
How to choose an orthopedic pillow? How to choose an orthopedic pillow with a memory effect

You do not need to be a doctor to confidently state that a healthy sleep is extremely important for the whole organism.

Moreover, when a person is sleeping, he should be comfortable, but do not forget that ordinary pillows for the most part do not provide the correct position of the head and spine. However, this problem can be quite simply fixed. Let's see how to choose an orthopedic pillow that will make your sleep sound and your body healthy.

how to choose an orthopedic pillow

Some general information

It would seem that everything is extremely simple, because to go to the store and buy an orthopedic pillow is a simple matter. However, do not make hasty conclusions. It turns out that not everything is so simple here, but this is due to the fact that you need to take into account a lot of factors, starting from the material and size, ending with the place of purchase and the cost of the product. Moreover, it is necessary to be guided by the physiological characteristics of the person for whom the product is purchased. For example, shoulder width. In addition, the degree of hardness of the mattress must be taken into account.

Currently, doctors strongly recommend buying an orthopedic pillow. Moreover, this should be done even to those people who do not have any signs of a disease of the cervical spine, and indeed the back as a whole. By choosing the right pillow, you will not only ensure a normal flow of oxygen to the brain, but also ensure that you sleep in the correct position when your back muscles are relaxed. But, as noted above, making a choice is very difficult. This is what we will try to figure out with you.

Functions performed by the orthopedic pillow

In principle, it does not mean at all that if you buy such a product for yourself, it will solve all your back problems. Nevertheless, you can completely prevent the development of osteochondrosis. Despite the fact that in the early stages the disease practically does not cause discomfort, as it develops, it becomes more and more serious.

In addition, such products are suitable for those patients who have undergone spinal surgery. But before you decide something on your own, consult your doctor, he will tell you how to choose an orthopedic pillow and whether you need it at all. In fact, the beneficial effect is achieved thanks to a special anatomical shape. Achieving it is quite simple. They place several rollers along the edges, which allows you to maintain the head and neck of a person, as well as to achieve their comfortable position.

The material, the so-called mattress, can have different rigidity, the main goal is to ensure the correct position of a person during sleep. In addition, such a pillow can reduce pain in osteochondrosis. Since the spine is in a relaxed state, the pain effect is lower. You can put such rollers under the lower back or directly on the back, which is also useful. Let's take a closer look at how to choose an orthopedic pillow and what to pay attention to first. And since you should not neglect your health, you need to take this with all responsibility.

How to choose a pillow: shape and size

First you need to decide on the dimensions of the product. As noted above, much depends on the physiological characteristics of a person, in particular, the width of the shoulder. It is necessary to measure the approximate distance from the neck to the edge of the shoulder and add a few centimeters to this value.It must be remembered that the wider the person’s shoulders, the higher the roller should be chosen. Various problems can arise with this, for example, the lack of a roller of the required height. But in this case, you can find a rational solution, for example, put a terry blanket folded in several layers under the pillow.

As for the shape, it can be different, but in most cases - rectangular. Standard sizes are 80x60 or 60x40. There are small options designed for newborns, as well as children up to 3-5 years. Since it is extremely important to choose an orthopedic pillow for a small growing organism, then devote more time to the process, because the health of the spine and how calm the baby will sleep will depend on this.

As for the height of the roller, then on sale you can find pillows from 6 to 16 centimeters. It is best to choose something in the range of 8-14 centimeters and not give preference to the maximum or minimum. Remember that if you buy a pillow that is too large or, on the contrary, a very small one, your body will try to find a more comfortable sleeping position, which will make it not so strong and calm.

Natural or synthetic - which is better?

This question plagues many buyers. Fortunately, the choice here is not so big. A natural filler is a feather and fluff that can cause allergies in humans. If you have one, then give preference to synthetics. In principle, there are not noticeable differences. But it is worth paying your attention to the fact that synthetics can also cause allergic reactions, but they occur only in case of individual intolerance, which is quite rare.

If you do not know how to choose the right orthopedic pillow, and choose between several fillers, then remember that there is not much difference. Basically, the characteristics coincide, and it is comfortable to sleep on pillows made of feathers, as well as on synthetic ones. It is desirable that there is a small seal under the neck, which allows for complete relaxation of the neck and back muscles.

A feature of the manufacture of such orthopedic pillows is that they use a special material. It remembers and accepts the contours of your body, taking into account all the anatomical features. Waking up in the morning, you will notice that the complexion has become better, there are no swelling. This will only indicate that the vessels were not constricted, and blood flowed freely to the brain. Therefore, before asking the seller about which pillow to choose, ask if it has a neck seal. If one is missing, then it is better to go to another store.

What is an orthopedic pillow with a memory effect?

memory foam orthopedic pillow

It is immediately worth noting that such products must be attributed to the middle and high price range, due to the use of expensive materials. It’s easy to guess that there are pillows with and without memory effect. If we talk about the first option, then such a product is different in that it responds to human heat, pressure and takes the desired shape. If you get up, then in a couple of seconds its original position is restored, if you lie down, you can notice how the material gradually adapts to the contours of your neck and head. The material used can be different in stiffness, and can also be made from different mixtures.

