
How to make a cover letter to documents. Sample cover letter to documents

A cover letter is a universal document that is used in the most diverse areas of the business of an enterprise. A properly compiled escort will save all parties from many shortcomings and ambiguities. How to write a cover letter to documents?

When is this necessary?

The work of an enterprise, especially a large one, is accompanied by a wide variety of issues that most often have to be completed in writing. Counterparties exchange messages and notifications with each other, documents are required by the bank, tax, pension fund, and auditors. Clients also write requests for a variety of information and documentation.

cover letter to documents

In all these cases, a lifesaver and at the same time a cover letter will become a worthy face of the company. Written on a solid form, correctly composed and correctly executed, it will not only make a proper impression on the addressee, but will also perform a number of practical functions for the sender:

  • will explain to the recipient who is writing to him and why;
  • will assume the informational role, freeing the attached documentation from semantic overload;
  • detail the list of attached documents;
  • save money by eliminating unnecessary mail with an inventory;
  • fulfill the role of compact evidence of delivery of a whole pile of documents.

The usual “escort” with the right approach can be so useful!

How to write a cover letter to documents?

Not everyone knows how to write a cover letter to documents, although it is important.

The compilation of the “escort” should begin with an introductory phrase: refer to the number of the incoming request or state the essence of the issue on which the correspondence is ongoing. In the following paragraphs of the letter, it is logical to indicate the grounds of the document: regulatory legal acts, clauses of the contract, acts of inspections, instructions of regulatory authorities and more.

The statement ends with a request, offer or demand. After the text has been compiled, a list of attached documents with the numbering, name and details, as well as the number of attached sheets is indicated.

Required details of the cover letter to the documents

How to write a cover letter to the documents, we have discussed above. Now a little about its design.

sample cover letter to documents

  • The "cap" of the document. Here the position of the head or other representative of the addressee, the name of the company or the full name, first name and patronymic of the private person are indicated; full address and zip code.
  • Date of compilation of the cover letter, and if the sender is a legal entity, then the registration outgoing number.
  • Addressing the addressee in accordance with the rules of the business letter. Whether it is a private person or the head of an enterprise, they turn to him by name and patronymic, adding the appeal "respected".
  • Detailed list of attached documents, because the name itself implies that the letter "accompanies" a certain basic departure.
  • The letter is signed by the first person or plenipotentiary of the organization to which the head is granted such a right. If the letter is from a private person, then the sender or his representative by proxy signs the “escort”. Before signing, it is customary to add “with respect” assurance by hand.
  • Surname, initials and means of communication of the letter performer.

These are the basic requirements for the form of the letter.

Sample cover letter to documents

An excellent reference point in the preparation will be a practice-proven sample of a cover letter to documents. Of course, its content will vary depending on the needs of the compiler, but the overall canvas remains unchanged.

how to write a cover letter to documents

Head of the Goloseevsk tax inspectorate

Khitrun I.V.

st. Vasilyevskaya, 3,

Kukino - 31005

No. 562 dated 04/05/2015

Dear Ivan Vasilievich!

For your order No. 12/389 of 04/01/2015 regarding the issue of a counter unscheduled on-site inspection, we inform you of the following.

A part of the documents on contractual legal relations with the state of emergency company "Gedeon" was seized on the basis of the seizure protocol dated 03/02/2015 (a copy is attached) The documents at the disposal of the enterprise are sent to you in the form of properly certified copies according to the appendix.

Application (total 6 liters):

  1. Copy payment order with a mark of the bank No. 3 dated 01/15/15 - by 1 liter.
  2. A copy of the payment order with the mark of the bank No. 6 dated 02/14/15 - 1 liter.
  3. Copy reconciliation report under the supply contract No. 56 / P of 12.15.14 - by 1 liter.
  4. A copy of the seizure protocol dated 03/02/15 - 3 liters.


Director of the State Enterprise "Goloseevsky Meat Processing Plant"

Golokhvastov F.E.

Artist: Pupko A.V.


how to write a cover letter to documents

Such an “escort” is suitable for many outgoing materials at the request of state, regulatory and law enforcement agencies, you just need to slightly adjust it to your needs.

Cover Letter to Contract Documents

When concluding business contracts, a situation often arises when the counterparties are geographically remote from each other and cannot afford to travel to another city to sign the contract.

execution of a cover letter

In this case, the execution of the cover letter becomes a kind of beacon, allowing you to conclude a legally valid contract at a distance, without a personal meeting of representatives. With the help of a cover letter, one side can not only send the signed contract forms for consideration, but also express in writing its position on the essential issues of the agreement.

In addition, a cover letter allows you to record what and how much was attached and sent to the addressee. For example, the content can be stated as follows.

“We are sending you two copies of the contract for the provision of information services, signed and stamped by us. We suggest that you consider the specified draft and, if you agree, sign the contract by returning one of the signed copies to us. Appendix: draft contract in 2 copies on 6 sheets each "

Claims letter - is it necessary?

Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to send a claim to a party under an agreement that does not fulfill its obligations. Usually, all claims, justifications and applications are indicated directly in the claim. It would seem, why might you need a cover letter?

The fact is that a claim can become not only official evidence in court, but in some cases an executive document. It should indicate legally correct and significant things, but it does not carry out a communicative function.

If the counterparty needs to not only make a complaint, but also send some informal words of welcome or clarification, better than a cover letter, not a single document will fulfill this role.

Cover letter is a good way to get to know each other.

Often a company holds an interesting promotion or just wants to do offer unlimited circle of persons. Typical cover letters that are fun and concise are well suited for this.

To such a "business card" you can attach promotional products, catalogs, price lists, price lists and any materials that can interest a potential client or partner.

Even if there are a whole bunch of letters, the head or the leading manager does not need to spend a lot of time on them: just sign the ready-made cliches and you can send them as intended!

Who signs the escort?

And finally, we’ll clarify an important question. Who signs the accompanying document? For this, the hierarchy rule is used: it is better to contact the company president to the director of the enterprise; documentation to the bank can be transferred by the chief accountant; The "accompanying" to the information in the employment center may be signed by the Deputy Director for Human Resources.

A cover letter can become an indispensable business card, if issued correctly!

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