
State duty for a new passport. Details for payment of state duty on a passport

Despite the notorious crisis, which only a lazy or complete optimist does not remember, our citizens do not deny themselves the pleasure of traveling abroad. However, those who did not manage to get a passport before the onset of 2015, faced with an unpleasant surprise in the form of an increase in fees. How much will the state duty for a passport cost today and how can it be paid? We will answer these and other questions below.

State duty for a passport

Which passport to choose

Today, citizens traveling abroad can choose one of two options: apply for an old-style passport or acquire a new one with biometric characteristics. Its difference lies in the fact that on the title page there is a microchip in which the basic information about the owner (name, year of birth, gender, place of birth, personal signature, digital photo) is laid down. In addition, they scan the papillary patterns of the index finger (if it is impossible to do this - any other finger) of the hand. The old-style passport, accordingly, contains the same information (except for fingerprints), only on paper.

Advantages and disadvantages

It should be noted that both of these documents are absolutely equivalent from a legal point of view, that is, no country in the world will be able to refuse entry to the territory on the grounds that your passport does not contain biometric parameters.

State duty for a new passport

As for the pros and cons, the old-style passport document, due to the lack of technical difficulties, will be available after submitting the application much faster than the biometric, the production of which will take longer. However, a passport, including biometric characteristics, will serve its owner for 10 years, while the usual passport containing information on paper will be valid only 5.

The changes in the tax code that were introduced in July 2014 approved new state duties on the passport. They come into force in January 2015.

State Duty Amount

Receipt. State duty on a passport

In order to get a passport, you must pay a state fee. The collection is carried out by the bodies of the FMS, while the amount for an adult and for a child who has not yet reached the age of 14 will not be the same. For an adult, the state duty for a new passport will be 3,500 thousand rubles. In the event that a passport is issued without biometric characteristics, you will have to spend 2,000 rubles.

State duty for a passport for children under 14 years old

One of the conditional minuses of the passport of the new sample is that information about children cannot be entered into it. In order for a child who has not yet reached the age of fourteen to be able to go abroad, he will have to issue a separate passport. The state duty for a new passport in this case will be 1,500 rubles. If you are going to get your child an old-style passport, then you will have to pay 1000 rubles.

Payment of state duty for a passport

Sample state duty on a passport

In order to avoid further misunderstandings, paying state fees, you must follow a few simple rules. First of all, it should be noted that on the territory of Russia payment of the state duty for a passport is possible only in branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. When you contact another bank, they will simply refuse to make a payment.Another point worth paying attention to is that the state duty for a passport should be paid at the branch of the bank that serves the area where the FMS is located. This is due to the fact that after payment, funds are transferred through treasury accounts, and, as a rule, their details are different for different departments of the federal migration service.

Another point worth paying attention to: how is the receipt filled. The state duty for a passport must be paid by the person for whom the document will be issued. And even if the passport is issued for a three-year-old child, then in the column "payer" should be indicated exactly his data.

The receipt or other document confirming the payment must be certified by the seal of the bank. Validity is three years.

Details for payment of state duty of a passport

Details for payment of state duty of a passport

Before you start filling out the payment form, you need to clarify the necessary details in the department of the FMS where you are going to receive the document. The fact is that these data differ from each other in different regions. A sample state duty for a passport can be found on the websites of the FMS in your region. Details can also be specified there. As a rule, the receipt indicates:

  • FULL NAME. payer;
  • his address;
  • Bank details;
  • CSC (budget classification code) for old-style passports, it may differ in different regions, and for biometrics it is the same throughout Russia;
  • amount;
  • date, signature.

Please note that the fields of the correspondent / account, TIN and number of the personal account of the payer are not filled in the receipt, and the column “payment name” is different for the old and new passport. If a state duty for a new passport is paid, then it must be specified that a biometric passport is being processed. If payment is made for an old-style passport, this is also indicated.

Other payment methods

Payment of state duty for a passport

In addition to the transfer to a bank branch, payment can be made in several other ways.

1. Payment through a self-service terminal is an easy and convenient way. Its advantage lies in the fact that all payment details are entered and updated automatically, the payer can only provide his personal data. In the event that the payment amount exceeds the state duty, the difference will be transferred to the payer's mobile device account.

2. Various Internet services also provide similar services. In order to use them, you need to register and pay through your personal account. To do this, in the “payments” tab, you need to find the point where duties and other budget operations are carried out, select the “FMS” item, the type of payment (state duty for the passport). Then enter the requested data and click "Pay." Check the data on the computer screen again, and if everything is correct, confirm the operation. After that, you can print the check. However, before using such a service, it is worthwhile to clarify with the FMS whether such a payment will be valid. In some regions, the absence of a bank seal on a printed receipt may lead to a refusal to issue a document.

State duty refund

According to the law, the already paid state duty can be returned in two cases:

  • if the amount paid exceeds the statutory amount (this can happen if a person was going to get a biometric passport, but for some reason changed his mind and got an old-style passport), a part of the state duty is refunded;
  • if the territorial body of the FMS refused to issue a passport to a citizen, then the amount is fully refunded.

It should be noted that the deadline for returning the state duty is limited to the period of its validity, that is, three calendar years, and if you did not take care to return the amount paid during this time, then you will not be able to do this in the future.

New state duties on a passport

To return the state fee, you must write an application in any form to the head of the FMS department to which you belong, either by registration or place of residence. It must be indicated in it that the paid service was either not provided or was not provided in full. By attaching to the application an extract confirming payment of the state duty (this document must be certified by the bank that carried out the operation) and having endorsed it with the head of the department, you can transfer documents to the accounting department. It is also necessary to provide an account number where, in the absence of questions, money will be transferred. If the amount is returned in full, then it is necessary to provide genuine documents, if only part of the amount is refunded, then you can limit yourself to copies. If the decision is positive, the funds must be credited to the indicated account within a month after submitting the application.

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