
Business plan "Crematorium". How to open a crematorium for animals. Crematorium equipment

crematorium business planIn the modern metropolis, animal lovers have to tackle the delicate question: "Where to bury a pet in case of his death?" Cemeteries for animals are not provided in every city, and burying pets in parks or in their own yards is not only sad, but also harmful. Many do not allow the disposal of dead animals to veterinary clinics for utilization by a sense of affection and the ability of citizens to humanize pets.

Why do you need a ritual business for animals

Given the need of the population for a civilized burial of animals, you can create a ritual business for animals, which:

  • Helps pet owners solve sensitive issues.
  • It will bring undoubted environmental benefits, saving parks and yards from animal corpses.
  • It will help to get income to the owner of the enterprise.animal crematorium

A properly created crematorium for animals pays off in about 4-5 years, but subject to a competent approach to building a business. You will have to take into account a lot, from the construction of a specialized building to the solution of the issue of advertising.

Information about such services cannot be placed on advertising banners or in transport. The owner will have to get acquainted with how the crematorium is arranged, what documents are needed to open it, what additional services can bring comfort to the owners of animals and income to the businessman.

Bit of history

how to open a crematorium

For the first time, cremation as a form of burial of dust was used in Hellas. Believing in the sanctity of Fire, the Greeks honored the dead, burning their bodies. It was from there that tradition spread throughout the world. The first crematoriums in America and Europe appeared in the eighteenth century.

It is interesting (not many people know about this) that even before the revolution in Russia there was also a crematorium. In Vladivostok, immigrants from Japan were cremated there. The tradition of burning animals appeared much later, and no one knows exactly when. However, in Egypt, cats that were considered sacred were embalmed, however, like some other animals, such as crocodiles. Today, animal crematoriums are in increasing demand.

What do you need to open a crematorium?

Any new enterprise should begin with proper planning, accounting for all costs and calculating potential income. how to build a crematorium The crematorium for animals needs the same thorough calculations. A business plan developed by a competent economist is one of the most important components of a successful business.

Start-up capital is the most expensive component of a business. It is better if the company is opened without attracting extraneous dividends, only at the expense of the founders. Therefore, today the most convenient form of enterprise is CJSC. What is the starting capital for? To buy or rent a place for a crematorium.

In most cities of Russia, unlike America, crematoriums are located in urban cemeteries, in some the administration allocates a special place outside the city. In any case, the ritual institution for animals should, like a regular crematorium, be located at least 3 km from residential buildings.

Estimated upfront costs

The plan can take into account various nuances, among which are mandatory:

  • Construction of a specialized building. Crematoriums for people usually consist of a technical building, a place for farewell and a gallery that connects them.The most enterprising businessmen next to the crematorium open a cafe where you can order funeral lunches. In the case of animals, this is not required, so you can limit yourself to two buildings: technical and ritual.
  • Acquisition of technical equipment. The equipment for the crematorium usually consists of specialized two-chamber furnaces, a cremator, a refrigerator, ash trays, ashes, sanitary equipment, and mobile carts.
  • Arrangement of a place for burial. Not all owners take the ashes of animals with them, many prefer to rent a columbarium or bury bins in the ground.

What else should a business plan take into account?

  1. The crematorium will require funds and time to collect documents. Each city has its own package of permits, which require a lot of time to collect. There are intermediary companies that take over this work.
  2. Hiring full-time employees. In ordinary crematoriums, this is the director, accountant, manager, watchman, cleaner, locksmith, furnace operator. A crematorium for animals is likely to cost fewer employees.
  3. Advertising costs. It can be placed in veterinary clinics, special publications, on television and on the Web.
  4. The crematorium may provide additional services. Among them:
  • Delivery of the animal from the owner’s house to the crematorium.
  • Photographers Service.
  • Individual cremation.
  • Sale of ritual accessories.

Everlasting memory? Fashionable extras

Making of dust or diamonds or vinyl fabric as souvenirs is one of the ideas of business.what you need to open a crematorium Not yet developed in Russia, this service is popular abroad. You should learn more about it.

Not every owner wants to take away the ashes of a pet, and in some cities this is prohibited by local laws. Typically, crematoriums have their own territories where they either bury the ashes, or place it in a columbarium, or (economy option) dispel them in the wind.

However, such places are limited, so in the West began to make souvenirs from ... the ashes of animals. The simplest such souvenir can be a glass capsule in which pressed dust is placed. The capsule can be used as a pendant or stored at home. Actually, this is the most affordable service for the price.

Diamonds of memory are grown from dust in Switzerland. Using special equipment, the ashes are subjected to a pressure of 60,000 bar and a temperature of 1,500 °. It turns out a diamond that looks no different from natural.

The experience of other countries

In Korea, instead of diamonds, beads are made using approximately the same technology. The fashion for wearing such diamonds and beads gradually covers more and more countries. Of course, not every entrepreneur is capable of acquiring equipment for the production of such products: it is very expensive.

