
Rights and obligations of the seller

Each person who does his job has a specific list of rights and obligations. This is a job description, which is very important to observe. This article will deal specifically with the rights and obligations of the seller.

seller's duty to transfer goods

Who is that?

At the very beginning, you need to decide on the terms that will be used in this article. And before considering the duties of the seller, you need to understand what this profession is. So, a seller is a person (sometimes an organization) who either sells a particular product or provides services. It must be said that there are two types of sellers:

  1. Those who themselves are looking for a client. In this case, we are talking about active sales, for example, by phone.
  2. Those to which the client comes himself. In this case, we are talking about people who sell goods (for example, in a store or in the market).

Seller Rights

It is worth saying that it is necessary to consider the rights and obligations of the seller in a complex. After all, these are inseparable concepts. So what is the seller entitled to?

  1. Such a specialist has the right to make all kinds of decisions that are within his competence.
  2. Sellers can offer the administration various options to improve working conditions, increase sales, etc. However, all this also should not go beyond the scope of the job description.
  3. Sellers have the right to resolve conflicts by all methods permitted by him.
  4. Sellers have the right to require management to improve working conditions (if they do not meet the standards).

seller's responsibilities

Product Responsibilities

What are the seller’s responsibilities when it comes to the product?

  1. The seller must fully ensure the operation of the commodity section throughout the working day. If you want to leave the workplace, it must be replaced by another qualified person (with the permission of the head of the section, department, store).
  2. The seller must prepare the goods for sale: check the availability, expiration dates, inspect the packaging, as well as compliance with the label.
  3. The seller’s responsibilities include laying out goods by type, group for the convenience of customers.
  4. The seller must also monitor the safety of the goods entrusted to him, monitor the equipment that is in his area of ​​competence.

Responsibilities of the seller

Customer Responsibilities

You should also consider the responsibilities of the seller-consultant and the ordinary seller regarding contact with the buyer. After all, it is this person who directly works with people, influencing the demand for products.

  1. The sales assistant must politely communicate with customers. He must also be patient and attentive. This is a must for those who want to work with people.
  2. He must also provide all the conditions for the selection and familiarization of the buyer with the goods that interest him.
  3. The seller must do everything to ensure that there are no queues.
  4. Sellers must show the goods to the buyer, answer questions about him.
  5. Sellers must calculate the full cost of the goods, taking into account all the nuances.
  6. The seller can also make an exchange of goods (in cases stipulated by law).

Other duties

What are the other responsibilities of an ordinary seller? What should he know?

  1. This specialist is required to be in the proper appearance at the workplace.
  2. He must inform the management of all shortcomings and problems with the goods that arise.
  3. The seller must comply with production and labor discipline, labor protection rules.
  4. Responsibility of the seller: to transfer the goods to the buyer and take the appropriate fee for him.
  5. The seller must mandatory monitor the availability of price tags, their compliance with the real value of the goods.
  6. Such a specialist should follow all the instructions and recommendations of the administration.

cashier seller duties

About cashier sellers

Separately, you need to consider the responsibilities of the seller-cashier. After all, these are those people who are responsible not only for the goods entrusted to them, but also for the money received during the sale.

  1. Sales clerks must serve customers at the checkout.
  2. These are the employees who should be required to cash documents.
  3. Cashier sellers are responsible for the safety and transfer of money.
  4. They can take part in the inventory.
  5. They must monitor the supply of cash tape, carry out the collection of both expenditure and receipt orders.
  6. After the end of the store, the seller-cashier closes the cashier, verifies cash. If there are errors, fix them. At the very end, he fills in the cash book of operations.

It should be borne in mind that the duties of a cashier seller include all of the above items relating to a regular seller. The difference between these specialists is that the latter is responsible not only for the goods, but also for the funds received from its sale.

rights and obligations of the seller

About sales consultants

A few words need to be said separately about sales consultants. So, these are specialists, the specifics of which are very similar to the ordinary seller. They have to:

  1. Work with customers, satisfying their interests regarding the product.
  2. Responsibilities of the seller-consultant include laying out the goods, sorting, moving.
  3. Such professionals should also keep records.

 responsibilities of senior seller

About senior sellers

Before considering the responsibilities of a senior seller, you need to understand what kind of employee this is. So, this is a specialist who, in a sense, is a leader. His subordinates are sellers who are on the site. The main responsibilities of the senior seller include:

  1. Organization, as well as conducting the trading process. This is the leadership of the team, responding to the information received, resolving conflicts and disputes, correcting the work of subordinates, training interns.
  2. Analytical work, planning. The senior seller must participate in the preparation of a sales plan for a specific period (week, month, quarter, season), draw up applications for the supply of the necessary goods, analyze and process statistical data on sales, provide reports on the work done. In addition, such specialists should research the market for competitiveness.
  3. Ensuring smooth sales. The seller-consultant should cooperate with management, giving recommendations on increasing or decreasing the level of sales of goods, monitor advertisements, conduct reconciliations of orders, and keep working and reporting documents.
  4. Control. Generally speaking, it is the responsibility of a senior seller to control everything that happens at a particular outlet. Cleanliness and order in the room, the availability of goods, the activity of sellers, their proper appearance, the conduct of the trading process - all this is in the competence of this particular specialist.

It must also be remembered that all sellers, in addition to having rights and obligations, are also responsible for their activities (within the framework of the current legislation).

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Vladimir Smychnikov
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