
What is EDV? EDV for people with disabilities in 2015

Many Russian retirees are given a monthly cash payment (EDV) for retirement. Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-ФЗ granted the right to it to certain categories of citizens who were previously provided with various benefits, so this measure of social support is a kind of monetization of previous benefits.

What is EDV?

The EDV abbreviation combines numerous types of monthly payments of funds to various categories of citizens of the Russian Federation who need the help of the state or have merits to it, giving them the right to such payments in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This primarily includes payments made to various categories of pensioners by PFR territorial divisions according to Federal Law No. 122. In addition, there are EDV paid to families with three or more children by social protection authorities by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2012 No. 606, dedicated to measures to improve the demographic situation in Russia. The size of the EDV and the payment procedure in this case are governed by legislative and administrative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The same abbreviation for EDV is also used to denote a lump sum payment for servicemen and employees of law enforcement agencies who are being discharged to the reserve, which is not considered in our article.what is edv

Monthly pension payments

What is EDV for retirees? In August 2004, Federal Law No. 122 was adopted, which gave the right to additional payments for pensions on the basis of the following laws "On Veterans", "On Social Protection of Disabled People in Russia", "On Social Protection of Citizens Affected by the Chernobyl Disaster" and so on. This law entrusted the territorial FIUs with the functions of establishing and paying the following EDV to people who survived the war years:

  • EDV war veterans,
  • payments to disabled WWII;
  • payments to participants of the Second World War;
  • payments to demining mine participants from 1945 to 1951, including sea mine clearance participants until the end of 1957;
  • payments to military personnel of units that did not participate in hostilities during the Second World War, including teams of interned ships;
  • payments to blockade-Leningraders;
  • payouts home front workers period of war;
  • payments of awarded orders and medals during the war;
  • payments to former prisoners of concentration camps and ghettos, including minors. Moreover, if former juvenile prisoners are disabled or with a general illness, then they receive the same EDV as WWII invalids. The remaining citizens belonging to this category of pensioners-beneficiaries receive the same payments as the participants of the Second World War.
  • payments to all families of the dead military in all military operations of the Soviet period.

Special EDVs are intended for firefighters and police officers who have become disabled while on duty. In addition, the list of recipients of pension payments included citizens exposed to radiation during the Mayak accident in 1957, during the Chernobyl accident (residents and liquidators evacuated from infected areas), as well as children of exposed parents suffering from the effects of radiation .

I have not forgotten the law on EDV for persons with disabilities of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups, for children with disabilities.

A separate group consisted of payments awarded by the Golden Stars of Heroes (combat and labor), gentlemen of the military and labor Orders of Glory, as well as to their families after the death of the payee.

If a citizen has the right to several types of EDV, then one of them with the largest size is appointed. But for the liquidators-Chernobyl warriors, as well as the Heroes of war and labor, including full holders of the Orders of Glory, payments on “heroic” grounds are charged independently of others.

And, finally, a separate group consists of payments for the merits of peacetime:

  • payments to those who served in units with special risk;
  • EDV to labor veterans.

Monthly payments are delivered along with the pension.

edv in 2015

In what order is the payment made to pensioners

Many people wonder what EDV is for pensioners. It is drawn up by the PF local government at the place of registration (even temporary), that is, the pensioner must visit the PF branch, paying him a pension and keeping his case. He submits a written application with copies of personal documents confirming the right to pay documents. Registration of EDV for minors or for legally incompetent citizens is done by parents or guardians. When the parents live separately, it is executed by the person living with the child.ed 2015

When does the monthly payment start?

Beginning of payments is counted from the day of application to the PF, unless, of course, it occurred no earlier than the right to EDV arose.

The day of application coincides with the day of receipt of the application with the attached documents and is indicated in the receipt-notification issued by the PF specialists to the beneficiary to the beneficiary.

It should be emphasized that the EDV is valid for the period of classifying a person as a person with the right to it. If you lose your right and after the death of a pensioner-beneficiary, EDV is canceled.

to veterans

List of required documents

For registration of EDV, a pensioner-beneficiary fills out an application form in the PF department of the established form. It indicates detailed and accurate information about yourself, and also provides a document proving his identity (minors - a birth certificate) and any documents confirming his right to EDV.

Unable to fill out an application on their own, citizens applying for a monthly payment, entrust this to their representative (parent, adoptive parent or guardian), who also submits personal documents, as well as confirming his right to represent a pensioner-beneficiary.

