
Benefits for single mothers. The procedure for obtaining benefits for single mothers. List of documents for benefits

Unfortunately, the problems of single mothers are gaining more and more insoluble issues in our time. A woman who independently “raises a child” is a very common occurrence not only in our country.

A significant number of women are raising their children on their own, and there are many reasons for this, among which the father of the child refuses to provide assistance, the birth of a child outside the marriage, adoption and much more. However, whatever the reasons for the appearance of a large number of single mothers, they still need help and protection with their children.

The state policy regarding this category of citizens is unambiguous - women who independently, without the participation of a father, raise a child should receive material support from the state. Financial assistance is manifested in special allowances for children and additional payments, benefits in the labor and tax spheres of life, an extraordinary placement of a child in kindergarten, etc. Let us try to consider what benefits are used by single mothers.

Legislative Status of Single Mothers

benefits for single mothersThe legislation guarantees the legitimate protection of the interests of those citizens who raise a child on their own.

It is legally prescribed that this status is given to those women whose children in their birth certificate do not have any mention of a father.

It seems that the wording is quite clear, but it is not always able to explain and take into account all the nuances and features.

After all, we are talking about the actual violation of the rights of the child, both morally and socially, from the second parent, who, as a biological unit, may be available, but as an assistant responsible for financial support and upbringing, is absent. And as a result, obligations to meet the needs of the child fall on the state. And all this despite the fact that the benefits of a single mother in Russia are a very painful topic.

Who is recognized as a single mother?

The definition of the legal status of a single mother is quite clearly spelled out in Russian law. According to him, privileges are determined for children of single mothers. To date, the following status can be claimed:

  • women who have given birth to children outside the legal marriage, if paternity is not established in the manner required by law: there is no joint application from both parents to the registry office on the establishment of paternity or there is no corresponding court decision on the fact of establishing paternity;
  • a woman who, while not officially married, took part in the state adoption program and, from the point of view of jurisprudence, acquired the legal status of a single mother. Benefits and benefits will be provided to her in accordance with the requirements of the law;
  • a woman who has adopted a child in marital status, provided that her official husband has not recognized the child and has not adopted him;
  • a woman who gave birth to a child while in a marriage, provided that her paternal rights were challenged in court, and the court decided that her legal spouse is not the biological parent of the newborn;
  • a woman who gave birth within 300 days after the divorce proceedings, and whose former spouse through the court proved that she was not really the father of the child.

If all conditions are met, then social services employees can give an answer to the burning question of whether there are benefits for single mothers, and what exactly they are entitled to by law.

Who is not entitled to claim the legal status of a single mother?

If based on the provisions of family law in the Russian Federation, the following categories of citizens do not apply for the official title of single mother:

  • women who have given birth and raise a child in an incomplete family, with an official father who for one reason or another does not provide their child with any financial and moral support;
  • women who are not officially married, but according to the birth certificate of the child, the father is still there, even if he does not live with him;
  • widows, in this case, financial support from the state per child will be provided on other grounds;
  • mothers of children whose husbands were deprived of paternal rights in full compliance with legislative requirements;
  • those women who gave birth to a baby within 300 days after the official end divorce proceedings, provided that their former spouses did not appeal their paternity through a court of law. In this case, according to Article 48, Part 2 of the RF IC, the registry office employees recognize paternity, even if the man is not in fact the biological parent of the child.

What state bodies confirm the status of a single mother?

After childbirth, the mother is obliged to submit an application for registration of the child to the registry office at the place of residence (registration). Moreover, it is required by law that it be signed by both parents. If there is no second parent, then the mother needs to prepare a package of documents certifying that the father of her child is absent or renounced her paternal rights (including the need to obtain appropriate confirmation in court).

Only after that, the registry office will accept the application for registration of the newborn, and put a dash in his certificate. When issuing a birth certificate, the mother of the child will be additionally issued a certificate according to form No. 25 stating that she is a single mother. Such a document is useful in order to find out in more detail what benefits and payments are given to single mothers and how to draw them up correctly. Thus, confirmation of the title of a single mother is carried out in the registry office.

