
The business plan of the window business: costing and equipment for the production of plastic windows. How to promote the sale of windows

window business business plan

No construction today can do without PVC windows. In addition, more and more people are trying to exchange old wooden windows for new and beautiful energy-efficient double-glazed windows.

This created a great demand for this type of product, and many entrepreneurs open their own production of plastic windows. Such companies can compare favorably with competitors due to the fast lead time for ordering. In this article, we propose to calculate the economic feasibility and develop a business plan for the window business. The goal will be to organize a small company for the production of plastic double-glazed windows.

Company organization

To open the production of plastic double-glazed windows, you must create a legal entity. The first step is to file an application with the USRIP. Then register the UTII payer with the tax service. The production of PVC windows will be taken into account under the general taxation system, and the entrepreneur must charge and pay VAT and personal income tax.


machines for the production of plastic windowsWhile the production is in preparation, all the necessary certification tests must be carried out.

This is a confirmation of the high quality of the products and makes their use possible in certain climatic conditions.

Tests can be carried out both in Russia (compliance with the requirements of Building codes, Construction Norms and Regulations and GOSTs), and in Germany (compliance with the RAL color palette and DIN standard).

A few years ago (from 2010 to 2011) obtaining a certificate of conformity was a mandatory procedure. Now it is replaced by a declaration. Tests are carried out, adhering to the mandatory points of regulatory documentation. In addition, the entrepreneur should take care of obtaining a Gosstroy license and the conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological commission.

Technological stages of the production of plastic windows

The manufacturing process for the manufacture of PVC windows consists of several stages.

Profile cutting

This step includes cutting PVC whips and metal profiles. The level of implementation of this operation largely affects the quality of the finished product. Particular attention should be paid to the location of the whips and compliance with the cutting plane. Billets must be cut in accordance with the order, while leaving a margin for welding of about 5-6 mm.

This applies to cutting a plastic profile. Casement and frame materials are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Shoring profiles, bay windows, impost should be cut at right angles, i.e. 90 degrees. At the same time, do not forget to leave a margin of 3-6 mm on each side.

Drainage channel milling

To ensure the removal of excess moisture and compensate for wind pressure, drainage holes should be made in the wings, frame and impost. How to arrange them correctly is usually indicated by the profile provider. The holes should be oblong, made using a drainage machine or a special tool.

Fastening a metal profile in a plastic base

The blanks of the metal profile must be placed in a special chamber and secured with self-tapping screws. This is easily done using an automatic screwdriver or a manual screwdriver.

Drilling holes for the handle and locking the main lock

To install the fittings, you need to make the corresponding holes in the profile.To do this, use a copy-milling machine.

Milling the ends of the impost

Before installing the impost in the sash or frame, you need to specially process the edges of the workpiece. This operation is performed on a face milling machine. After that, the impost is attached to the frame or sash using mechanical connectors.

Welding plastic windows

Welding of metal-plastic structures is carried out at a temperature of 230-250 degrees. In this case, the specialist must carefully treat the surface of the knife. It takes 25 to 40 seconds to heat up the seam; the exact same time is required for welding. Before starting the operation, make sure that the machine is clean, free of dust and chips of metal or plastic, since the presence of industrial debris affects the quality of the seam. After welding, visual quality control is carried out.


The cleaning of corners of plastic windows should be done manually or using special equipment. The machine cuts the weld deposit from the front surface with a special knife, after which the cutter cleans the end side. It should be remembered that each type of profile requires the selection of a special cutter.

Installation of sealing material

Sealing rubber is immersed in the groove, starting from the middle of the upper crossbar. This is done manually to avoid stretching the material. Using special glue, the seal is docked.


After the fittings are installed on the profile, you need to place the sash on the frame, introduce gaskets under the double-glazed window and seam inserts.


The contour, which serves as the fastening of the double-glazed window in the frame or sash, is called glazing bead. They are cut on a special saw (sometimes a pendulum type).

The production process ends with the installation of a double-glazed window in the frame and driving into special grooves of glazing beads. This can be done at the glazing stand. When all the described steps are completed, the window will be ready for installation.

Large enterprises usually install an automated line for the production of plastic windows, which runs a full cycle. Some plants have not only the entire range of production equipment and assembly shop, but also an extrusion line.

Equipment for the production of plastic windows

To date, there is no shortage of proposals for equipment for the manufacture of double-glazed windows. PVC products are a popular and necessary product in the construction market. The machines for the production of plastic windows of Turkish brands - Nissan, Kaban, Yilmaz and Nikmak are very popular. Tools of domestic manufacturers are also in demand.

Business plan window business. Choice of premises

The area of ​​the room where the equipment will be located directly depends on the planned volume of production. For example, an enterprise will produce standard windows (double-wing) with a size of 1400 x 1200.

In order to open a workshop that will produce 20 sets of structures per shift, a room with an area of ​​about 200 square meters is needed. It should not be forgotten that the height of the ceilings should be at least 3 meters. Best if the finished product warehouse will be located nearby.

