
How to choose equipment for milk production

Those who are thinking about starting a business should pay attention to the dairy industry. Regardless of the state of the country's economy, milk is one of those products that cannot be abandoned. Therefore, opening a dairy business is a very profitable and interesting idea.

For successful business development it is very important to choose the right equipment for the production of milk. That's what we’ll talk about.

Organization of milk production

Before you open your production, you should determine how the process of obtaining raw materials will be built. There are two options for obtaining feedstock. The first option is to purchase it from the public, and the second is to organize your own farm. The second option, of course, will require you to make large financial investments, but in the future it will pay off faster.

what is needed for milk production

If you decide to buy milk from the population, it is very important to calculate the time that milk will be on the way, because it is a rapidly spoiling product. Therefore, in the case of a long delivery of raw materials to production, coolers will be required.

The main task in organizing the production of milk is the purchase of equipment. But what is needed for milk production?

Basic equipment

If you decide to produce milk and dairy products from natural milk, you can purchase a set of finished equipment.

milk production equipment

For a small production you will need:

  1. Warehouses equipped with refrigerators.
  2. Laboratory module, including equipment for determining the quality of products, boxing and sanitary inspection room.
  3. Various containers that are equipped with a temperature controller.
  4. Dairy pumps are the main equipment for milk processing, which is necessary in all production cycles.
  5. Milk filters used to clean raw materials from mechanical impurities. Filters are an essential element of production at all stages of the production of milk and dairy products.
  6. Pasteurizers. Used for heating, pasteurization and cooling of milk. It is best to purchase automated milk pasteurization lines so that the human factor does not affect the quality of the finished product.
  7. Coolers. Used to control the temperature of milk.

Milk filling lines

Milk filling lines have certain technical features associated with the production of dairy products. Pouring milk into a plastic container allows you to maintain its quality, as well as reduce the cost of production.

milk filling lines

Milk filling line is a special equipment due to which it is possible to dispense products under sterile conditions. This technical feature of the bottling line is very important because milk is a perishable product. Therefore, it is very important to spill milk under sterile conditions in order to increase its shelf life.

An automated milk bottling line significantly increases the level of profitability of the enterprise, and also reduces the cost of packaging and labeling milk. In addition, you can create your own style of a plastic bottle, as well as a unique label that will distinguish your products among many others.

Milk pasteurization equipment

The most important equipment for the production of milk is pasteurizers.This type of equipment includes lamellar, tubular pasteurizers and apparatus with a displacement drum, as well as long-term pasteurization baths and universal tanks.

milk processing equipment

The most commonly used baths are long pasteurization. Such equipment may be rectangular and cylindrical. Long pasteurization bathtubs are made of stainless steel. The choice of long pasteurization baths depends on the estimated production volumes, production technology and financial capabilities. In addition, the purchase of equipment of a larger volume than production requires creates additional losses of raw materials, because the product is simply spread over the walls of the bathtub.

Complex Processing Equipment

The equipment used for the complex processing of milk allows not only cooling the milk, separating it, but also cleaning it of various mechanical impurities. Such equipment for the production of milk is used in almost all dairy farms, as well as in factories that produce milk and dairy products.

Installations consist of a pump, a cooler, a receiver, a housing, an electric motor, a frigator, and other units. Equipment is usually made with transparent doors so that you can monitor the cooling process. In order to cool the milk, the units use water from the fryer, which is filled with ice. In some installations, instead of ice, cooling water uses tap water, which is pumped.

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