
Benefits to children of war: a list

They experienced a lot, and the memory still has not erased all the pictures of the past. They lost relatives, loved ones, loved ones, spent their childhood in unbearable conditions and remained alive. And while they can count on at least some benefits? Can the children of war be helped at least a little or they have not earned this right? Is their status just a name, not a symbol of grief? How does the law look at it and what does it offer to this category of people?

benefits to children of war

At the federal level

I must say that there is still no such official status as the children of war. Moscow does not deny benefits, but does not approve. For several years, the State Duma has been considering a bill on financial and other assistance for people born between 1923 and 1945. But the regions at their level can adopt the relevant laws. In particular, such documents on benefits were adopted in Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Amur, Tver and many other areas of the country. In total, this list contains about twenty regions of the state. The laws themselves are not frozen and may be revised. In this regard, the size of the benefits allocated and their list can be changed.

are there any benefits to children of war

Who and why?

Who are the children of war? Who can consider themselves as such? Again, in each region, this definition has its own specifics. In most regions, it is required to confirm the year of birth that falls within a certain time period. Sometimes there are additional criteria, for example, the loss of parents during the Second World War. In this case, we are talking about such a status as an orphan of hostilities.

Today, the so-called children of the war themselves have become grandparents. They see poorly, move with difficulty, but at most remember the horrors experienced. They need help, both material and moral. Often they are lonely, abandoned by relatives and friends. Not wanting to be a burden to relatives, they ask for information about what benefits are given to children of war and what can they use by law?

benefits and payments children of war

In 2014

Social support in 2014 for categories of the population falling under the status of children of war implies several subparagraphs. First, they should receive help out of turn in social service and support institutions. Secondly, they are entitled to extraordinary medical treatment and rehabilitation. They are entitled to prescription-free medicines. Thirdly, children of war can and should receive a monthly allowance. Its size is not as large as we would like to hope: only 300-600 rubles, but even this is a great help for many pensioners. In addition, they are entitled to privileges for utility bills and transportation.

But it turns out that material benefits are granted to a person only if he does not receive any more payments. This measure seems rather tricky, since among representatives of this category there is no one who is completely deprived of means of subsistence and does not receive a pension. And it turns out that the benefits to children of the war are paid very selectively. Are there so many of these pensioners left to save on them?

benefits and payments children of war

Was proposed

When asked if there are benefits to children of war, one can answer evasively. But in general, this category is forgotten and abandoned. It is proposed to equate them with the rear workers and provide a number of additional advantages. If such an initiative is implemented, benefits for children of the war will include a discount on utility bills, free prescription drugs for doctors. They can also get free travel in local and regional transport.

They will not be provided a priori, only upon application.To get benefits, children of the war will need to contact the social protection authorities with a certain request. You’ll have to take documents with you. In particular, you need a passport to confirm the date of birth in the right period. There are no other conditions. Work experience or citizenship should not be an obstacle. Depending on the region of residence, the period for issuing the corresponding certificate is determined.

benefits and payments to children of war in Russia

In Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation, laws on state social support for veterans are in force, which can significantly reduce their material costs. When registering, the status of a citizen, his merits in protecting the Motherland, military or public service, as well as work experience, are taken into account. If a person is a participant in armed conflict or various military operations, then he is in a special place in the general list of veterans.

Children of war can receive benefits and payments legally, but provided that in each specific case a number of additional requirements are observed. In particular, a fighter who has fought, a person who has lost his entire family in military operations, veterans of state or military service, and also labor, can be considered a beneficiary. If, in addition to status, a person does not constitute anything, that is, he is a dependent, he has never served and has worked little, then he cannot count on a special situation.

Social support

The benefits and payments to the children of the war in Russia are laid purely from a human point of view, because these people have lost their childhood. They experienced constant fear and horror in anticipation of the bombing. They worked behind enemy lines along with adults. Many are malnourished. According to general estimates, 13 million children of the war live in Russia, who were born from June 23, 1928 to September 3, 1945. Of these, 10 million have social benefits as rear workers either for health. The remaining 3 million are deprived of attention and care. According to the proposed project, they can count on a 50% discount on utilities, free travel, medicines and funeral services.

children of war perks Moscow

Will it cost a pretty penny?

The authors of the bill on children of the war felt that all expenses on benefits and allowances would amount to 112 billion rubles annually. It is planned that the necessary funds will be found at the expense of National Welfare Fund. The main theme is the moral side of the issue. Indeed, in Germany, children of war have had this status for more than ten years, although hostilities in the country lasted only a few months. In the USSR, the war lasted almost five years. A step forward can be considered the organization Children of War, founded by the efforts of the pensioners themselves, which has branches throughout the country. Today, it has already included three million people, and the organization’s representatives are actively working to introduce the bill into force and lobby it at the federal level.

The organization’s tasks include obtaining material compensation, at least in the declared low equivalent. While the bill is in development, achieving other goals seems very problematic. The feasible help from the regions would be to count the Children of War living on the territory, taking into account their living conditions, financial situation and family composition. Some material support can be organized locally if the status of a citizen, his special conditions and the need for material assistance are proved. Each of these people really deserved support from those who had never seen the glow of war.

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