
How and where to apply for an old age pension, disability. How to get an old-age pension

Labor pensions in Russia appeared thanks to Emperor Nicholas I, who instructed to pay permanent benefits to government officials and military officers. More than 200 years have passed since then, and the system under consideration has improved significantly. Now the right to receive social pension payments is received by all citizens who have official insurance experience and have reached the appropriate age. In addition, new types of social benefits have appeared.

Russian pensioners receive mandatory monthly social payments, to which they acquire rights starting from the age of 60 for men and 55 years for women, but subject to the availability of insurance work experience of 5 calendar years or more.

Consider how to apply for a pension in Russia, taking into account all legislative requirements and rules. The labor pension of the older age group (citizens who were born before 1966) consists of 2 components: insurance and basic. But the citizens of the younger age group, who were born after 1966, also add the funded part of the payment.

Unfortunately, our compatriots often do not know how to apply for a pension correctly. Let's try to conduct a brief excursion on this issue.

Documentary support of the procedure for registration of social pension payments

how to apply for a pension

The procedure for obtaining a social pension is fixed at the legislative level, and therefore does not represent any difficulties. To apply for social payments, citizens who have reached the required age must apply to the Pension Fund department at their place of residence, write a statement of the appropriate form and submit a package of documents. You need to take the following papers with you:

  • original passport of the applicant;
  • work book or copies of employment contracts;
  • a personalized registration card that confirms a person’s right to receive a pension;
  • if a citizen has children, then it is necessary to provide their birth certificates;
  • information on the level of average income for 5 years before January 2002 or a certificate of pension savings;
  • Military-liable citizens additionally need to bring a military ID with them.

Preparation of documents for registration of the retirement pension

Often, many of us ask ourselves the following question: “How to get a pension as soon as possible, what is needed for this?” We will consider everything in detail. Before a citizen receives a SNILS insurance certificate, the main source of proof of his labor activity is a work book or employment contracts.

However, it is worth remembering that all entries made by the employer in the work book must be made out in accordance with the legislative requirements in force at that time. If the information is incorrect or inaccurate or the workbook is generally absent, then additional documentation must be provided that can confirm the working experience. These may be orders of managers, certificates issued to subordinates, payroll statements, and also personal accounts to which earnings were credited.

In addition to entries in the workbook, seniority can be confirmed by tax authorities' certificates of entrepreneurial activity, as well as certificates from the military enlistment office.In any case, in order to resolve the issue of how to apply for a retirement pension as quickly and simply as possible, it is necessary to consult pension inspectors in advance.

An additional package of documents when applying for a pension

In addition to the mandatory package of securities listed above, the Pension Fund may require additional documentation:

  1. a certificate on the establishment of a disability group with a specified degree of restriction of labor activity;
  2. if there are disabled people among family members, then it is necessary to provide documents (if they are dependent, then you should also have an appropriate certificate about this);
  3. a document on the place of residence or actual location on the territory of Russia;
  4. a document that confirms the residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the country;
  5. documents on the change of personal passport information (full name, etc.).

These documents will be required to apply for a social pension payment. By the same principle, you can apply for a survivor's pension.

Basic requirements for documentation confirming seniority

The Russian legal framework establishes certain requirements for documents that confirm the total length of service:

  • All labor book entries must be justified. That is, it is necessary to note the date of their introduction, as well as the number of the order or instruction.
  • If a citizen changed his last name or first name throughout his life, this fact should be noted in the work book.
  • A record of dismissal from the place of work for one reason or another must be confirmed by the official seal of the institution and the signature of the authorized official.
  • Clarification papers issued by employers must have a stamp in the upper corner, the details of the document are indicated on it, and also the grounds for issuing a certificate are provided. In addition, the document must bear the signature of the head or a person authorized by him, as well as the official stamp.

Where to apply for a pension?

According to the legislative requirements of the Russian Federation, pensions are issued at the nearest PFR office at the actual location of the citizen. Only this state institution can draw up and assign social pension payments to all citizens who receive rights to them upon reaching a certain age, subject to a minimum length of service.

However, Russian law does not exclude participation in the appointment of pension payments by non-state Pension Funds, which operate on a funded basis, with voluntary agreement with a future pensioner.

Non-state pension: what is it and where to apply for it?

Non-state pension appeared in Russia about 15 years ago. You can apply for it at non-state Pension Funds. To do this, you must first conclude an agreement with them. Non-state pension payment is built on the accumulation system. It is worth noting that such a payment is in addition to the main state pension. However, this is not so popular in our country, therefore, for the most part, our citizens do not know where to apply for a pension of non-state significance.

how to get an old-age pension

To receive further additional social payments, a citizen needs to contact any branch of a non-governmental PF and conclude an agreement. Under the terms of this agreement, a person will make certain regular deductions to his personal account for a certain period of time. In turn, the PF will direct these funds to investing in any projects and will make a profit, some of which will be transferred to the client’s savings card.

When working with non-governmental institutions, you must be extremely careful. Therefore, experts advise to additionally insure yourself in case of bankruptcy of the organization. In such a situation, a citizen will still receive his money.But all the same, before applying to non-governmental pension structures, it is necessary to check whether they have a state license and to verify the reliability of the institution.

how apply for an old-age pension and an additional premium to it, you can find out from lawyers and specialists in public and private PF.

