
How to organize an artist's concert?

As a rule, the promotion of one’s own creativity takes no less power than its creation. Therefore, do not expect that the attention of the audience will fall on your head in itself. Think about how to organize a concert, collect information about how creative people of your direction did it, which it really helped. After all, I don’t want the works created in the wake of wonderful feelings and lovingly perfected with works to gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer.

You won’t be fed up with one spirit

The attention and love of the fans is a wonderful thing that every artist aspires to. Even if you are primarily interested in purely creativity, it is always nice to see that your ideas are shared. It is especially valuable that there are like-minded people nearby, and you are an expresser of their feelings, and in a sense they are grateful for this.

how to organize a concertMany artists do art for themselves. But if you ask if they would like to speak, many give a positive answer. The same goes for money. A novice artist needs to figure out how to organize a concert in his city and recoup the effort spent with a certain prize.

Ideally, everyone should do the thing that he loves. If this is music for you, figure out how to make a dream come true, and a hobby a profession. All of us humans are interconnected. So without the support of the public, you are unlikely to be able to become popular and rich, no matter how technical and profound your compositions are. The masses must be able to interest. You can hold a solo concert or a joint concert with some famous or the same novice band.

Where to begin?

In order to understand how to organize a group concert, even the most exalted minds will need to go down to earth and look at the issue from a purely practical point of view. You will have to negotiate with many people, learn how to solve organizational issues and understand the wishes of others. If by nature you are not only a creator, but also a talented leader and organizer, you can understand how to organize a concert.

It is necessary to think over the type of event: will it be a solo performance or festival. To succeed, to see an enthusiastic crowd in the hall, and not two half-asleep beer lovers, you need to figure out how to properly organize the concert. The event must be of high quality and original in order to win positive marks and attract attention to you in the future.

how to organize a band concert

First steps towards the goal

Suppose you already have a rough idea of ​​what the upcoming event will be like, you can organize a concert in a club or in an open area. Now you need to, having carefully thought through the list of speakers, take care of good advertising. Of course, if you do not yet have a producer who is ready to help financially, you will have to solve this issue on your own. No one said it would be easy. But this is your dream, so fight for it.

Find people with similar goals.

How to organize an artist’s concert if he has a little material and few know him? It would be good to enlist the support of more experienced and beloved public musicians. Of course, they also must have significant reasons in order to perform with you on the same stage. This is either a fee that you share with them, or other interesting conditions. If you are at approximately the same level, it will be a mutually beneficial transaction in which both costs with responsibility and profit can be divided equally.

If you are really not very experienced yet and are thinking of how to organize a concert, it is better to bring together musicians who can be more hooked not by image and promotion, but by originality. In general, those who are in about the same conditions as you. They may already be known in your city, but not be big stars on the stage of the country. It is with such people that it will be convenient for you to go shoulder to shoulder and learn from their experience. At this stage, it is most important to organize everything in a quality manner so that you want to see you again.

how to organize an artist’s concert

Specify a place and time

How to organize a group concert will become clearer when you agree with the club managers about the time of your event. If you do not know how to contact them, look at the official website. There, most likely, you will find all the necessary information. With the administration you need to talk about the place where the event will be held. Also important details are the fee, form of payment, requirements for speakers. You need to agree on a date in advance. It is advisable to prepay in advance in order to avoid force majeure.

The place must be chosen very carefully. Carefully study all the possible options, find out how much you will need to pay for the rent, how many people will be able to come there, whether the transport interchange will be convenient. Ideally, if there are bus stops nearby, shuttle taxis or metro. Remember that if the concert is not planned for the weekend, you can negotiate a discount with the owners of the establishment.

organize a concert stars

Get support

How to organize a concert without significant damage to the wallet? In such cases, it is best to have a sponsor. Music and art, too, are in their own way a commodity, an object of trading, sales and purchase transactions. So you need to present your creativity in the most favorable light.

You or your patron will have to spend money, but there are many ways to cover part of the cost. For example, by renting a bar, you can become a sublease and provide advertising services by using the room, toilet cubicles, and stage surfaces on the side and back. It is also possible to hold contests and promotions, allow flyers to be handed out during the event, and trade goods in designated areas. Even on your own poster for a fee, you can place someone’s text, promote audio and video ads, and take some time for a press conference.

organize a concert in the club

How to attract a patron?

In order to properly organize a concert of a star, you need to thoroughly talk with the sponsor, carefully prepare and pay attention to all the significant details. Even in the field of art, you need to do compilation commercial offer. It should be such as to interest a potential partner.

You can make such a proposal in correspondence, but it is much better if a personal meeting takes place, during which you can supplement everything written with your comments. Talk to those people who are in leadership positions. After all, the fate of your plan depends on them. If they are interested, then you need to provide more information. Tell us in detail about the composition of the participants in the event. Be sure to explain what advantages these artists have, why the public will like them.

Teach yourself right

The script needs to be written in minutes. An ad campaign should also be described. Provide data on the format, number and type of posters. Notify the sponsor of how many flyers will be handed out, where this will happen and at what time. The list of radio stations that you want to attract, as well as channels on television, newspapers should be indicated. Agree on the number and duration of commercials.

how to organize a charity concertAlso, the sponsor should receive the organizer package and the concert price list from you. There are several types of support from such partners.General - this is when a financially supportive company is given a special provision, according to which it can conduct advertising within the institution, represents the event. An information sponsor is one who provides support for events in the media, and a technical one is an overhead specialist.

Getting started

If the negotiations were successful and the company agrees to support you, it's time to sign the contract, to prepare advertising. Design a poster layout. It must correspond to the status of the event, be vibrant, attractive and memorable. Starting to work with a new designer, you need to carefully explain to him what you want to get at the exit, describe all the details. Better prepare a draft, or at least show by examples what style of work you need.

Where to put up posters? At your service are pedestrian areas, billboards, public transport. Do not forget about flyers. Distribute them competently. You can lay them out every few days in places of youth gathering: in cafes, music stores, cinemas, universities, schools. Give leaflets to passers-by on crowded streets. Ideally, a press conference will be held a week before the event. If you are working on how to organize a charity concert, be sure to tell about your good goals, this will certainly attract many. Amuse journalists with a good buffet table. This is usually provided by a technical sponsor.

how to organize a concert in your city

Last preparations

When it comes to business, pay great attention to sound and lighting equipment. Your talent should not be overshadowed by technical interference. Learn about the timing of the last hardware setup, analyze how the devices last worked. Talk with the artists about their requirements for microphones and speakers.

Do not forget about protection. If everything goes well, many people will come whose behavior needs to be watched by someone. There are many specialized firms that control the atmosphere at such events. Entrust this question to them. Meet the artists in person, communicate with them, because these are also your partners. Before the event, inspect the site with the owners to fix its current state. We hope you succeed and your career goes up rapidly!

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