
How to get a cadastral passport for an apartment? Cadastral passport for an apartment: expiration date

When re-registering the rights to an apartment or when performing any other legally significant action, it is necessary to collect many documents. One of the most important in this list is the cadastral passport for the apartment. What is this document? It contains all the most important information about the apartment in a descriptive form, as well as a graphic part with a full drawing of the apartment and a marked footage. The information for this document is taken from the State Real Estate Cadastre. In the cadastral passport the following information about the object is reflected:

  • Type of object - construction, apartment, house, object with construction in progress, etc.
  • Cadastral number of the object.
  • Total area.
  • Date entered in the State Committee for Civil Protection.
  • Cadastral number of the building in which the object is located, floor number, etc.

Cadastral passport for an apartment

Why do I need a cadastral passport for an apartment

This document applies in the following cases:

  • If you plan to redevelop the apartment. It is needed when reconciling changes.
  • To apply for a mortgage loan.
  • In case of litigation over the apartment. The document is attached to the package of documents when filing a lawsuit in court.
  • If any actions are supposed to be performed, such as selling, exchanging, leasing, etc.

A cadastral passport is a very important document, so if you just got an apartment in a new building, try to get it as soon as possible.

Cadastral passport for an apartment, how to get it and validity period

Cadastral passport for an apartment, how to get it and validity period

There are 3 ways to obtain a cadastral passport for an apartment:

  • On the website of Rosreestr.
  • In the Cadastral Chamber.
  • In the Multifunctional Center (MFC).

The procedures for issuing a cadastral passport for an apartment in the MFC and the Cadastral Chamber practically do not differ from each other, so for a start you should consider the general procedure for registration.

So, first of all, if you need to change the information in your passport or arrange an apartment in a new building:

  • The first thing you should do is call a specialist technician to do all the necessary work: measurements, calculations, etc. Now you need to collect some documents:
    • identification passport;
    • a statement of the form established by law;
    • receipt that you have paid the state fee. Its size may vary depending on who the cadastral registration is performed for: if you are speaking on behalf of a legal entity, you will have to pay 600 rubles, an individual must pay 200 rubles. In addition, the amount varies depending on the form of the document: if you order an extract in electronic form, the amount of the fee is reduced (for individuals it will be 150 rubles, for legal entities - 300);
    • documents proving that you are the owner of the apartment;
    • if an unauthorized entity acts on your behalf, he will also have to provide a power of attorney to conduct business;
    • if you are going legalize redevelopment, then we also need documents confirming the fact of redevelopment.

When you send all the documents to the Cadastral Chamber, the employee will check them and issue a receipt. He will appoint the day on which the cadastral passport for the apartment will be ready. The duration of the review bodies is usually 5 days. After them, you can safely come for a finished document. The validity of the cadastral passport is unlimited, you get it once and for all, of course, if you do not think of redevelopment.

More convenient way

cadastral passport for an apartment what is it

Today's technologies are used everywhere, they greatly simplify the lives of ordinary people and government agencies, through which a lot of documents pass daily. Today, a cadastral passport can also be ordered without leaving home, just go to the Rosreestr website. This is a state body dealing with cadastral registration. There you need to fill out a special form, which contains all the necessary information about you and the property, then choose in which form you want to receive the cadastral passport - electronically or on paper. Now it remains only to deal with the payment of the state fee and the method of obtaining a passport.

Anyone can get a document in this way, the most important thing is attentiveness when filling out all the columns in the questionnaire, you just need to pay a little attention to this procedure and wait until the cadastral passport for the apartment is ready. The validity period of the Rosreestr for document verification usually does not exceed 10 days. After this time, the application will be satisfied, and you can pick up the passport in the form you specified. The only caveat: if you ordered the electronic version, you must definitely certify such a passport with a notary.

Cases of refusal to issue a cadastral passport

validity period of the cadastral passport

A cadastral passport for an apartment, the validity of which is unlimited, may not be issued if the information provided by the recipient of the document does not correspond or is absent in the cadastre. A reasoned refusal is sent to the recipient in writing and must be submitted within 5 days. This notice shall indicate the reasons for the refusal, which is possible if:

  • not a complete package of documents provided;
  • there is a discrepancy between the data of Rosreestr and those provided;
  • in the case of land plots, their boundaries are incorrectly defined.

What to do if refused

If you receive a notice of denial of registration, you need to study it. There, the reason for the failure is described in detail. If you encounter a discrepancy in technical terms, you need to contact the Bureau of Technical Invarization (BTI), take a new technical passport to the apartment there (its validity period has limitations) and re-submit the application. Rosreestr specialists will consider the new application, and after 20 days you will receive a long-awaited document.

Why do I need a cadastral passport

How to get a cadastral passport for an apartment

If you used the services of the MFC or the Cadastral Chamber, then you have to pick up the document yourself. You must come to the indicated authorities on the established day, present the receipt issued to you. In return, you will receive a ready-made cadastral passport.

Technical passport for the apartment

If you applied on the website of Rosreestr, you have 3 options for obtaining:

  1. By mail on paper.
  2. In electronic form via the Internet.
  3. On a personal visit to the Cadastral Chamber.

Validity period

The validity period of this document is the first issue that interests everyone. A cadastral passport for an apartment, the validity of which is unlimited, may become invalid if, for example, you change the structural elements of the apartment.

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