
Claim for a refund. How to return money for goods of inadequate quality?

Sometimes situations happen in life when a person returns a purchase for some reason. He can do this, but in this case, a claim for a refund should be correctly framed.

refund claim

How to return the goods if it is of good quality?

Legislation allows buyers to return certain categories of good quality goods to retail outlets. If the seller didn’t have the same thing on the day the consumer wants to exchange the item, you can expect a refund.

A claim for a refund should contain information about what did not fit the buyer: size, style, shape or equipment. In the event that the goods simply do not like, a competent seller may refuse. The answer must be reasoned and provided in writing.

According to the law, there are 11 categories of goods that are not returned. The most common are cosmetics, perfumes and medicines.

You can exchange or return good quality goods only if the packaging is not damaged, labels and seals are preserved, and the presentation is in the original condition. The check must be mandatory, as it is necessary to present a document confirming that the purchase was perfect in this store. Quality goods must be returned no later than fourteen days later.

Return defective goods

A person, according to the law, has the right not to take goods of poor quality. Then, a claim for a refund for goods of inadequate quality must contain complete and detailed information regarding a specific situation.

Buyer may request:

  • replace the product with exactly the same;
  • to take in exchange a similar product with a recalculation of prices;
  • reducing the cost of low-quality things;
  • return on spent finances.

If the product is technically complex, but has obvious shortcomings, the buyer can demand a refund or replacement of the product within fifteen days from the moment the goods were transferred to the buyer.

The law provides that in the event of a marriage, any product may be returned, even if it is not listed. To achieve the result, a claim for a refund must be correctly drawn up.

How to file a complaint?

The document must clearly indicate all the requirements so that it is easier for the seller to assess the situation. If you need an assessment of the quality of the goods, the period can be increased to 20 days. Examination is not considered a separate requirement, therefore, the seller must conduct it within the time limits established by law regarding the main point.

In the event that the buyer requires free correction of defects or replacement of goods, the seller must provide a similar product for temporary use. Delivery is at his expense.

If the phone needs repair ...

When buying a phone, everyone hopes that the quality of the goods will be at their best. However, sometimes devices may break or have defects. If there are flaws, do not waste time, it is better to immediately contact the outlet.

In order to have confirmation of their innocence, a claim for a refund of money for the phone after repair must be correctly stated. If the buyer submits the requirements in writing, the seller will no longer be able to ignore them.

What to do if the phone breaks right after purchase?

refund claimIf the device has stopped working properly within fourteen days after purchase, a person may demand a replacement phone or insist on a refund.

It should be noted that the seller can organize an independent examination, which will show whether the owner of the phone is to blame for the breakdown.

In the event that the seller was dishonest, a person has the right to terminate the contract in court.

Warranty Period

If the phone breaks down during the warranty period, which is at least 12 months (depending on the model), the seller must repair the device for free.

In this case, the warranty period is extended for the period during which the phone was under repair. Elimination of defects should not last more than 45 days. If for some reason you need to extend the period, you must draw up a written agreement indicating the reasons. The claim for a refund should contain information about the period that is allocated for the repair.

Refund Claim Form

Refund under delivery contracts

As a rule, supply contracts are pre-paid. But sometimes situations arise that call into question not only the supply of goods, but also the possibility of a refund. To avoid problems, the contract must be drawn up with extreme caution.

A claim for a refund under a supply contract will help in situations where conditions are violated. The quantity of goods, their quality and delivery time must correspond to those stated in the contract. The claim must be made clearly, to argue each claim.

If the product turned out to be of poor quality, the buyer can choose one of the options:

  • Require a refund from the supplier. If violations of the terms of the contract occur on an ongoing basis, it is advisable to insist on termination of the contract.
  • If the supplier replaces the defective product with another, the buyer will no longer be able to demand money or unilaterally terminate the contract.

In order to correctly draw up a claim for a refund, the form can be viewed a little higher.

Download Claim Refund Form

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