
The system of public authorities. The system of state authorities of the Russian Federation

System authorities in the Russian Federation, it operates on the basis of principles that may have signs of similarity with foreign models, as well as determine the isolation of the Russian concept of the organization of political governance. What is the specificity of the activity of state power in our country? What are the basic principles of interaction between federal and regional political institutions?

System definition

What is a system of public authorities? In accordance with the widespread definition, it should be understood as a set of power structures through which political institutions carry out their key functions: issuing and enforcing laws, maintaining external and domestic politics economic development. If we talk about democratic regimes, the system of government bodies functions thanks to mechanisms that change and update relevant political structures, such as, for example, a pluralistic party model or alternative elections in the framework of several candidates.

Features of the Russian system

The system of public authorities in the Russian Federation operates on the basis of a number of principles that, in some aspects, generalize it with foreign models, but at the same time also determine its noticeable isolation. Among the principles common between Russian and Western political systems is the separation of powers. The fact is that the bodies that exercise state power in democratic regimes are divided into those that reflect the legislative aspect of activity, those that function as executive, as well as those that perform judicial functions.

Government system

Among the principles of activity of political governance structures specific to the Russian Federation, some experts highlight the unity of the power system. The fact is that in many other states the functions and powers of state authorities at the level of the political center can be carried out on the basis of algorithms that differ significantly from those that are characteristic, for example, of processes at the level of entities (states, lands).

In Russia, the organization of power at all levels is generally very similar. However, it is worth noting that, according to the Constitution of the country, local self-government in the Russian Federation is separated from state. This scheme has also been implemented in many other countries where municipalities are functioning sufficiently independently of the capital’s political institutions. But local governments are somehow accountable to the center. As a rule, they interact with municipal structures within the framework of criteria that determine the separation of powers.

Classification of authorities

Let us consider what are the criteria for classifying political structures within which a public administration system operates in the Russian Federation. So, in particular, there are elected bodies of state power of the Russian Federation (these are the State Duma, the President, legislative bodies in the regions), as well as those that are formed on the basis of the principles laid down in the legislation on public service and labor law.

Another basis for the classification of authorities is the nature of the regulatory framework.So, there are structures that are established at the level of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and regions (or, if we are talking about areas, based on the Charters), and there are those that are formed by law (for example, these are election commissions), by virtue of acts of the President of Russia or decisions of the Government, as well as other sources of law at the level of orders of ministries.

In composition, the state authorities of the Russian Federation are single-handed - represented by the President or heads of regions, as well as collective (executive bodies). Depending on the level of the political process, federal structures or corresponding institutions are distinguished at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regarding the bodies of the first type: this is the President, the Federal Assembly (which consists of two different-level chambers, the upper - the Council of the Federation and the lower - the State Duma), the Government, as well as the highest judicial bodies.

Federal government bodies

At the level of subjects, the system of public authorities is determined, according to the legislation, independently, but with mandatory compliance with those legal norms that are provided for by the Constitution of Russia. Thus, in the regions of the Russian Federation there is legislative, supplementing its executive, as well as judicial power, the structure of which is generally similar to the model adopted by the center. Let's consider what are the features of the Russian model of separation of powers.

Legislative bodies

The system of public authorities in Russia, if we talk about its legislative branch, is represented by the following key structures:

  • Federal Assembly;
  • legislative, popular, regional state assemblies (parliaments) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The supreme body of state power

The main specificity of these bodies is that they (fully or within a chamber) in all cases are elected by the population of a particular region or country as a whole. An exception is the highest organ of state power in its considered branch, i.e., the Federal Assembly.

The people elected the composition of only its lower house - the State Duma. The upper one, the Council of Federations, is formed on the basis of the appointment of leaders to the appropriate position. It can be noted that government bodies that enact laws subjects of federation not directly accountable to the Federal Assembly. This, as analysts note, is largely a consequence of their elective nature. Those legal acts that are adopted in the regions should first of all correspond to the local interests of the population.

Executive structures

The system of state executive bodies in Russia is also represented at several levels. At the federal level, this is the Government of the Russian Federation; at the regional level, there are presidents and heads of subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, and ministries.

The system of public authorities in the Russian Federation

Moreover, all executive structures in the regions are accountable to the center. And this is their difference, for example, from the legislative branch of power, in which the parliaments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are not directly dependent on the Federal Assembly. The place and role of the President of the Russian Federation in relation to the functions of the executive bodies is the subject of frequent discussions. A little later we will consider the corresponding aspect.

Judicial branch in the Russian Federation

This branch of power in the Russian Federation includes courts represented in the following types of institutions:

  • Constitutional Court of Russia;
  • Supreme and other federal courts;
  • organs in the subjects.

The system of state authorities of the Russian Federation

In aggregate, all structures within the framework of the corresponding branch of power form the judicial system of Russia.

Are authorities outside the system?

Some experts note that the system of public authorities in the Russian Federation at the federal level includes structures that are difficult to relate to others in terms of subordination or delineation of powers. For example, the Russian Prosecutor’s Office is considered by many analysts as an independent authority. A similar assessment is present in relation to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.Although in both cases, the common point of view is objectionable in the expert community.

Some analysts believe that the system of government bodies of the Russian Federation should be reformed in such a way that none of the political structures is outside the jurisdiction of the three main branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial. It can also be noted that the system of government bodies of the Russian Federation includes structures that are called upon to perform auxiliary or, for example, advisory functions, complementing the activities of the main political structures. These include, in particular, the Presidential Administration and the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation

The balance of powers between the head of state and the Government of the Russian Federation is a frequent occasion for discussion. Many experts believe that the President of the Russian Federation is not just the supreme body of state power, but also the actual head of the executive branch, as well as the entire political management system of the state. And this is despite the fact that his powers are sufficiently limited by the Constitution. Thus, if we follow this point of view, the federal government bodies that are classified as executive are represented by several subjects of government at once - the President and the Government.