Benefits and financial payments to single mothers in 2014

Single parents receive the same benefits guaranteed for all women, including those from full families. However, it is worth noting that the amount of benefits for single mothers is enlarged. Currently, a single woman will receive the following benefits:

  • maternity capital if a woman gave birth to a second child;
  • one-time payment to all women who are timely registered with medical institutions before the 12th week of pregnancy. Legislatively in 2014, the amount of the aforementioned allowance is set at 515 rubles. 33 kopecks .;
  • one-time payment at birth. In Russia, it is charged according to the provisions of Law No. 81-F3 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” dated May 19, 1995. The official amount of this financial support in 2014 amounted to 13,742 rubles;
  • monthly financial payments for caring for a child who is under 1.5 years old. Since the beginning of 2013, the amount of this benefit depends on the official earnings of the insured woman for the previous 2 years worked. In the analyzed year, the amount of the minimum monthly payment amounted to 2576 rubles after the first birth and 5153 rubles at the birth of the second child and subsequent;
  • maternity allowance. The amount of this allowance varies according to the amendments (01.01.2013 year) to the Law No. 21-F3 of 02.25.2011. When calculating this allowance, some periods in determining the average earnings for 1 business day will not be taken into account.

Other types of financial assistance to single mothers

In addition to basic government payments, a single parent has an absolute right to receive additional financial incentives. Consider what benefits an additional single mother has:

  • the state monthly payment for a child until he reaches 1.5 years of age and, accordingly, from 1.5 to 3 years;
  • the so-called children's money for a child under the age of majority, this allowance is permanent and is paid every calendar month;
  • monetary compensation in connection with the gradual increase in the cost of living;
  • monetary compensation in connection with an increase in food prices;
  • state assistance in kind (a set of clothes for a child, a dairy kitchen for newborns, and more);
  • monthly monetary support from the state for the maintenance of a disabled child.

It is worth noting that the size of all the above benefits varies depending on the region of the country, its financial capabilities and municipal social programs. It is also worth noting that a large single mother will receive slightly different, higher benefits in financing.

What documents need to be submitted for registration and benefits for single mothers in 2014?

In 2014, no changes were made to the standard documentary package, which is necessary when drawing up benefits and additional payments. The main list has remained the same as in 2013. The following documents will be required for registration:

  1. certificate from the housing office, indicating that the child lives with his mother;
  2. documentary evidence of the relationship between the child and mother (birth certificate);
  3. copy of passport and mother identification number;
  4. the mother’s work record, confirmed by management and certified by notaries;
  5. state bank account number or savings book.

In addition to official cash benefits from the state, single mothers also receive the right to certain additional benefits relating to both the social sphere and tax.

Tax breaks for single parents in 2014

According to the provisions of Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a single mother who continues to work, has the absolute right to double deduction of income tax. In 2014, its sum for the first two children is 2800 rubles, for the third and subsequent ones - 6000 rubles.

The tax deduction from the mother’s income for a disabled child of group 1 or 2 until he reaches the age of majority (in the case of in-house higher education up to 23 years of age) will be 6000 rubles. Thus, these benefits for single mothers can reduce costs and increase income levels, which will positively affect the provision of the child.

Social assistance for single mothers

Social benefits for individuals are accrued taking into account the federal budgets of different regions. Regarding their availability and receipt, it is necessary to find out in the local social protection authorities. Moreover, these benefits can be very diverse:

  • providing the child 2 times a year with a change of clothes;
  • fare for single mothers in public transport is 50%. Such benefits allow single mothers to save on travel by trams, trolleybuses, electric trains and state shuttle buses;
  • registration and adoption of a child in a municipal children's institution without following the order, provided that the institution is state-owned. Until 2009, this benefit was guaranteed to every single mother, and after that all responsibility was assigned to local and federal authorities. Now only the administration of the institution can say what benefits a single mother will receive. Kindergarten reserves the right to provide or refuse them;
  • treatment in health facilities and visits to recreation camps at the expense of the state.