For example, it can be polyurethane or something like a mixture of latex and some kind of memorial. Pillows of an elite class from Bedding or any others that are in the high price range and have a memory effect cannot be washed. Firstly, after a while they will lose their properties, and secondly, the product will quickly wear out and it can be disposed of in a landfill. As noted above, there are several popular mixtures of which orthopedic pillows with memory effect are currently made.A little below, we will take a closer look at each of them and decide which one is still better.

Advantages and disadvantages of latex

You can talk about this material for a very long time. This is due to the fact that latex is used not only for the manufacture of pillows, but also in medicine, for example, in the manufacture of gloves, etc. The most important thing is to say about the antibacterial properties of the material. These products are highly recommended for children. This is due to the fact that a growing organism is very exposed to microorganisms, hence the disease, nervousness, etc.

Therefore, if you do not know how to choose an orthopedic pillow for a child, then feel free to give preference to latex. Another important advantage is the environmental cleanliness of the material. Latex does not emit radioactive substances and free radicals. These very important properties make the latex pillow an ideal option for many. The only obstacle is its cost, especially when the product is made of concentrated material.

In this case, the wear resistance is at a high level, and the service life reaches about 10-13 years with regular use. During this time, the pillow will retain its shape and will not deteriorate from a small amount of moisture falling on it. If you have enough money, it is recommended to buy a latex pillow. So you will ensure a sound sleep and proper body position, and this, in turn, will directly affect the health of the whole organism.

Polyester and Buckwheat Husk

In the second and third place in popularity are these materials. If we talk about polyester, then absolutely everyone is familiar with it. These are small white balls that act as a filler. In a free state, the balls are in the "body" of the product. When a person lies on a pillow, they disperse under pressure and take the form of a body.

If you got up, then for the polyester to take its starting position, it is enough to shake it, after that you can go to bed again or just lie down a little. If you bought a pillow too high, then you can pour some of the balls without any problems. As for the service life, it is far from latex, however, 8 years of operation at a low cost is a very advantageous offer.

Buckwheat husk is an environmentally friendly material with good orthopedic properties. Of course, if you have an individual intolerance to the smell of buckwheat, then you do not need to buy such a product. Since it is not recommended to wash an orthopedic pillow from such a filler, it is better to just dry it sometimes in the fresh air. This will be enough to maintain the freshness and purity of the product. If you do not know how to choose an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis (mid-price range), then feel free to give preference to this option. Remember that the husk must be thoroughly dried and dust free.

A bit about elastic foam pillows

how to wash an orthopedic pillowThe service life of such a product is slightly shorter than that of latex. Nevertheless, 10 years is a pretty decent figure.

Unfortunately, the price of viscoelastic foam is quite high, and not everyone can afford to buy such a pillow.

As for the effect obtained, we can draw a small analogy with plasticine. This is due to the fact that the pillow is viscous and gradually under the pressure of the body takes the form of a head and neck, and also remembers it.

An important feature is that viscous foam under the weight does not completely miss, therefore it provides a comfortable sleep all night. If you get up, then pretty quickly the pillow will take its starting position. Thermal insulating surface properties - this is another feature. Regardless of the temperature in the room, whether it is heat or cold, you will be comfortable. Antiseptic properties completely eliminate the appearance of ticks.

How not to make a mistake when buying?

There are currently plenty of places where you can buy a pillow for yourself. But, despite this, it is not recommended to make a purchase through the Internet, and not at all because you can sell low-quality goods, but for the simple reason that the product must be felt and examined from all sides before buying. And how to choose an orthopedic pillow if it is not near you?

No way. If the product lies in front of you, then you can decide on the spot which filler suits you and whether the size is small. Do not fall for big discounts or just low prices. If you sell a latex pillow for 500 rubles, then most likely, as a filler, something else. It is possible that instead of a beneficial effect, you will only get a headache in the morning.

Your choice should be based on how you sleep. If you spend all night on your stomach, then a soft and not very high pillow is best. However, if you constantly put your hand under your head, then this indicates insufficient height. It would be very nice to buy an orthopedic mattress. In this case, you will ensure the correct position not only of the neck and head, but also of the whole body. Since choosing the right orthopedic pillow is very important, then spend more time shopping.


As noted above, online shopping is not recommended. Come to the store, it is desirable that it is specialized, walk around the departments with the goods of interest. If you have a consultant, then this is just fine, you can get a closer look at all the goods and, being confident, make your choice. As you know, there are many nuances that must be adhered to.

If you wake up and feel like you have been working all night, then this is a clear sign that you were extremely uncomfortable at night. Do not spare a couple of thousand rubles and a few hours of your time. After a few days, you will notice that the general condition of the body has improved, and you are full of strength and self-confidence.

Do not be alarmed if your body muscles ache for the first few days. This is quite normal, since you will sleep in an unusual state. Very soon it will pass. Well, that’s all that can be said about how to choose an orthopedic pillow. Do not forget that a sound and comfortable sleep is a healthy organism.

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