
How to choose equipment for the production of double-glazed windows

The production of double-glazed windows is a profitable business, it is an obvious fact. The question is different: "How to choose the units of the technological line?" This is due to the fact that there are their own nuances, so every detail is important. Let's see what requirements should meet the equipment for the production of double-glazed windows. First, a few words about technology. Indeed, much depends on its observance.

equipment for the production of double-glazed windows

Manufacturing technology of double-glazed windows

In principle, it is quite complicated, and the line itself is quite large and overall, but, given the degree of automation, it will not be difficult to deal with manufacturing. First of all, glass blanks are cut. The special dimensions of the future double-glazed window are set here.

Then the cut pieces are cleaned by treatment with water (washing). After that, it is necessary to make a remote frame and apply sealant to it. And now we have come to the final stage, when it remains only to connect the finished cut glass with the frame, which is a double-glazed window.

At the very end, an external sealant is applied. In its composition, it can be one-component or two-component, as well as silicone. Naturally, to do all the above operations, we need a serious technique, which we will talk about now.

Equipment for the production of double-glazed windows

double-glazed window machine

As noted above, we need to cut blanks. You need to do this on a special table. The process will take place in a semi-automatic mode, so one person will be required for maintenance. The cost of such a table is about $ 30,000. For this money you can get pretty high-quality equipment.

Now you need to buy a special device that will carry out washing in automatic mode. And, besides this, you will need a special filter that will clean the water coming from the system. It can not only be dirty, but also have hard inclusions that can damage the glass. All this in assembly will cost about $ 30,000. It is desirable that 2 people work at the units. They will load / unload the workpiece, as well as transfer it from and to the machine.

Double-glazed window machine

glass manufacturing materials

Now, let's look at a machine that serves solely for assembly. These are two units installed in close proximity to each other. Since the machine is fully automatic, just the operator will be enough.

On one of the machines, a spacer strip (internal) is cut, and on the other a sieve (molecular) is poured into the bag. If you buy such equipment, then in general it will cost $ 10,000. In addition, we will need units for sealing a double-glazed window. It can be both automatic and semi-automatic equipment.

For example, a rotating table with a pneumatic (manual) press, which in total costs about $ 3,000. But you can buy a table with an automatic drive, which is somewhat more expensive - $ 3,500. For the final sealing, an extruder is used, its price is about $ 10,000, but you can not do without it. If the region has a high temperature, then the sealant will harden very slowly, so you will need to purchase refrigeration equipment, which is another 4000 dollars.

What else do you need to know

components for the production of double-glazed windows

I would also like to note that it is important to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the units that you plan to install.So, a fairly important indicator for washing machines is the speed and maximum dimensions of the workpiece. The higher these indicators, the better, but the price will also be rather big. Pay attention to the fact that all units require a fairly large amount of electricity due to their power. So you need to take care of this in advance.

Materials for the production of double-glazed windows is also an expensive thing, so you need to work with them carefully. If we talk about secondary sealing tables, then this is quite functional equipment. But again, the SVG-01 model can work with a double-glazed window with a size of 2000x2000 millimeters.

Therefore, if you will produce larger windows, this installation is definitely not suitable for you. As you can see, the equipment for the production of double-glazed windows must be chosen correctly, your earnings directly depend on this.


Well, here we have considered all the important points regarding equipment and the actual technology of manufacturing double-glazed windows. For starters, you will have enough $ 100,000. This includes staff salaries, all equipment, as well as the purchase of materials. In addition, components for the production of double-glazed windows should be included in the amount of costs.

As you can see, the first investment is not so big, but every detail is important here. It is advisable to develop a business plan and only after that start to implement the plan. If everything goes well, then in 1.5 years you will get a net profit, but it depends on how many products you will sell per month. Well, perhaps this is all that you first need to know about the equipment that you need to purchase. Buy only new equipment. Only in extreme cases can you buy used units.

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