
Complaint to the doctor of the clinic: sample. How to write a complaint about a doctor?

When you or your loved ones are sick, life takes on a gray tint and is filled with disappointments. It is especially disappointing to be disappointed in the professionalism of people or the whole system from which you expect help.

patient complaints to doctors

It is no secret to anyone that the health care system in our country is constantly in development and under the control of senior officials, nevertheless, every year more and more citizens are dissatisfied with it. We live in a democratic, civilized country and counting on the attentive, respectful attitude and competent help of health workers is our right. One of the options for finding a solution to your problem is a complaint to a doctor or medical institution.

Portrait of the doctor whom the patient wants to see

At least once in a lifetime, everyone was in the role of a patient and made up his mind about doctors. The doctor is a very complex, necessary and prestigious profession. Doctors are intelligent, smart and helpful people. At all times, the profession of a doctor was honorable in Russia.

Seeking help, a person expects to find a smart, qualified, responsive and attentive specialist. The character of the doctor should be solid, but at the same time, he should be sympathetic to patients and their diseases. The doctor must be sociable and sociable. He should never stop learning and engage in self-education in a professional way. A good doctor should be adamant in his principles and ideas regarding the value of human health.doctor complaint

Unfortunately, not all doctors fully fit this description, the actions or omissions of some violate one of the main commandments - “Do no harm”. In this case, the patient has the right to assert his rights by complaining about a negligent specialist.

Reasons for complaints

doctor complaint sample

The reasons for the patient’s dissatisfaction can be different actions or the lack of necessary actions by the doctor. Each complaint to the doctor is examined individually. According to statistics, the most common complaints are for the following reasons:

  • medical assistance was very "late";
  • the doctor made an erroneous diagnosis;
  • the doctor refused to accept the patient;
  • negligence and callousness;
  • the doctor has prescribed the wrong treatment;
  • the patient's condition worsened;
  • the cost of a doctor;
  • the doctor has performed an unsuccessful procedure or operation;
  • the doctor was rude to the patient.

Any complaint to a doctor is a complaint to the hospital. The entire institution and its operating procedure automatically receive a negative rating. Also, the patient may write a complaint not to a specific doctor, but to the entire medical institution. For example, when it is impossible to make an appointment or receive a coupon, endless lines or the absence of a highly specialized specialist. Any of the above reasons, as well as other deviations from the standards of service in outpatient clinics are grounds for filing a complaint.

Complaint or appeal

Before you write a complaint to a doctor, you should make sure that his guilt is present. Do not blame and slander an innocent person. If the reason for your dissatisfaction is not gross, negligence or extortion, and you only suspect the doctor of incompetence, it is worth filling out not a complaint, but an appeal. complaint to the head doctor

This document is also valid and should be considered, but it is more friendly and constructive. The appeal is written in the name of the head doctor, the name and contacts of the applicant are indicated, the problem that caused the appeal is described. The heading says "appeal", and at the end there should be a question or request for an explanation of the situation.

Each patient chooses a method of exposure.The submitted appeal or complaint to the doctor of the clinic will be considered and decisions will be made, and the patient will be officially notified. But it happens that it is the patient who is to blame for what happened, his ignorance, failure to comply with the doctor’s instructions or excessive requirements for a specialist. It is definitely necessary to seek justice, not to be indifferent to the problems of medicine, but only if you are confident in your rightness. In other cases, in order to save your own nerves, it is better to pay attention to your problem in handling, and not in the complaint.

Write or scream

Resentment, misunderstanding, anger and other emotions overwhelm the patient when he feels that the doctor does not intend to deal with his health. Offended by all health care and a specific doctor, the patient wants to speak out and punish the offender. There are people who are used to solving everything on the ground, making noise and demanding justice. The oral version of the complaint is also entitled to consideration, but which is better - oral or written?how to write a complaint about a doctor

The complaint against the doctor of the clinic, in whatever form it may be, should reach the hospital management. The head of the department or the head physician is also required to listen to the oral complaint and take action.

A written complaint is more formal and requires an internal investigation and a formal response. If you have to go further in the courts, a written complaint about the doctor and an official response to it is the first step. The complaint will be registered, it will be more difficult to “shrug it off” from it.

Complaint to the doctor of the clinic. Sample document

When health is at stake, the patient can only hope for competence, attentiveness of the doctor and a favorable combination of circumstances. write a complaint to the doctor of the clinicSeeking the help of a doctor, everyone is counting on a “miracle”: a lack of a queue, free medicine, encouraging forecasts and a speedy recovery. But it happens that instead of a miracle, the patient receives a neglect, lack of explanation and even just a human relationship. In order to somehow get attention to his problem, achieve justice and rehabilitate in his own eyes, the patient is forced to write a complaint to the doctor of the clinic.

