
Security measures and basic rules of network etiquette: list, features and recommendations

Internet communication is increasingly becoming part of the life of modern people. With the help of the World Wide Web, we drive business correspondence we communicate with friends and even make new friends. And this means that the rules of network etiquette are useful for everyone to know. If we all start observing them, living and chatting on the Internet will be much more pleasant!

Don't lose face

Netiquette RulesAn interesting fact: many Internet users while communicating on the network for a moment completely forget that on the other side of the monitor live people are talking with them. And this is an unforgivable mistake. Remember, any public entry is your statement in society. If you communicate privately with one person, then the conversation is not much different from a one-on-one meeting. What is the basic rule of network etiquette, you ask? Everything is very simple - respect politeness and decency. Do not forget to say hello and say goodbye, be sure to use the "magic" words: "thank you" and "please." It is also advisable to follow the rules of the Russian language. Slang, distorted spelling of words and all kinds of letter abbreviations annoy cultural people even with online correspondence. In official and business conversations like communication style unacceptable in principle.

Each community has its own rules.

Netiquette Rules BrieflyIt is easy to remain yourself during a private conversation or online business negotiations. If you want to chat on some forum or chat, it will be useful to get acquainted with the basic rules of this online community. Usually recommendations and prohibitions for participants are made in a separate section. Read it and remember all the most important. Network etiquette rules vary slightly across resources.

Most often binding: a ban on the use of profanity, respect for all members of the community, inadmissibility of publishing materials that can offend or shock other users. Knowing the rules of the site is useful to everyone, not only in order to create a good reputation. Most forums and chats are regularly watched today by moderators. And with unacceptable behavior, one of the participants can simply be banned.

Express your thoughts wisely

Network Etiquette RulesQuite often, Internet communication is scolded for its low emotionality. Indeed, speaking with a person in person, we always supplement our words with facial expressions, gestures, control intonations and the timbre of the voice. The situation is completely different with virtual correspondence. Some phrases are difficult to read with the correct intonation the first time. If the punctuation mark is accidentally omitted, it is sometimes impossible to understand what is at stake. Many of the Internet users lack one simple skill. Which one? The basic rule of network etiquette is - communicate respectfully, and express your thoughts as clearly as possible. It is very useful to reread the typed text before sending it. This is the easiest way to correct any errors and inaccuracies, reformulate complexly constructed sentences.

Is it always appropriate to use emoticons?

In order to make virtual conversations more emotional and lively, smiles were invented. These are combinations of punctuation marks or small graphic pictures that help express emotions. Netiquette rules allow the use of emoticons in many instant messaging systems and forums.Very often, the standard form for sending letters even has a separate menu with these pictures. Emoticons help to decorate the message and make it more interesting. Nevertheless, one should not get too involved in them. About 70% of Internet users admit that the abundance of smiles in the messages of their interlocutors is frankly annoying. Of course, these “funny pictures” have no place in business conversations and official conversations.

Internet is a place of mutual assistance

Security and Network EtiquetteYou have learned all the rules of etiquette in network communication, but in practice, much remains incomprehensible to you? Feel free to seek advice. If you do not understand how to use the functions of a particular site, feel free to ask one of the more experienced users. It is also appropriate to ask for help if the slang adopted by the community and some internal rules cause difficulties. Any site also has an official support service. It is appropriate to contact it if you have any problems using the resource. Before you write a new appeal and send a request, do not be too lazy to study the list of popular questions of users. Unfortunately, not all people communicating on the Internet comply with the rules of network etiquette. Many sites offer their users self-organization tools. These are the functions "mark message as spam", "complain". Be sure to use these buttons if necessary.

Communicate on the Internet the same way as in real life

What is the basic rule of network etiquetteInternet dating is a real salvation for a busy modern person. There are millions of sites on the network where you can find interesting people to talk with or even potential love partners. It would seem that you just need to open the resource you are interested in and choose with whom exactly you want to make friends. In practice, everything is a little more complicated. Surely at least once you received messages from strangers with the following content: “Hello, how are you?” Agree, emotions usually arise strange, but more often than not positive. The rules of network etiquette should be observed at all stages of communication. Of course, the question: “What's your name?” Is irrelevant for social networks and offensive to anonymous forum users. So how do you start a conversation with a stranger? It will be most appropriate to write the truth, admit in the first message that you were interested in the profile of this person and you would like to chat. Most likely, after such a sincere message, the conversation will begin by itself.

You or you?

Network etiquette basic rulesIn real life, only a small child or a very rude person will have the audacity to turn to a stranger to say “you”. Instinctively, we even call our peers and those who are noticeably younger than us at the beginning of communication, call them “You”, emphasizing our respect. But on the Internet this rule is not always respected. For some reason, many consider it appropriate to "poke" the interlocutor, not knowing anything about him. Netiquette - network etiquette, the basic rules of which should be known to every user of the World Wide Web. According to the rules of communication on the Internet, the form of appeal to the interlocutor should be discussed personally with him. If you communicate with a peer on personal topics and feel sympathy for the interlocutor, contacting “you” is really strange. But it’s better to clarify this point first. So ask: “Maybe we can talk to each other on you?” And if you managed to make a good impression on the person you are talking to, you probably will not have to wait.

Forgive others their mistakes

All lovers of online dating and communication sites from time to time encounter uncultured or simply inappropriate interlocutors. Do not be surprised or scared when a similar situation happens to you personally. How to act in this case? If a stranger wrote you something unpleasant, the easiest way to add it to the "black list", thereby stopping communication once and for all.If the site does not have such a function, you can contact the support service. It is worth notifying the administration when you come across something really inadequate and frightening. If you are faced with banal ignorance or non-observance of a culture of communication, you can try to resolve the situation on your own. Be lenient, and try to explain to your interlocutor the rules of network etiquette briefly. If a beginner is talking with you, tell him about how it is customary to correspond in a specific virtual community.

Web Security

What is the basic rule of network etiquetteSurely you have repeatedly been told that innocent communication on the Web is fraught with a lot of dangers. How to avoid them? We must not forget that security measures and rules of network etiquette are firmly connected with each other. The most important thing is to behave in the same way as in real life. Internet dating is insidious in that it often creates the illusion of perfect mutual understanding. After chatting with a person for a couple of hours, we sometimes feel like we have known him for many years. So, no matter how nice and sweet the interlocutor may seem, keep your distance. Do not even tell in private conversations any too personal facts about yourself, try not to discuss material matters. In other words, you, of course, can "pour out" the soul of a virtual stranger, but you should not brag about your large salary and give the full home address. If you decide to meet in person with a pleasant acquaintance from the Web, choose public places where it is always crowded.

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