
How to open a pharmacy? How to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education

how to open a pharmacySelling drugs with the right approach can be a very profitable business, so many beginning (and not only) businessmen are interested in questions about how to open a pharmacy. What documents will be needed for this? What is more profitable to open: a pharmacy, a pharmacy or a kiosk? What is the difference between these enterprises?

What is the difference between pharmacies and drugstores?

In modern cities, you can often see pharmacies, and kiosks, and points, and even shops. What are the differences between them? If you are interested in how to open a pharmacy, you should immediately deal with such subtleties.

Pharmacies sell almost all types of drugs. Moreover, some products are prepared here in the pharmaceutical laboratory. Similar companies supply those drugs that are issued exclusively by prescription. Ready-made drugs are sold at drugstores, both on prescription and without them.

The only limitation in this case is narcotic, poisonous, psychotropic and potent drugs. But in the pharmacy kiosk they sell exclusively those medicines that can be issued without a prescription by a treating specialist. It is immediately worth noting that the framework between such enterprises is often blurred.

How to open a pharmacy? The necessary package of documents

Of course, in order to open your own point of sale of medicines, relevant documents are needed. First of all, it is worth registering with the tax service. If you plan to open only one kiosk and cooperate exclusively with individuals, you can arrange an individual

entrepreneurship. But if in the future you plan to expand your business, cooperate with public and private institutions, a more suitable option would be a limited liability company or an open joint-stock company.

In addition, you will need an appropriate license to sell pharmaceuticals. If you are a certified pharmacist with a pharmacist experience of more than three years, then you will not have problems - you will receive the necessary permission within 45 days. But how to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education? It is also possible, you just need to provide evidence that your staff has professional employees with the necessary education and work experience.

Now it is worth stipulating the OKVED codes. The pharmacy falls under clauses 52.3 (retail sale of medical and pharmaceutical goods), 52.31 (retail sale of pharmaceutical goods and the manufacture of medicines), 52.32 (retail sale of medical and orthopedic goods), 52.33 (sale of perfumes and cosmetics).

In addition, you will need permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, a copy of the contract with special organizations that ensure regular disinfection of the premises, removal of medical waste, etc. By the way, copies of all documents must be stored in the pharmacy in case of an unscheduled check.

Pharmacy room requirements

what you need to open your business

In fact, the requirements for the premises are not so great and depend on the type of activity.
If the pharmacy will be exclusively engaged in sales, then the minimum area should be about 12 m2. In the event that the company will be engaged in the manufacture of medicines, you will need a separate room for the laboratory and storage of raw materials, and this increases the minimum area to 22-30 m2.

Naturally, there should be uninterrupted water and electricity supply, as well as a ventilation and air conditioning system. A small office is needed for the manager, as well as a wardrobe room for employees.

By the way, if you are interested in the question of what it takes to open your own business and make it profitable, you should know that a favorable location is one of the main factors. Rent a room in the busy and densely populated sleeping areas of the city.

It is advantageous to have a pharmacy near the clinic, hospital, hostel. Before opening it is worthwhile to conduct a study and determine which category of clients you will have to serve - it is unlikely that a person with a minimum salary will buy expensive, foreign funds without any special needs.

Design features

If you are interested in how to open a pharmacy, think about the necessary equipment and furniture, which are simply necessary. For starters, it’s worth buying the necessary racks, shelves, counters and other furniture that is necessary in order to exhibit and store medicine. By the way, it is best to arrange drugs in a certain sequence (for example, analgesics, diuretics, antibiotics, etc.).

If you are going to open a large pharmacy with a huge assortment of goods, then you should consider setting up several shops on the trading floor where customers can wait in line, etc.

What equipment will be needed?

First you need to get and register a cash register. Some drugstores use computers and special software that makes accounting and bookkeeping easier.

Do not forget that some medicines need to be stored at a certain temperature - you will certainly need special refrigerators. If you are going to make medicines, the amount of equipment and special utensils will increase significantly.

We decide on the assortment of goods

how to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical educationIf you are thinking how to open a pharmacy kiosk or point, then first of all it is worth taking care of the assortment of products. Before opening, be sure to monitor to determine the products in greatest demand.

Some pharmacies work closely with hospitals, purchasing the medicines and tools they need.

In addition, other goods are sold in pharmacies (points or kiosks), in particular, cosmetic products (shampoos, creams, herbal lotions), baby products and accessories (milk formulas, bottles, creams, powders), etc. You can sell simple orthopedic goods, some medical devices (for example, tonometers, thermometers). Homeopathic medicines are also popular.

Staff recruitment

It should immediately be noted that the staff of the pharmacy should be distinguished by professionalism. After all, this is the only way to open a point of sale of pharmaceutical products and attract buyers. Naturally, the post of manager should be taken by a person with a higher specialized education, work experience and certificate. If you are going to prepare medicines, you will need a pharmacist with the necessary skills.

Depending on the number of visitors, at the checkout there should be 1-3 seller-pharmacist. In addition, you can additionally hire consultants who will help customers decide on the choice of goods. In any case, each employee must have the necessary service skills. Do not forget about the cleaning lady and accountant, although they can be hired for part-time jobs.

How to increase profits? Advertising campaign

what is the difference between pharmacies and drugstores

How to open a pharmacy kiosk and make it profitable? Of course, the premises, assortment and service are extremely important.

But do not forget that advertising and flexible pricing are exactly what always attracts customers. As for advertising, you can make several banners, print flyers, announcements, etc.

If you wish, you can open a pharmacy website on the Internet, where people, for example, will be able to ask a consultant about the availability of medicines or order medications that are not part of your usual price list.

It is also worth creating special cards with discounts for regular customers - customers will like it. From time to time, hold promotions or even sales (this applies primarily to cosmetics, baby products, hygiene products).

Hire experienced people who will be involved in advertising and sales of products. For example, you can draw up a contract with a private clinic - you will deliver goods to their patients at a lower cost, but in sufficient quantities.

How profitable can such a business be?

Certainly pharmacy business can be extremely profitable. Of course, starting capital here requires considerable. Opening a kiosk will be much cheaper. But large pharmacies, especially those involved in the manufacture of drugs, are more profitable, since raw materials for medicines are much cheaper.

Any business can become a constant source of good income, but only with the right approach. Therefore, be careful, regularly conduct market research, advertising campaigns, and learn about pharmaceutical innovations in time.

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The article is written intelligibly, only one nuance - now the requirements for the size of the areas have been canceled. But the author, apparently, proceeded from the size of the TRADING area, from which the imputed tax is calculated. Thank!
Yes, the article is good, but only at the request of the search engine I was looking for a package of documents for opening a pharmacy. And where?
Thank you for the article. To all the questions that interested me, I found the answer. Besides the amount of initial capital, well, for example, for a pharmacy.


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