
How to write an application for financial assistance

In a person’s life, situations sometimes arise in the resolution of which financial support is needed. The employer can provide it if the employee writes an appropriate application for financial assistance.

Unseen circumstances

No one can predict how his life will develop in the future. Fate sometimes surprises people. Moreover, such gifts are not always pleasant. Once in a difficult situation, a person, as a rule, tries to find a way out of it. If his own financial resources are insufficient, then he is forced to seek outside support and write a statement for material assistance. With such a document, a person turns to his employer at the place of work, and he already makes the final decision.

application for financial assistance

I must say that the Russian Labor Code does not contain articles governing such payments. All issues related to one-time financial assistance are resolved within the enterprise on the basis of a collective agreement or other normative act. It is there that the main reasons for such appeals and the size of the payments provided are listed. An employee can write an application for material assistance:

  1. In the event that he has serious health problems.
  2. When unforeseen financial difficulties appeared.
  3. If an employee has had important events in his life that require serious financial costs (birth of a child, own wedding, death of close relatives and others).
  4. Due to going on vacation.

In each of these cases, the first thing that an employee must do is to draw up an application for financial assistance in the name of the head. Each such document is considered individually.

Rules for compiling a document

For the issue to be resolved without delay, the employee must correctly write an application for financial assistance. The sample can be taken from the secretary or employee of the trade union committee (if one is available at this enterprise).

financial aid application sample

Such paper should contain all the necessary information:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic and position held of the employee applying for the request.
  2. The name of the structural unit of the enterprise in which he works.
  3. The reasons and circumstances that caused the employee to make such a statement.

As a confirmation of the facts set forth in such an appeal, the employee must attach to him the relevant documents (death or birth certificates, medical certificates or medical reports and others). Based on these papers, the administration makes a decision, which is executed in the form of an order for the enterprise. It should be noted that such payments are one-time (single) in nature and are made at a time. Do not rely on such benefits every month and apply several times with the same request.

Special case

If everything is clear with the theory, then it is better to consider a specific case and in practice to figure out how to draw up an application for material assistance. Any example can be taken. Let one of the company's employees have a baby. What should he do in such a situation? Of course, you need to ask for extra financial assistance.

financial aid application example

True, at first it is better to wait until the baby is issued a birth certificate. Only after that it is necessary to draw up a paper in which the essence of the matter will be stated. After the main text, it is necessary to make a postscript in the form of an “appendix”, in which the basis document is indicated. A copy of it must be attached to the application.The head, on the basis of the norms listed in the collective agreement (or other act), issues an order to make the corresponding payment and to include it in the general accrual of employee wages. If desired, it can be obtained by a separate cash order or sent in one payment to a plastic card.

Help in case of family tragedy

The employer provides support to its employees in different life situations. If a tragedy occurred in the family, then a statement for financial assistance in connection with death must be written in the name of the leader. This may be the death of both the employee and his close relatives.

application for financial assistance in connection with death

In the first case, relatives of the former employee apply to the administration of the enterprise, and in the second case the employee himself sets out the request. In order to avoid misunderstandings in such situations, it is necessary to have a clear and clear idea, who is this “close relative”? Article 14 of the RF IC stipulates that this is the name of any family member in a direct descending or ascending line. Accordingly, it can be anyone: from grandparents to parents, children and grandchildren. Even sisters and brothers are considered to be such, if at least one of the parents is common to them. More specifically, this term is indicated in the collective agreement or the relevant provision of the enterprise. Further actions are performed similarly: an application is submitted with supporting documents, on the basis of which the necessary order is issued, which is the basis for accrual.

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