This list is approximate, each region has its own benefits, and to find out about them, a single mother needs to contact local authorities. So, for example, benefits for single mothers in Moscow will differ from the Far North, Khabarovsk or Krasnodar.

Labor benefits for single mothers

are there any benefits for single mothers

The legislation of Russia guarantees for working single mothers a number of guarantees, exemptions and benefits in working conditions. Thus, the area of ​​labor law recognizes the benefits and rights of single mothers, which they can claim in accordance with their status.

  • A single mother who is raising a child under the age of 14 cannot be dismissed from her post. The exception in this case will be a systematic violation of the rules of the enterprise, neglect of official duties or their non-fulfillment, theft or theft of property, as well as the disclosure of commercial information.
  • If the state ceases to be the owner of the enterprise, the new owner will not be able to dismiss a single mother. He is obliged to conclude an agreement with her on voluntary dismissal in exchange for monetary compensation.
  • Single parents have the right to short additional leave, which, however, will not be paid. In 2014, it will be 14 calendar days. In addition, it is worth considering that it can be used both in parts and in conjunction with the main vacation.
  • An employer who has refused a single mother is required to explain in writing to her the reasons for her refusal. If this condition is not met, then a single parent can sue for violation of rights.
  • Hospital payments are paid in a larger amount, and the period may be extended.

Benefits of single mothers in healthcare

Medicine also provides benefits for single mothers and their babies. Moreover, they begin to act from the moment the child is born. If the child is disabled or has a serious illness, then for him and his parent the state guarantees additional bonuses. The benefits for single mothers in the field of medicine are as follows:

  • if in the hospital, to which the mother and child are assigned, there is a massage room, then the child can visit him 2 times a week absolutely free;
  • the maternity hospital has the right to provide the child with a set of bed linen, diapers and clothes at the request of the mother;
  • the child has the right to receive vouchers for rest or recovery from medical state institutions every year for free (in some regions with payment of 25% of the total cost);
  • if the hospital has a dairy kitchen, then its services for children under the age of 3 years are free;

Benefits for single mothers in educational institutions

For single mothers, a number of benefits are provided related to finding a child in school at a preschool and secondary educational institution:

  1. the obligatory right to receive good nutrition in the dining room of the institution at least 2 times a day;
  2. the right to free provision of a child with teaching aids;
  3. receiving stationery sets and notebooks for the student (valid in some Russian regions);
  4. 30% discount for a child attending sports sections, a music school or theater and art clubs;
  5. compensation of the cost of a monthly payment for a preschool institution at the expense of the state budget (it is not valid in all regions, in some constituent entities of the Federation the compensation is 70%).

Housing and communal services: benefits and concessions

Housing law in Russia provides single mothers with the least amount of benefits. This legal sphere practically does not affect the interests of single parents and their children. To a greater extent, benefits for housing and communal services are implemented through regional social programs to protect the population in individual regions of Russia. Currently, the following housing benefits for single mothers apply:

  • if there is a child under the age of 1.5 years, payment for garbage removal from an apartment building from a single mother is not charged;
  • if a single mother has not reached the age of 35, then in fact a woman has the right to participate in federal and regional housing programs. These benefits are granted to single mothers if the woman does not have health problems that would affect her ability to work;
  • the state is obliged to improve the living conditions of the mother and her baby, if necessary;
  • in line for free public housing, single mothers are listed at the top of the list.

In addition, in some cases, single mothers may try to get a subsidy to pay for LCD services. For this, it is necessary to contact the social security authorities at the actual place of residence for more detailed consultations and calculations. Only employees of social institutions can tell what benefits single mothers have when calculating utility bills.

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Reason for complaint
Please tell me everywhere it is written about travel in public transport and about meals in the school cafeteria, only I, for example, cannot achieve this in our Crimea in Simferopol, this is not the case in the Security Council.
Jana Tatyana
In Moscow, too, can not be achieved. It is only on paper.


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