In the medical institution there should be a stand indicating the names and positions. Also on it, the patient will be able to find contact numbers of employees of various structures responsible for working with complaints of citizens.

If there is no stand with information, for which the clinic must be punished, but a complaint is formulated against the doctor, a sample is not required, the main thing is to take into account the most important points. Like any document addressed to the official, the complaint does not have strict spelling rules, but has the following recommendations:

  • in the upper right corner you should write the name and position of the person you are calling to consider your claim;
  • below, the citizen indicates his name and contacts;
  • the word “Complaint” is written in the middle of the line;
  • The reason for the complaint is described. It is advisable to indicate everything that happens without unnecessary emotions, in chronological order;
  • indicate the actions that the citizen took to solve his problem, name and position of the health workers involved;
  • write requirements;
  • put the number, signature and decryption.

The complaint can be printed on the printer or written by hand.

Please note that a complaint against a doctor cannot be ignored. The sample above will help you structure your claim.

Who to complain to the doctor?

Any citizen should know how to write a complaint about a doctor, to whom it should be transmitted. Well, if this knowledge is not useful, but they will not be superfluous.Clinic complaint

You can write a complaint at the clinic and transfer it personally to the person in charge, the person who accepted should register it as an incoming appeal (by putting the date and signature on the patient’s copy). You can also send a complaint by registered mail or leave a request or comment in electronic format on the site. In subsequent appeals, as well as in the case of a court, refer to all correspondence.

It is believed that it is better to seek justice "without jumping over your head", but gradually go through all instances. But there are no strict rules, everyone decides for himself what to do.Let's consider two options:

1. If the patient or his relatives intend to complain about the action or inaction of the ordinary doctor of the clinic, the complaint must be transferred to the head doctor of that medical institution. The duties of the head physician include control over the work of employees, so he is interested in order in the institution entrusted to him. If the patient did not accept the result of the complaint, or he did not receive it at all, you should contact the Health Department of your city. If you cannot find support at the local level, contact the Ministry of Health, Roszdravnadzor or the prosecutor’s office. Be sure to attach copies of documents and copies of decisions of previous instances.

2. You can go from the opposite and immediately contact the Department or the Ministry. In this case, the complaint will go down from top to bottom, but the head physician will still solve the problem. At the same time, each official informs the applicant and the higher authority about the work done by him and the decision made.

Help policy

In our country, every citizen, regardless of age, must have a compulsory health insurance policy. These policies are free of charge and entitle you to receive free medical services at municipal hospitals throughout the country.Clinic complaint

The insurance company in which the patient received the policy is obliged to come to the rescue. Patient complaints about doctors are dealt with in a special department of the insurance company, with the appointment of a commission.

The insurance company is designed to protect the interests of the insured citizen, it is an independent expert and must provide assistance to its ward (clarify, monitor, offer an alternative, etc.). A client can contact their insurance company by phone. If the insurance company does not cope with its duties, the citizen has the right to change it.

How to complain about the chief doctor of the clinic

Patients usually communicate with ordinary doctors, but sometimes a conflict arises between the patient or his relatives and the head physician of the clinic. It is very unpleasant when a situation occurs, after which the patient draws up a document such as a complaint to the clinic doctor. The sample complaint against the head doctor does not differ from the complaint against his subordinate. It should contain data of those to whom and from whom the complaint is sent; the essence of the claim and the signature of the applicant.

One obvious amendment is that a complaint about a head physician is filed directly with the City Department or the Ministry of Health. If the complaint is based on a financial issue (bribe, extortion), it is necessary to address your complaint to the Prosecutor's Office.

Complaint Preparation Tips

A few tips to help the patient correctly make a claim:

  • as detailed as possible, but without unnecessary emotions, describe the essence of the problem. Indicate the date of the appeal, what complaints led you to the doctor, what he recommended, etc.
  • make a complaint in a respectful manner; do not use profanity;
  • the head of the department will probably justify his employee and may not give a further move to the complaint. It makes sense to transfer it directly to the head physician;
  • by submitting a complaint to the head doctor or to a higher authority, you can duplicate the appeal to your insurance company. Thus, another independent organization will monitor the progress of the proceedings;
  • when filing a complaint, it will not be out of place to refer to articles of the Constitution and the Criminal Code governing health issues.