A prerequisite for the production of metal-plastic structures is electricity. Mains voltage should be 380 V / 50 Hz. Air temperature - 18 degrees, otherwise, a violation of production technology may occur.

The room should be equipped with a good ventilation system. Pay particular attention to lighting. Throughout the territory, you can make a general light, and individual sections equip local sources.

equipment for the production of plastic windows


The business plan of the window business should contain information on staff recruitment. A small business will require about 10 people.

  • Production manager who will oversee the entire process.
  • The main technologist whose task is to determine whether the finished product meets the requirements of the customer and generally accepted standards.In addition, he also distributes tasks among workers and controls the process.
  • The engineer must monitor the operation of the equipment and, if necessary, eliminate breakdowns and shortcomings in its operation.
  • Workers in the amount of 7 people, including the storekeeper, responsible for the reception and dispatch of goods.

It is necessary to establish a program that, with minimal errors, calculates the cost of structures and provides the information needed for production.

pvc windows sale


Opening a window business from scratch, you should determine the initial costs.


  • two-head welding machine - 415 thousand rubles;
  • a two-head saw equipped with a frontal disc liner - 375 thousand rubles;
  • coal-cleaning machine (Turkey) - 225 thousand rubles;
  • copy-milling machine (Turkey) - 110 thousand rubles;
  • automatic saw designed for cutting glazing beads - 100 thousand rubles;
  • machine for milling drainage holes - 90 thousand rubles;
  • end milling machine (Turkey) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • compressor - 25 thousand rubles;
  • equipment for cutting reinforcement - 10 thousand rubles.

Counting the numbers, we get the cost of a full set of equipment, which is 1 million 380 thousand rubles. In addition, we add to the amount the cost of installation and delivery of equipment - 50 thousand rubles. - and the costs of obtaining certificates and licenses - 50 thousand rubles. Capital expenditures will amount to 1 million 480 thousand rubles.

Calculation of the cost of materials

We calculate the cost of materials required for the manufacture of 1 m2 double-glazed window:

  • Glass / cost 300 rubles / m2. Norm of expenses - 2 m2. Consumption - 600 rubles.
  • Butyl / cost 35 rubles / kg. Norm of expenses - 0.1 kg / m2. Consumption - 3.5 rubles.
  • Shell / cost 100 rubles / m. The norm of expenses is 4 m. Consumption - 400 rubles.
  • Other expenses per 1 m2 - 200 rub.

Total for manufacturing 1 m2 a double-glazed window will require 1203.50 rubles.

We calculate the cost of materials necessary for the production of metal-plastic construction:

  • Rolled metal / cost 600 rubles / m. Norm of expenses - 1 m / m2. Consumption - 600 rubles.
  • PVC profile / cost 1000 rubles / m. Norm of expenses - 0.5 m / m2. Consumption - 500 rubles.
  • Other consumables - 2000 rubles.

Total - 3,100 rubles / m2.

Summarizing the costs of materials, we get 4303.50 rubles., Which will be required for the manufacture of 1 m2 products. In a month it will be: 20 finished windows x 22 shifts x 1.68 m2 x 4303.50 = 3 million 182 thousand rubles.

Approximate monthly incomes (taking into account the price of the finished product) will be: 20 finished products x 22 shifts x 10,000 rubles. = 4 million 400 thousand rubles.

A window business business plan requires a monthly cost estimate.

  • Lease of premises for production and warehouse - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Utility payments - 25 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees (10 people) - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Costs for production components and materials - 3 million 182 thousand rubles.

Total costs for 1 month: 3 million 407 thousand rubles.

Income tax (20%) - 198 thousand 600 rubles.

Total expense: 3 million 605 thousand. 600 rubles.

Profitability and profit

Calculating the net profit, we get 794 thousand 400 rubles. Profitability of the enterprise will be 18.05%. With these indicators, the payback of the enterprise will be about 1 year 9 months. These calculations are indicative, each novice entrepreneur should know that the development of the window business in the presence of high competition will require an increase in the cost items for the advertising campaign.

plastic window production line

How to increase sales?

Every entrepreneur is faced with this question at a certain stage. It is not enough to have good production facilities and competent staff, a certain sales strategy is needed. Today, there are several ways to attract the attention of a buyer to your company.

  • The appearance on the market of a new manufacturer should be accompanied by a well-designed advertising campaign. How to promote the sale of windows? At the initial stage, you can use various discount systems, promotions, special price tags and discount cards. In addition, an effective means is the presentation of the goods “alive”.Ready-made window samples can be demonstrated to customers, talk about their advantages and distinctive qualities.
  • The development of high technology and the Internet will tell you how to promote the sale of windows. It's about creating your own website. On it, customers can study the catalog of products, services and company prices.
  • Pay special attention to staff training. Communicating with the seller or consultant, the buyer should receive complete information about the company's products, product quality, ongoing promotions and discounts. The seller’s ability to convince the buyer that this product is most profitable to purchase in your company is also important.

Selling PVC windows will become a profitable and successful business, if you follow all the subtleties of its organization.

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