
What are the job responsibilities of the seller?

Field of activity any seller is associated with trade, where something is sold and bought. In order for the work to be carried out clearly and correctly, specific job responsibilities for employees are developed. They are drawn up in the form of a document called a job description. The heads of the unit make it up for sales consultants and senior sellers, cashiers.

Job description of trade workers

seller's duties

The contents of the job description for trade workers in various positions may be slightly different, but there are many identical points, the observance of which is mandatory for everyone. The instruction is printed out, signed by the management and stored in the personnel department, the second copy is issued to the employee personally. Compliance with their functional duties is an indispensable condition when working in the company.

The preparation and presentation of the job description for sellers is assigned to the personnel department. At present, there is no single standard for the creation of such documents. Based on this, each company can independently develop and legitimize the duties of a trade employee, depending on the field of activity, degree of responsibility, and other reasons.

Features of the work of a sales assistant

The load among all sellers is distributed evenly, but sales consultant responsibilities will contain a few additional items. They determine the measure of responsibility and duties for a given profession.

You need to understand that the seller-consultant is not just a seller. He must understand the assortment of goods of the company, be able to identify consumer needs, work with objections and bear material responsibility for all products. Today, this profession is considered one of the most sought after, but truly talented sellers who know their job, you can count on the fingers.

Main tasks assigned to sales consultants

Any job responsibilities of a sales consultant carry three main tasks - the sale of goods, the implementation of the sales plan and the competent identification of the needs of the buyer.

job descriptions of the cashier’s sellerIn addition, the sales assistant must satisfy the following requirements:

  • the presence of secondary specialized education;
  • the age of the candidate must not exceed 35 years;
  • good looks and neatness;
  • focus on results, as the main income is formed on the basis of the percentage of the sales plan.

Of course, a competent sales consultant must be well versed in the product, know its specifics and characteristics. An important factor is the ability to win over a person, interest him and bring the conversation to the main result - payment for the purchase at the checkout.

The specifics of the work and responsibilities of the sales consultant

store seller's duties

The job description of the seller-consultant is formed based on the specifics of the work and its main responsibilities, namely:

  • display of goods, control over the replenishment of the shop window and the presence of missing units;
  • the presence of the correct price on the price tag;
  • tracking the timing of product sales;
  • calculation according to the size range;
  • the cleanliness of the trading floor and the assortment of goods in it;
  • reception and unpacking of goods;
  • sticker of price tags and protective magnets;
  • sales at the checkout with the issuance of a check and warranty card;
  • processing returns in compliance with all consumer rights;
  • preparation of the trading floor for seasonal sales and current promotions;
  • inventory taking.

Sales consultants undergo many trainings, where they are trained in sales skills, communication with customers and other nuances of work. It is very important to be an outgoing and responsible employee, so that the client has a desire to return to the store again. Competent service and unobtrusive delicacy are the main features of any seller.

Features of the work of the seller-cashier

Job descriptions and the employment contract form the main job descriptions of the seller-cashier. They prescribe the specific labor functions of the employee, which reflect all aspects of his activities.

senior seller job responsibilities

The functional duties of the seller-cashier include:

  • work in a specially designated section of the store where the cashier-seller can serve customers, receive money and write checks;
  • management cash book collection, responsibility for the operation of the cash register;
  • acceptance of goods, participation in the inventory, tracking of the missing goods and their timely order;
  • transfer of goods and equipment between branches with the mandatory signature of a document - acceptance certificate;
  • responsibility for the cleanliness and cleaning of their sector, the availability of the necessary goods;
  • compliance with the etiquette of communication with customers, informing them of all current promotions and special offers;
  • acceptance of objections, including registration of the return of goods in accordance with the relevant instructions.

These are far from all the official duties of the seller-cashier, as they are formed on an individual basis, depending on the specific activities of each enterprise or company separately.

job responsibilities of a food seller

The specifics of the senior seller

Such professions as the administrator or manager of the sales area, the head of the section, can be classified as senior sellers. At least their responsibilities will be similar. As a rule, ordinary sellers who have shown an excellent level of their work, sales and plan fulfillment have been awarded such an honor. Such employees, of course, have more responsibility.

Each senior seller fulfills his duties on the basis of those requirements that are prescribed by management in accordance with the scope of the company. However, a single list can be distinguished:

  • control over the work of other sellers, including cashiers and sales consultants (the number of 10 people is considered optimal in submission);
  • timely display of goods, replenishment of the assortment, the correct layout and accounting for expiration dates;
  • write-off and ordering of a new consignment of goods, revaluation, revision and collection;
  • work with regular customers.

Such official duties of the seller, who belongs to the category of seniors, are identical for stores selling products, spare parts, clothes and all other types of goods.

Work with groceries

As mentioned earlier, the official duties of the seller of the store are formed solely on the basis of the specific activities of the enterprise or organization. However, the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" is identical for all categories and should be implemented without any exceptions. Nevertheless, the duties of the seller non food items will always differ from the duties of a sales employee involved in the sale of food products.

official duties of a clothing seller

For general reference, you can list the main duties of the seller of food products:

  • compliance with the rules for the sale of goods in accordance with applicable sanitary standards;
  • expiration date control;
  • the correct layout of various categories of goods (fish and milk should not be on the same shelf);
  • monitoring the availability of the necessary certificates and quality standards for each category of goods, as well as documents confirming permission to sell;
  • knowledge of the entire range to provide the buyer with any information of interest to him.

Of course, relevant trainings and educational programs are held, as food sellers have a high responsibility for their work and the health of customers.

Non-Food Sellers

The sphere of trade is very extensive, and non-food products play a huge role in it. All of us in everyday life need quality things and a number of other items. To summarize the information, you can consider the job responsibilities of the clothing seller, which will be identical for all sellers in this category:

  1. Monitoring the availability of an appropriate size range of clothing assortment.
  2. Participation in the inventory and display of goods and their labeling.
  3. Proper customer advice.
  4. Competent communication with visitors to the store.
  5. Neat appearance.
  6. Work with a client from greeting to calculating at the checkout.consultant seller job responsibilities

Responsibilities of sellers of all categories

To summarize, we can say that the job responsibilities of the seller are the key to success for the employee personally and for the whole company. It is not for nothing that the leadership is developing these points, which should be carried out implicitly. Only in this way can you set your employee to a high result, make him disciplined and responsible.

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