • Hydrological. That is, aimed at the restoration of water bodies and hydrological complexes.
  • Biological. In this case, only certain species of the plant or animal world will be protected.
  • Landscaping. Protect large areas that carry a cultural, natural or relief value.
  • Paleontological. That is protecting individual sources of minerals or their complex deposits.

In addition, all of the above types of reserves are divided into two subgroups: permanent and temporary. In the first case, the validity of legislative acts protecting this territory does not have a time frame. And in the second period, allotted for the restoration of protected species, is set in advance in the accompanying documentation.

Zoological reserves

One of the subspecies of biological reserves is zoological. Its main task is to protect animals from the negative effects of the environment and humans.That is, it is intended to increase the population of a certain type of animals. But how is this goal achieved?nature reserve

First of all, a moratorium on hunting is introduced, and at any time of the year. In addition, environmental services are constantly ensuring that no one violates this ban. It should be noted that they quite often have to deal with poachers, because increasing the number of animals sooner or later attracts their attention.

In addition, various techniques are also being introduced on the territory of the sanctuaries that contribute to improving the life of animals. For example, huntsmen build various types of feeders, capable of providing animals with food even in the most hungry winters.

Botanical reserves

A botanical, or plant, wildlife sanctuary is another subspecies of the biological conservation zone. As the name suggests, its main task is to protect certain plant families.state reserves

At the same time, unlike the reserve, the reserve protects plants from any negative influence: whether it is a person or nature itself. For example, if a protected species is in danger from herbivores, then it is protected from them.

Also, a person sometimes independently regulates the rate of reproduction of plants. To do this, he can use artificial fertilizers, modified seeds or chemicals that protect crops from pests.

Landscape reserve

So, a landscape nature reserve is a certain part of a territory that bears an aesthetic or geological value. By and large, such environmental complexes are open to any type of human activity. With the exception of those that are able to somehow change the landscape or relief of the area.national parks reserves

For example, in a landscape reserve, agricultural and land reclamation, as well as any types of construction, are prohibited, unless they are aimed at preserving this section of the territory.

It should also be noted the fact that these objects do not have a fixed period of existence. They can be compared with exhibits in the museum, the main purpose of which is to educate people.

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