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Reason for complaint
Hello . I live in Odintsovo, in a children's clinic I need to go through honey with a child. commission. for kindergarten, I can’t get to narrow specialists, because doctor-pediatrician M. Magoramova writes it is impossible to register, and time is running out. What to do.?
Hello. Today, 26 03 18 had << fortune >> to visit the district clinic of Murashi. My wife injured her wrist. From 8:00 we stood in queues in the registry, then in the office of the surgeon. But this is not so scary, everyone is sick of the queue. But the attitude of the surgeon comrade Negorelov simply killed. The spouse went into the office and outlined the essence of the problem: severe sharp pain in the wrist may cause a fracture, to which this undersurgeon answered go to the gynecologist and then to me. The wife complained that she could not endure the pain and that she could not walk around the offices. Negorelov answered that it hurts me too !!!!!! How is that? As a result, we get into the car and drive to the regional center of Kirov for 100 km. an appointment with a doctor. It’s what a king has wound up who decides who to accept who is not. Yes, I will die, but I will not turn to such a doctor, to drive such comrades the Negorelovs
Hello, I, as the civilian staff of the ZVO Headquarters, underwent a medical examination on October 20, 2017 to confirm harmful working conditions at Sadovaya 10, in the diagnostic center. At an ultrasound of the mammary glands for women, doctor Irina Vladimirovna refused to accept us, at first she asked us to wait at the office, we waited 4 hours, but when they asked when they would receive us, the answer was shocking, I want to accept, I want to not accept, I’m tired of you. We could not get to her, but without an ultrasound of the mammary glands, the gynecologist does not accept. What kind of boorish attitude in this center towards patients?
Good day. I went to the children's clinic "call a doctor to the house" with complaints of coughing and a runny nose, the doctor refused to come to us and make the baby worse. the child has no temperature! After that, I again called “calling a doctor at home” to specify which doctor was on duty, during the conversation I was told that the doctor would come.
From 10 a.m. to 24 p.m., the doctor did not come; she did not answer calls.
What should I do? Where to go?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Good evening! I have such a situation, I don’t know what to do and where to go! I had an unwanted pregnancy, I contacted the lcd for whom to have an abortion, the doctor who advised me began to dissuade me from the vacuum and offered me a pharmaceutical abortion (its price is 2300 plus tests and 200 to the doctor for a consultation) I justified this to why you need anesthesia, now everything is easier !! I naturally agreed. On the same day, she gives me 3 tablets to drink in the office, and sends me home, gives me 2 more tablets that I need to drink in 48 hours, nothing happened at all !!! The abortion did not happen! I told her it called a tale we still feel sorry (it was a weekend) like you come on Monday, I came and did the ultrasound everything is in place! It makes me look like an incomplete miscarriage in the ambulance, and now I’ll clean you quickly with a vacuum and everything will be fine (at the same time everything the cleaning was without anesthesia, as it told me to rub in for 2 minutes, and the length was 2 0, who knows, he will understand what it is)! Then after the whole procedure I was in the ward with infernal pain for about an hour, my sister came in and gave me painkillers and let me go home! It didn’t end there. After a few days I went to the sea I felt normal, but on the 6th day I started bleeding on vacation, I picked it up, she told me she couldn’t buy a tincture of water pepper, and when I get home right away to her! The next daywe instantly go home, I’ve got it to me as if nothing had happened, it happens, go all go home! The problems didn’t end with this, the blood lasted a long time, again to her, she talked to the doctor in the office and decided to give me two more harmonic tablets which I used to accept before (though I didn’t take the money)! At the same time, everyone had problems with this for a long time, and after the last pills a harmonious failure started, the first menstruation came in 60 days, but should have been in 30! I believe that such doctors should not be! I want to punish her for negligence! It cost me not a little money, health, nerves! I don’t know how to be (!
Masha Denisova Katerina
You are either intoxicated, typing, or completely illiterate !!! In any case, pregnancy should be controlled !!! Doctors do not need to blame so immediately, maybe you did something wrong ...
Olesya Katerina
Everything is correctly stated .., the girl used the pronoun "Ono" on purpose, emphasizing her negative attitude to such a doctor.
And as she described the course of the so-called treatment, she correctly does what she blames .... Although ... that she has a conversation on such topics with schoolgirl Masha ...
Hello! Please tell me how to be in this situation: for the third week we try to get a psychiatrist to a psychiatrist for a medical examination with a child, to get to a kindergarten in a speech therapy group, he takes him once a week from 13.00-14.00. Literally we were there for the last time. see a doctor and again did not get, because. the nurse came out to collect documents from those who went to the medical examination regardless of what they were in the queue, and soon gave them back with signatures and seals. When I went to the nurse and wanted to give the documents, I was told that I had to wait with the child. As a result, at 14.00 the doctor said that she needed to leave and left.
Hello, my name is Lena. Tell me where to complain to the doctor. the pediatrician diagnosed my son with encepholopathy and his son only one year. please help.
Irina, write a statement to the prosecutor's office!
Hello! I went to the dental clinic with acute pain. They took a picture of me and said that the tooth needs to be removed. The doctor removed a healthy tooth for me instead of the patient. Arriving home, I discovered a doctor’s mistake (I need to remove the sixth tooth, and he removed the seventh). The patient’s tooth continues to hurt. Tell me where to complain, if I go to the doctor, he will hedge and destroy my honey. card or rewrite and then prove that the tooth was healthy.


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