
How to enter graduate school: features, admission rules and recommendations

The academic year ends at the universities. Graduates are planning a career, someone has already found a job, some want to relax a bit at first, but there are those who want to continue their studies. Students who do not want to leave their native walls are interested in the question: what to do in graduate school and do science? Most universities in the country and abroad provide this opportunity to almost everyone.

how to enter graduate school

What is graduate school?

The higher education system is structured in such a way that it provides mainly practical knowledge. Students during training study a number of applied and several theoretical disciplines, which should prepare them for work in production. Graduates wishing to engage in theoretical research are interested in the question of how to enter graduate school and is it necessary for scientific work?

Graduate studies are aimed at the theoretical education of future scientists and teachers. The main activity is the training of new personnel for research centers, laboratories and institutes. Answering the question "Is it possible to go to graduate school, then to do science, or is it worth working at the factory first?" - do not find a definite answer. Each graduate decides for himself.

New rules for admission and postgraduate studies

Due to changes in legislation, some nuances of studying after a diploma have also changed. Modern graduates may get confused in the question: "How can I enter graduate school?" From the beginning of entry into the Bologna system, innovations have touched all areas of higher education.

how to enter graduate school

Since 2014, changes in the field of postgraduate education came into force. Now graduate school is recognized as the third stage of higher education. It is necessary for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel. Upon graduation, graduates are awarded a diploma with the title "teacher-researcher" and the right to relevant activities is given.

The features of receipt have also changed. From now on, the university itself determines the number and content of entrance examinations. The essay or articles on the chosen specialty and the oral exam on it remains unchanged.

Now graduate students have a record book, like students. A special training program and intermediate tests and exams are provided for them. The main goal of postgraduate studies remained unchanged - the defense of a candidate dissertation with the subsequent assignment of the title of candidate of sciences.

How to become a graduate student?

If a student is wondering what to do in graduate school, then first of all he should find out the features of admission in a particular university. For those who studied in the Bologna system, in order to qualify for the third level, you must pass the first two: undergraduate and graduate programs. Only after that will documents be accepted to graduate school. For those who have studied in a specialty, such an education is enough.

Usually, graduate students are already offered further studies in graduate school. You can continue the research topic or do completely new developments. But in any case, you should enlist the support of a supervisor and a graduating department.

Documentary support for admission to graduate school

Having figured out the answer to the question of how to enter graduate school, you should make a decision and start collecting documents. They will be very different from those that were needed for admission to undergraduate studies.

Is it possible to enter graduate school

The list of documents for admission to graduate school:

  • a copy of a master's or specialty diploma with an insert;
  • if there was a change of surname - the presence of supporting documents is mandatory;
  • characteristic from the place of work or from the graduating department;
  • topic and rationale for scientific work approved by the head;
  • autobiography;
  • medical certificate;
  • certificate of no criminal record, since all graduate students undergo pedagogical practice;
  • abstract on the research topic, or a list of published scientific articles.

Some universities may require additional documents related to their studies, work or health status. This may be due to the peculiarities of scientific activity.

Postgraduate studies

Most universities provide three main forms of postgraduate study:

  1. Full-time - similar to students. Graduate students attend classes almost daily, very often meet with a supervisor, and actively participate in the university’s public life.
  2. Correspondence - with this form of training, graduate students attend classes in session, most often once or twice a month, but also participate in public life. Often, simultaneously with studies, they engage in pedagogical activities.
  3. Competition is the freest form of postgraduate study. It is chosen by those who have long completed their studies and for whatever reason decided to get a degree. Most often organized on a contractual basis.

For most forms, there are different payment options. But if you are wondering about how to enter graduate school on a budget, then choose full-time education. It is for him that the largest number of free places is allocated.

how to enter graduate school on a budget

Where to go to graduate school - is it worth choosing a prestigious university?

Graduate graduates often face the question of which university graduate school to choose? It is clear that educational and scientific institutions are not equivalent and their influence and prestige in the scientific world is different. However, is it worth choosing only these characteristics when choosing?

The final resolution of the issue depends on further plans. If there is an ardent desire to engage in theoretical research, then you should choose graduate school with the appropriate base. Applied institutes are ideal for this purpose. If the goal is a managerial or political career, then the educational institution is not as important as a successfully defended dissertation. And for pedagogical work, it is easiest to choose a native university.

Modern Graduate School - Is It Worth Doing?

It is believed that modern science has discredited itself, and young people do not want to do it. However, annual graduate school contests suggest the opposite. But the paradox is that of those who have successfully defended their dissertation, about half. However, even less is engaged in a further scientific career - approximately one out of ten graduate students.

where to go to graduate school

Such statistics are associated with a number of indisputable factors, among which the following stand out especially:

  • lack of proper motivation;
  • desire to just stretch time;
  • for men - unwillingness to join the army;
  • lack of support from the leader and the scientific community;
  • low income at the initial stage;
  • the need to continue learning while peers make a successful career.

In order to make a brilliant scientific career, you need to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of time and even personal funds. So, every graduate of a magistracy, before answering the question of how to enter graduate school, must clearly understand why he is actually going to study at the third level.

graduate school is it worth doing

Career of a former graduate student

Graduate career options for graduate school:

  • pedagogical activity at the university;
  • further scientific work with the defense of a doctoral dissertation;
  • administrative career at the university;
  • political career;
  • leadership positions;
  • work in research centers of the country and abroad.

Whatever career you choose, remember - science is interesting!

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