
How to choose equipment for the production of sour cream

Equipment and machines intended for the production of sour cream differ from each other in the volume and brand of the manufacturer. Therefore, you must first determine the number of products and the size of the production workshop. Next, you need to find companies that sell such equipment. There are many offers on the market today. But how to choose equipment for the production of sour cream, which will optimally match a particular enterprise?

equipment for the production of sour cream

The first option is to buy a finished full line. Manufacturers offer different capacities both for mini-shops on average from 500 l / h, and for large enterprises up to 10 000 l / h.

The second option is to choose an organization that, on the basis of modern equipment, will specifically design the line to meet the needs of the customer: the required volumes and capacity, the ability to produce the right types of sour cream and apply certain types of product packaging.

When choosing any option, you must cooperate with a serious company. She will not only sell equipment for the production of sour cream, but will also carry out all commissioning activities and will control the first launch of the line. Many sellers, when buying, offer training on working on line nodes.

What is the equipment?

The configuration of the lines for the production of sour cream from different manufacturers is slightly different.

technology for the production of sour cream in a reservoir way

The components depend on the types of sour cream, the methods of its preparation, volumes, types of packaging. The main equipment for the production of sour cream:

  1. a container for storing or cooling cream or milk;
  2. cream separator;
  3. pasteurization and cooling apparatus;
  4. normalization capacity for cream;
  5. homogenizer;
  6. tanks for fermentation, ripening or pasteurization;
  7. terminator;
  8. filling and packaging plant;
  9. CIP unit.

What are the ingredients and requirements for them?

The raw materials used for the production of sour cream include whole cow's milk, cream, sourdough, and packaging.

raw materials used for the production of sour cream

Milk must be higher than the second grade, according to GOST 52054. Cream is separated from the same quality and grade of milk. In production, homogenized or non-homogenized cream can be used. An important role is played by the quality of the starter cultures.

They are usually made on the basis of pure lactic acid cultures of mesophilic or thermophilic streptococci. In Russia, you can use both domestic and imported ingredients that are not prohibited for use by the State Sanitary Inspection of the Russian Federation. All raw materials for the production of sour cream according to the parameters of quality and safety for health must comply with the requirements in SanPiN and SanPiN

Packaging for sour cream should be made of materials that are allowed by the Sanepidnadzor of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Packaging containers must ensure the safety and quality of sour cream at all stages from production to consumption.

Production technology

At home, sour cream is obtained by collecting cream from milk stored in the cold, or by separating it on a special separator. The production technology of sour cream on specialized lines is much more complicated.

sour cream production technology

The manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Separation Milk, cooled to 4 ° C and stored for no more than 12 hours, is heated to 42 ° C, which causes the transition of fats into a liquid state. Then it is cleaned and separated, receiving the cream of the desired fat content and skim milk.
  2. Normalization. It controls and, if necessary, corrects the creaminess of the cream.
  3. Pasteurization.In cream, heated to 62 ° C, the process of homogenization (crushing balls of fat). The resulting homogeneous homogeneous mixture is pasteurized at a temperature of more than 90 ° C. The cooling and ripening process follows.
  4. Ripening. Cream is mixed with sourdough based on pure lactic acid cultures of mesophilic or thermophilic streptococci. The process lasts from 7 to 12 hours, depending on the method of ripening: tank or thermostatic, differing in technology. Then comes the cooling.
  5. Maturation. The final stage before shipping to the consumer, which lasts up to 14 hours.

Reservoir method

The technology for the production of sour cream in a reservoir way consists of the processes described in the section above. Features of this method in the ripening and ripening processes. It takes place in special tanks with temperatures from 22 to 28 ° C, which are designed to move high-viscosity mass due to cooling jackets and mixers.

Fermented cream is mixed for 10 to 15 minutes and left in the tank. From time to time (every 1-1.5 hours), the mixing of the mass is repeated. In the process of ripening, a clot forms and taste accumulates. If the temperature in the tank is from 38 to 40 ° C, then the ripening time should not exceed 10 hours, respectively, when from 22 to 26 ° C - 12 hours, and from 28 to 32 ° C - 10 hours.

Ready sour cream is whipped for about 5 minutes and sent to the packaging stage. The packaged finished product is cooled to 2-6 degrees, and ripens at this temperature. Both processes should take no more than 12 hours.

Thermostat method

As already mentioned in the section "Production Technology", all the stages in the manufacturing by thermostatic method are similar to the reservoir method, and the difference is only in the process of ripening. Fermented cream is whipped for 10-15 minutes and sent for packaging. Pouring mass, it is mixed from 3 to 5 minutes with a frequency of half an hour.

Cream spill from one tank should not last more than 2 hours. The further stages of production are identical and use the same equipment for the production of sour cream, as with the tank method. The difference is in the finished product - sour cream obtained by thermostatic method of ripening, more dense in consistency and has a whole clot.

Description of the technological scheme for the production of sour cream

The photo shows a processing line for the production of sour cream using a thermostatic method. The diagram displays all the processes for processing ingredients in stages.

description of the technological scheme for the production of sour cream

It uses the following designations: No. 1 — a reservoir for cream; No. 2 - a pump; No. 3 - surge tank; No. 4 - plate pasteurization-cooling apparatus; No. 5 - homogenizer; No. 6 - stand; No. 7 - a tank for the production of sour milk mixture; No. 8 - filling apparatus; No. 9 and No. 10 - respectively thermostatic (for ripening) and a refrigerating chamber.

Brief Process Description

  1. At an average temperature of 42 ° C, the milk is separated into cream, which then goes through the normalization process using whole milk.
  2. Normalized cream is pasteurized at 90 ° C for 5-20 minutes, depending on the type of finished product.
  3. Cream cooled to 60 ° C gets into the homogenization process.
  4. The cream is cooled to a temperature optimal for fermentation (it depends on the type of sour cream).
  5. Fermented mass is packaged on a special machine, and the packing time should not be more than two hours.
  6. The process of ripening the mass occurs in a thermostatic chamber from 10 to 16 hours, depending on the fat content of sour cream.
  7. Final maturation occurs in a special refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 8 ° C and lasts from 6 to 12 hours.
  8. Ready sour cream is delivered to consumer outlets.

About the beneficial properties of sour cream

Every year, the volume of dairy production is growing. And one of the most sought after products is sour cream. This healthy and tasty food is loved not only by adults, but also by children.The biological value of sour cream is that it is a natural dairy product.

The benefits of sour cream, unlike milk and cream, are special processes of ripening and ripening, as a result of which substances appear that contribute to a better absorption of this product by the human body. Also, the benefits of sour cream in an increased concentration of various vitamins, for example, groups E, B and A. A high content of vitamins B occurs in the synthesis of microorganisms.

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