Pension payment deadlines

Very often, our fellow citizens are faced with problematic situations that may complicate the appointment of a monthly pension payment. Any retirement fund specialist will advise on how to apply for a pension without any problems.

Employees of the PF recommend that citizens apply for a pension six months before the time it is paid. This will allow specialists to create a mockup of the citizen’s pension business, and he will give him extra time to collect documentation and resolve problem situations.

how to apply for a disability pension

In order to initiate the process of applying for an old-age pension, you must write a statement of the approved form. It can be submitted both personally and with the help of an official representative who holds a notarized power of attorney. It is worth remembering that the application is submitted no earlier than a month before the retirement.

The application is subject to review within 10 days from the date of filing. A pension payment is assigned from the moment of the first visit to the Pension Fund with all the documents, but not earlier than from the day the right to monthly social payments arises. Thus, you can apply for an old-age pension within 10 days if you have all the documents.

Disability pension: what is it and where to apply for it?

Disability pension is a monthly social payment that the state transfers to the account of citizens who, due to various circumstances, are not able to actively carry out labor activities. A disability pension is also issued at the Pension Fund.

The procedure for processing the indicated social payment is the same as for the old-age pension, however, in addition, the citizen will need to provide the Foundation staff with a certificate from the medical institution regarding the assignment of a disability group to it. In some cases, the PF may require an extract from the medical history and the conclusion of a medical examination. However, this fact is warned individually.

You can learn more about how to apply for a disability pension from inspectors at the nearest PF department.

The following may apply for disability pensions:

  • citizens with disabilities of all groups;
  • participants in hostilities;
  • persons who have suffered due to disasters of a man-made or radiation nature;
  • astronauts.

How to apply for an old-age pension to persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation or are considered stateless?

Stateless persons (stateless people) and foreign nationals can apply for an old-age pension in Russia only if they have a residence permit, work permit, and have been living in Russia for a long time.

According to part 3 of Law No. 173-F3 dated 12/17/2011, pensions for foreign respondents are drawn up according to the same principles as for Russian citizens. How to apply for an old-age pension for such categories of citizens, employees of the FMS and PF will tell.

List of documents for registration of age-related pension payments to foreigners

In addition to the main list of securities, the applicant will need to provide the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • residence permit issued by the FMS (this document will confirm the fact that a citizen permanently resides in Russia);
  • certificates from employers (allow you to calculate the insurance period);
  • a certificate from the last official place of work, which confirms the time intervals during which the person worked;
  • characteristics from the place of work.

Often people do not know where they apply for an old-age pension for foreigners, and therefore lose a lot of time and money.It is necessary to attend to this issue in advance. By the way, after applying for a pension in the Pension Fund, a citizen can contact the nearest social security department. There he will be additionally provided with a social card for reduced fare (in some regions) and a regional allowance will be established for the main amount of the pension.

About how to assign a pension in different regions, in particular, apply for retirement in Moscow, you can find out from the specialists of the nearest branch of the FIU.

How will a social pension be calculated from 2015?

apply for a survivor's pensionIn December 2013, Russian deputies approved new federal laws “On funded pensions” and “On insurance pension payments”.

According to their main provisions, the current regulations on pension provision changes will be made that will take effect in January 2015.

From this moment, the calculation of age-related pension payments will be carried out according to the new scheme. The final payment amount will consist of the personal accumulative part of the citizen, state payment and the cost of additional pension points.

Pension score acts as an additional coefficient. It depends on the size of the citizen’s earnings, his age and total length of service. If a person has already crossed the threshold of retirement age, but still continues to work actively, then his coefficient will be significantly increased.

Due to the emergence of a new coefficient, labor pensions of citizens will be recounted. In general, they promise to increase the average level of pension payments from 11,600 rubles. in April 2014 to 12,400 rubles. by March 2015. Therefore, this year we should expect an increase in pension payments by an average of 800 rubles.

New pension policy. What categories of pensioners will she touch?

The new calculation characteristics will affect absolutely all categories of pensioners, except for those citizens who receive a minimum rate of social payment due to the absence of seniority, and disability pensioners. And some categories of Russian pensioners will receive not only an increase in the basic payment, but also additional allowances. Also, some simplification in paperwork comes into force.

For information on how to apply for a disability pension, contact the fund. Basically, according to experts, from 2015 the amount of the pension payment will directly depend on the total length of service, the age of the pensioner and the date of retirement. The later a person leaves for a well-deserved rest, the higher the amount of payments he will expect.

Pension Innovation 2015

where do you get old-age pension?

  • For those women who have reached retirement age on January 1, 2015, additional retirement points will be set, provided that they have more than 4 children. During the period of caring for the first child, 1.8 points will be awarded, for the second - 3.6 points, for the third and subsequent - 5.4 points. Also, 6 years that the woman spent on parental leave will be included in the total length of service. You can find out how to apply for a pension under the new legislative requirements in the department of the state PF.
  • Additional allowances will be accrued to agricultural workers who have an insurance experience of over 30 years and permanently reside in rural areas. In addition, they will be accrued by a regular military man who has retired by age, and to all law enforcement officers whose experience exceeds 10 years.
  • All will be saved early retirement pensions according to the length of service, benefits to large parents and mothers of persons with disabilities.
  • All regional and special factors (work in the Far North, work in hazardous industries, etc.) will not be canceled.
  • The procedure for applying for certain types of social pensions has been simplified. For example, it will be possible to apply for a survivor's pension several times faster.

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