State authorities of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the head of state is called upon to provide general guidance in relation to the Government. At the same time, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, who heads the corresponding executive structure, has similar powers. Speaking, therefore, about the principle of unity in the system of state power in Russia, some experts are inclined to understand this phenomenon as pronounced vertical subordination, in this case, observed in the interaction of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the country. It is also widespread that the head of the Russian state is not part of any of the three branches of government. This is due, experts say, to the specifics of his powers, defined at the level of various legal acts.

The President of the Russian Federation is a source of power, according to many analysts, who assumes accountability to him for most of the other structures of political governance. And therefore, the quality of the functioning of the entire power system depends on how efficiently the head of state conducts his work. Consider the specifics of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation in more detail.

The specifics of the activities of the President of the Russian Federation

According to a widespread point of view, based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other laws, the main political role of the President of Russia is in coordinating the functions of other public authorities, which allows the entire mechanism of political governance to work effectively.

What are the key areas of activity of the President of the Russian Federation? First of all, the head of state is directly involved in the process in which federal government bodies are formed. Also, the President of the Russian Federation is one of the subjects of the legislative initiative. Many laws discussed in the Federal Assembly are initiated by the head of state.

Among the most important powers of the President of the Russian Federation is ensuring the effective functioning of the executive authorities. Actually, this aspect of the head of state’s activity gives rise to many experts to believe that the President is also a subject of the executive branch.

The system of state executive bodies

The significant role of the head of state in the aspect of the functioning of the political system on a national scale, analysts believe, is due to another important role of the President, which is prescribed in the legislation - ensuring the implementation of the powers of federal bodies throughout the Russian Federation.

Among the powers specific to the head of state are foreign policy, and addressing key national defense issues.In this sense, the President of the Russian Federation, as many experts believe, is a key figure in the system of political power in Russia.

Let us now consider examples of the most important functions and powers of the head of state of the Russian Federation.

Functions and powers of the President of the Russian Federation

Among the significant functions that the President of the Russian Federation is called upon to perform by law is the appointment of elections to the lower house of the Federal Assembly (due to the expiration of the powers of deputies or due to the dissolution of the State Duma).

Another major function of the head of state is to sign federal laws. None of the acts of the corresponding type will come into force unless the head of state signs it. At the same time, the President has a veto over federal laws.

The head of state in Russia is one of the key actors in the budget process. And this despite the undoubtedly high role of economic structures in the Government. In practice, the President of the Russian Federation can exercise the appropriate type of authority by issuing budget messages to the competent authorities.

The powers of the head of state in Russia are realized through the establishment of a number of auxiliary political institutions. Such as, for example, the Representative Office of the President in the State Duma and the Federation Council. Through these structures, the activities of state authorities at the level of the legislative process and the work of the head of the Russian state can be carried out within the framework of common priorities in the management of the country.

Consider, in turn, the aspect that reflects the interaction of the President and those structures that are traditionally traditionally referred to as executive. As we noted above, many experts believe that the head of the Russian state is the subject of the executive branch of government. Analysts consider it possible to formulate this thesis based on the following powers vested in the President of the Russian Federation:

  • The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, who heads the Government, is appointed by the head of state (however, with the consent of the State Duma);
  • Deputy Prime Ministers, as well as ministers, are also appointed by the President (however, at the suggestion of the Prime Minister);
  • The Chairman of the Government is obliged, within a week after his appointment, to submit precisely to the head of state a proposal reflecting the structure of the ministries;
  • The President of the Russian Federation has the right to make a decision according to which the Government may be dismissed;
  • The head of state has the right to participate in government meetings as chairman.

Also, some experts pay attention to the wording in article 115 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. There, in particular, it is said that the President of the Russian Federation can cancel legal acts issued by the Government if they contradict the basic law of the country, federal sources, as well as decrees of the head of state.

Another aspect of the influence of the President of the Russian Federation on the structures of the executive branch can be traced in defense matters. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the head of state is also vested with the powers of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army. That is, through decrees, the President of the Russian Federation can make decisions within the framework of competencies inherent in the Ministry of Defense and other bodies whose activities are relevant to the corresponding group of issues.

We examined how the President of the Russian Federation interacts with legislative and executive bodies. Now we will touch upon the aspect regarding the correlation of powers between the head of the Russian state and judicial structures. In relation to them, the President of the Russian Federation has the right:

  • provide the Federation Council with the candidatures of judges in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
  • to appoint judges of a number of federal judicial structures, as well as institutions of general jurisdiction, arbitration, military instances (on the proposal of the President of the Supreme Court;
  • issue decrees in accordance with which the material and technical support of institutions is carried out within the framework of the corresponding branch of power;
  • make decisions on clemency.

Thus, we see that the President of the Russian Federation is a subject of state power, the activity of which is characterized by an exceptionally broad group of powers.

Aspects of unity

There is also a discussion in the Russian expert community regarding what is the unity of the system of government bodies. We have indicated above that this phenomenon most often means the uniformity of the key principles of the organization of political governance, as well as the accountability of many regional authorities to the federal ones.

The main subject of discussion among experts is the differentiation of powers between various management structures. Despite the fact that the state authorities of local self-government, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, must function separately from state ones, in practice there are cases when the key executive decisions at the level of political processes in the municipalities are made by state executive bodies (which, in turn, are accountable to the federal).

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