
How to open a dental clinic. What you need to open a dental office. Equipment and necessary documents for opening a dentistry

how to open a dental clinic

Many are of the opinion that opening your own dental clinic without a medical education is pointless.

But do restaurants only open with successful chefs, and hairdressers with talented hairdressers? A clinic is primarily a business, and then a healing process. Since state-owned clinics are barely keeping afloat now, many entrepreneurs are wondering: "How to open a dental clinic and how much is it profitable?"

How to create a clinic?

Dental clinic is one of the most promising areas in medicine. With an increase in living standards, Russians began to monitor their health more carefully, so there are more and more clients at private medical institutions where they practice an individual approach to each client.

Despite its great attractiveness, the dental business requires large investments. For example, to open a clinic with 5 chairs, approximately 300-400 thousand euros will be required. If we break this amount down, the following will come out:

  • about 135-160 thousand euros will be spent on equipment;
  • room repair: on average, about 140-190 thousand euros will be needed;
  • additional costs (documentation, advertising) will cost 20-50 thousand euros.

If you do not have the means to open a clinic, you can just make a dental office, which will cost, of course, several times cheaper. What do you need to open a dental office? To do this, it will be enough to open an IP, obtain a license and register with the tax office.

Choose a room

dentist salary

To open a clinic, you need a room of at least 180-200 square meters. m, which necessarily meets the requirements of SES. Each dental chair should have one window.

If possible, it is best to purchase a property rather than rent it. After all, if the landlord asks to leave the rented area, then while you find a new place, you will suffer big losses. During this time, you can lose not only customers, but also staff.

Of course, if you don’t have enough money to buy the premises, you will have to rent the area. In this case, it is better to study the terms of the lease in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises. To prevent the landlord from constantly raising your rent, insist that the agreement states that the rent can change no more than once a year. It is also necessary to require clear justification for the increase in rental prices.


Many newcomers make a mistake when they invest a lot of money in a smart repair, because then they have little money left to buy good equipment. As a result, the quality of the services provided suffers.

The second mistake is a design assignment to a fashionable architectural bureau, which, however, has no experience in medical facilities. Remember, the design of dental clinics should be carried out by an organization that knows the specifics of the technology and the requirements of SES.

Therefore, invest more than 700 euros per square meter. meter is not worth it. People will come here to be treated, rather than admire expensive marble or paintings.A significant part of the money will have to be spent on communications, in each office there should be a sewer, water, electricity, ventilation.


As a rule, the most troublesome thing when opening any medical institution is obtaining permits from supervisory authorities. While you collect all the documents for the opening of dentistry, a lot of time will pass. You need to go through many instances: SES, architecture department, fire department, district administration and others. Here is a sample list of required documents:

  1. Evacuation plan.
  2. BTI plan.
  3. The contract for washing clothes.
  4. Examination on sterility of air, washouts, water.
  5. Treaty on the disposal of waste and fluorescent lamps.
  6. Explication.
  7. Title deed or lease.
  8. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  9. Air conditioning and ventilation disinfection agreement.
  10. Conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

dental clinic design

Getting medical license - This is generally a separate conversation. If you do not take into account all the requirements of the law, the license may not be issued, and then the opening of the clinic may be delayed. According to the law, a license can be issued no later than 45 days from the date of submission of the required papers from the applicant.

Those who plan to introduce the rate of a surgeon, therapist or orthodontist even in the clinic staff will need to obtain a license separately for each type of medical activity. If you are not sure that you yourself can correctly arrange everything, it is better to contact a lawyer or even a specialized company that helps in obtaining a license and other permits.


Before opening a dental clinic, you must also purchase the necessary equipment. Even if you visit a couple of medical exhibitions, it will be difficult to understand the dental equipment. Each supplier, of course, will praise their devices.

Even most dentists are poorly versed in equipment, they usually worked on one or two models, so it is quite difficult for them to compare their equipment with the other. For businessmen, the choice of medical equipment is generally a “black box” that only whistles, buzzes and blinks with lights. In addition, the price range of dental equipment is quite wide. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you will need a specialist who is well versed in professional technology.


For a dental clinic, 10 doctors, 10 nurses, 1-2 administrators, 2 nurses and an accountant for 0.5 stakes must be hired for 5 chairs. The dentist’s salary should be approximately 20-25% of the revenue, a fixed rate for nurses should be provided - about 300-400 euros (for the capital), and for nurses - 200-250 euros.

It’s quite difficult to find staff, so you need to do this during the repair of the clinic, so that by the day of its opening the staff will be fully equipped. As a rule, the staff will try to “tear off” a piece more for themselves, without worrying much about the benefits of the entrepreneur. Your task is to immediately establish control over the expenditure of materials, the labor contribution of each of the employees, and establish a patient record. This is easiest to do with the help of specialized computer programs, which are now represented a lot.

Of course, the salary of a dentist in the United States is much higher than ours. For example, even in the outback, dentists receive about 115 thousand dollars a year. However, this does not mean that you should allow the specialists of your institution to work through their sleeves. In order for the dental clinic to generate income, everything must be done so that each patient is satisfied with the result.

Establishment of an institution

When the repair is completed, the equipment is installed, the license is obtained, and the staff is ready to start work, you will need to think about one more nuance - where to get patients? The first clients can be brought by dentists, because they should have at least the smallest customer base. The signboard, which is best set even during the repair, will play in your favor.

Many patients may be attracted by radio or local newspaper ads. You can also create a small website of your clinic on the Internet, as well as establish partnerships with large sites of medical topics, where hundreds of people visit every day.Advertising in magazines or on television does not work so well.

Another good trick is to collaborate with insurance companies that will provide referrals to their clients for treatment according to health insurance policies.


Before opening a dental clinic, you should also calculate the income of your medical institution. On average, one chair will bring 15-20 thousand dollars per month. This, of course, is not about the first months after the opening, but only after the clinic has a client base. It turns out that 5 seats can give about 100 thousand dollars in profit.


About 53 thousand dollars will have to be spent on a clinic per month:

  • about 25 thousand dollars will go on the salary of doctors;
  • for the salary of staff - 10 thousand dollars;
  • for materials - about $ 8 thousand;
  • for household expenses, advertising, etc. - $ 10 thousand.

It turns out that without taking into account the rent, the monthly business profit will amount to 47 thousand dollars, about 560 thousand will be obtained per year. If the premises will be in your property, then you will especially benefit significantly. Thus, we can conclude that the current profitability will exceed 30%, which is quite good.

dental business

Clinic Reputation

If you have already thought about how to open your dentistry, do not forget about one more thing - the reputation of the clinic. Most often, when choosing a medical institution, patients are guided by the opinions of their friends and acquaintances. Naturally, no one will go to a clinic that has a bad reputation. Only if patients will leave satisfied and happy, your institution will grow clientele.

Despite all the visible benefits of the dental business, it is considered quite complex and specific. The success of the clinic depends not only on the professionalism of dentists, but also on the leader. The main feature of the director of a medical institution should be the ability and desire to learn.

In dentistry, new technologies, new treatments and standards are constantly emerging. To be afloat, you have to keep up with modern technology. We hope that we have almost completely clarified for you the question of how to open a dental clinic.

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