Amount and calculation of payment

The initial amount of EDV is determined by law and depends on the category of pensioner-beneficiary. Raising it is also carried out by legislative means. Payouts are indexed every year on the first of April. When indexing, the size of the payout is multiplied by a coefficient that depends on inflation. EDV in 2015 has already been indexed.

Monthly payments and social package

Federal beneficiaries can receive not only EDV, but also social services in the set - the so-called social package. They can choose to use the services from the social package or can refuse it and receive its cash equivalent along with the monthly payment.

Today the social package costs 930 rubles, including medicines and the cost of a ticket to the sanatorium for 716 and 110 rubles, respectively, as well as 104 rubles to compensate for the cost of travel in suburban or intercity transport to the place of treatment.

Earlier, pensioners-beneficiaries had to annually refuse the social package by submitting a written application before October 1. But at the beginning of 2014, the order changed: you can refuse the social package once and not repeat the refusal annually. If the beneficiary wants to return the social package next year, then this year it is necessary to submit an application before October 1.

EDV this year

The last year was characterized by inflation that exceeded the planned. The reasons for this are well known - the negative impact of anti-Russian sanctions on rising prices in the country. Therefore, the EDV 2015 indexing was also planned higher than it was originally planned.

However, the appreciation of the ruble and a slight slowdown in inflation apparently gave the Russian authorities some confidence in the coming stabilization. As a result, the EDV indexation in 2015 took place at the initially planned 5.5%. It is possible that here there was a desire of the authorities to reduce the costs of payments, which nevertheless are not the main source of income of a pensioner. After all, the pensions themselves still rose by 10.3%, which corresponds to the rate of inflation.

The amounts of EDV in 2015 (taking into account the social package) are as follows:

  • participants of the Second World War - about 3361 rubles
  • EDV to war veterans - about 2466 rubles.

unit size

Disability benefit monthly

Its size is directly determined by the disability group of a citizen, but without regional (district) ratios, which do not affect the amount of EDV.

In order to receive a payment, a disabled person must contact the Pension Administration of the Russian Federation at the place of registration with a passport, pension insurance certificate and a certificate of disability issued by a medical and social examination before October 1. There you must apply for the establishment of EDV.

It will be paid together with the pension from the day the application is submitted. Not having the opportunity to receive payment on his own, a disabled person draws up a power of attorney for another person to receive money for him.to veterans of labor

EDV for people with disabilities in 2015

The size of payments is different, as already noted above, for different disability groups. So, citizens with disabilities in group I this year receive EDV in the amount of 3,137 rubles. For citizens with disabilities in group II, the payment is 2140 rubles. Well, according to the III group of EDV for disabled people in 2015 - 1794 rubles. Children with disabilities receive 2241 rubles / month.

For citizens who have received disability due to the Chernobyl disaster, an additional 2241 rubles is also required in addition to the EDA corresponding to their disability group.

In the current year (from 1.04), disabled people of the Second World War were set to EDV in the amount of 4481 rubles.

for people with disabilities

Payments to large families

What is EDV for third or subsequent children? In May 2012, the President of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 606, which is part of the package of the famous eleven “May” decrees, in clause 2 of which it is stipulated that the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish for families in need of social support, when they give birth to their third or subsequent children, EDV in the amount of the child's living wage in this subject of the Russian Federation until the child reaches the age of three.

Pursuant to this decree, many laws have already adopted local laws and rules for the provision of such payments. They can vary greatly in different subjects. So, the size of EDV in the Rostov region in 2014 was 6,862 rubles / month., And in the Kursk region. - 5867 rubles / month.

As a rule, in order to receive EDA in the amount of the child's living wage, the average per capita income in a family should not exceed the average monthly income per capita in a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Families with high incomes or those who are not able to confirm their per capita income also, as a rule, receive EDV for the third and subsequent children, but to a lesser extent. So, in the same Kursk region, the amount of payment for them is 3,000 rubles / month.

EDV data in the regions is paid by social protection authorities at the parents' place of residence. At the same time, all children under the age of 16 years (continuing education up to 18 years) and living with their parents are taken into account, but children who have been decided to deprive of parental rights or cancellation of adoption.

Generally speaking, Decree No. 606 has already played a positive role. Last year it was noted that we managed to overcome the long-term negative trend of a decrease in the total population of Russia. Of course, this year many regions are experiencing financial difficulties, but as the President of the Russian Federation recently stated, the “May decrees” are subject to mandatory implementation, albeit with some time adjustment.

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