Therefore, they invented another way to preserve the material memory of the pet. In the UK, they produce ordinary vinyl records, in which they add the ashes of the pet. Some owners record speeches or music on them, but most do not. Listening to an empty record, noise and crackling, which is heard at the same time, many take for otherworldly signals, which further increases the price of souvenirs from the ashes. The service may be in demand in the coming years with us.

In the USA, dust is added to the soil, which is sometimes given to the owners together with a plant already planted in it. This service resembles the Russian tradition of burying animals in the backyard and requires almost no investment.

How to open a crematorium in Russia?

First you will have to familiarize yourself with the relevant documentation.

  • Before you think about how to build a crematorium, you should read the fundamental document. It is Federal Law No. 8-ФЗ On Burial and Funeral. Each city has its own package of ritual business documents. You will need to familiarize yourself with it and collect all the documents that the administration requires.The requirements for firefighters, Rospotrebnadzor, etc., apply to the animal crematorium for animals, as to any organization. The final list of documents and recommendations on how to open a crematorium can be received by every businessman in the city administration.
  • In parallel with the collection of documents, you can develop a project for a building designed for burning animals. How to build a crematorium? There are several ways. The first is the construction of a capital building. The advantages of capital structure are obvious, but the costs are too high. Animal cremation has not yet become a service that the entire population of the city needs. Perhaps, until the ad works, you can do with a metal module: it is much cheaper.

Documents are ready. What's next?

how to open a crematorium in Russia

As soon as the documents are received, you can immediately proceed to the following steps: the construction of the building and the organization of the advertising campaign. When developing and placing advertisements, one should take into account himself and convey to the population the idea that even our Church recognized the cremation as legitimate and not violating church canons.

We will have to think carefully about the content and placement of advertising. Firstly, the information should be as tactful, convincing, colorful and comprehensive as possible. Some media advise placing flyers in transport and banners on the sides of public transport so that people gradually get used to new types of services.

However, several cases are already known when indignant citizens demanded to remove the ritual advertising from transport. The work needs to be built in such a way that at the last stages of the building's arrangement the townspeople are already informed about the new type of services (or the new crematorium), the staff is recruited, and the equipment is completely ready.

Crematorium equipment

The success of a business largely depends on the quality of technical equipment, their operation characteristics and cost. The crematorium furnace can be special, serving for the disposal of animals. It costs less, but not every animal owner agrees to consider it “biological waste”.

crematorium for animals business plan

Therefore, it is more profitable to purchase special two-chamber gas furnaces, such as in conventional crematoriums. The first chamber automatically maintains a temperature of 800 ° - 1200 °, at which the biological mass is burned.

After burning, the carcass automatically enters the second chamber, where harmful substances are burned from the gases. As a result, not black or bluish smoke, as in horror films, but just transparent heated air should come out of the chimney of the crematorium.

It is believed that the best cremation ovens are produced in the Czech Republic, USA and Germany: they can withstand up to 6,000 procedures without prophylaxis. The latest models are more reminiscent of a computer and work almost without operator intervention. However, good equipment can also be purchased in Russia, and it will cost less, and it will be easier to buy spare parts for it.


Other equipment

  • If an animal crematorium is planned as an addition to the usual one, then you can use an existing oven, and use a special rolling cart for incineration. However, this is a temporary measure: not everyone likes that the burning of people and animals is carried out in one furnace.
  • Conveyors for sending corpses to the furnace. In ordinary crematoriums, they are mandatory, in institutions for animals you can get by with the economy option and send the carcasses to the oven manually.
  • Devices necessary to remove metal or unburned particles from the ashes. Their presence is mandatory in ordinary crematoriums. Animals usually don’t have jaws or dentures, but be aware that some owners require that they be burned with a collar.
  • Trays for ashes. They must be fireproof, so it is better to choose steel or aluminum.
  • Tanks for temporary storage of dust.
  • Ballot boxes for ashes.
  • Plates with marking and nicknames, fasteners.

What else do you need for work?

For work, appliances and sanitary facilities for cleaning the stove and room are needed. Overalls for staff are required:

  • Overalls.
  • Hoods
  • Stockings worn over shoes.
  • Armbands.
  • Aprons.
  • Glasses.
  • Respirators

Aprons and sleeves should protect not only from dust and dust, but also from burns, so it is recommended to include aluminum inserts in them.

A few words about investment performance

Opening a crematorium is a costly affair. Experts estimate that the starting capital should be approximately 3-5 million rubles, if it comes to burning animals, and about 10 million, if you plan to open a classic. Investments will be paid back no sooner than after 3-4 years, provided that the entrepreneur does not have a very strong competitor.

It may take longer in the province: there is less population, cremation is not a popular practice, it is cheaper than in the capital. In addition, it should be remembered that in very small cities such a business is completely unprofitable, as well as in rural areas, where people relate more easily to animals. Opening a ritual institution, an entrepreneur must understand whether his services are needed in a given area, among specific traditions and foundations.

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