
The necessary equipment for the production of cottage cheese

Each of us has a dream of owning a business. Someone has already implemented it, while someone else is at a loss as to which direction to move. The dairy industry is a good option. For example, you can do the production of cottage cheese. However, not all so simple. First of all, it is necessary to choose the right equipment for the production of cottage cheese, and this will be discussed in this article.

About the benefits of cottage cheese

This product is good in every way. It contains proteins that are very well absorbed. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary for the human body (especially young children). Cottage cheese, in fact, is a unique product, it is often included in various diets. In the proper nutrition system, it is always present. Recommended serving is 100 grams per day. To have healthy hair, nails and skin, it is enough to use this product three times a week.

equipment for the production of cottage cheese

Production Features

This process proceeds as follows:

1) Acceptance of whole milk and its qualitative assessment.

2) Preheating and separation of raw materials.

3) Normalization of milk. This is necessary in order to obtain a product of a certain fat content. It should be noted that 5% and fat-free cottage cheese is most often produced (with a mass fraction of fat in the product of 0.5-1%).

4) Pasteurization of the product and its cooling.

5) Adding sourdough to milk and its fermentation.

6) Cutting the resulting clot and separation of serum.

7) Pressing a bunch.

8) Cooling of the finished product.

9) Packaging and labeling of cottage cheese.

Necessary equipment

Consider what equipment is needed for the production of cottage cheese:

1) To accept milk, you must have large tanks in which the product will be stored until the next stage.

2) You will need a pasteurizer-cooler in which milk is heated, and a separator for the production of cottage cheese, which separates the cream from the milk.

3) Tanks are needed for the normalization process.

4) At the stage of pasteurization and cooling, the same pasteurizer-cooler used in the second paragraph is used.

5) Fermentation is carried out in the same tanks (another name is baths for the production of cottage cheese) into which milk enters after normalization.

6) A special knife is needed to cut the clot. After this, it is necessary to drain the formed serum into another reservoir using a fitting or a siphon.

7) To press the cottage cheese, you need a press trolley covered with a sickle. Here the cottage cheese is self-pressed for about an hour.

8) Cooling of the finished product is carried out in refrigerators.

9) Packaging and labeling of cottage cheese is carried out by special machines that dispense the product, pack it and apply special marks.

cottage cheese production line

Automated Installations

Today, an automated line for the production of cottage cheese is in great demand. Its significant advantage is that, thanks to the mechanization of the process, only two or three people are serving staff, and this is a significant saving on labor costs.

Such plants are capable of producing up to 3.5 tons of the finished product (in terms of raw materials - 24 tons of milk). Have a desire to increase production? Such equipment allows the organization of a wide line of several devices, while the process flow is maintained.

cottage cheese separator

Thus, in order to start the production of such a valuable product, it is necessary to purchase a number of devices and properly place them on the territory of the workshop.The easiest way is to purchase a line for the production of cottage cheese, which includes all the necessary machines.

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