
Medical board at the military commissariat. How to get a medical examination at a military registration and enlistment office?

The medical board in the military enlistment office is a mandatory procedure that determines the degree of a person’s suitability for service in the armed forces. Conscripts from 16 years old and military personnel who have concluded a contract are required to undergo a full medical examination.

Despite the fact that such procedures have been practiced for a long time, most people have almost no information on how they should be performed. Such ignorance often leads to errors and misunderstandings, which would be easy to avoid if each of us knew our rights and obligations. Let's talk about how the examination will go and what needs to be done to get it done.

How do you know if you should go to a medical examination?

First of all, the summons to the draft board should come to you. You can also be invited by telephone, however, most recruits rightly ignore this method, without fear of any punishment. An official invitation should be handed personally to you, signed, only in this case, avoiding visiting the military registration and enlistment office will be a violation of applicable law. Remember, if you signed for a document that indicates the need for a medical commission, you will be required to visit it. So, the agenda can be awarded:

  • at the place of work;
  • at the place of study;
  • at the place of residence.

What should be done first?

The agenda for the medical board at the military registration and enlistment office must be noted in the appropriate institution. Without a record of the appearance, you cannot prove that you have complied with all the requirements and profits for inspection; most likely, you will simply be considered a draft evader and try to punish.

Immediately upon arrival at the military enlistment office, visit the military commissioner to get his signature, and then confirm it with a seal. Such actions are mandatory and will save you from a large number of possible problems.


Useful Agenda Information

The summons to the draft board contains information on the reason for the call. It is possible that you are invited to:

  • passing a medical commission;
  • passing medical examination;
  • definitions for military service;
  • referrals to an alternative service.

You should know that in some cases the events for which you were called can be ignored. In particular, a medical examination may not be attended for the following valid reasons:

  • temporary disability (a serious illness that you cannot bear on your feet, subject to a medical certificate);
  • severe illness of the next of kin or the funeral of a loved one (parents, children, spouses, the full list of persons will need to be specified in the military enlistment office);
  • circumstances of indefinable force, force majeure, which you cannot influence.

Basic information about the medical board

Now that you know a little more about the summons, let's talk about how to get a medical examination at the military enlistment office. Similar events are regularly held for young people from 16 years old. A potential conscript must have a Russian passport, a medical policy, a medical record from the clinic, a conscription and the results of the latest tests (if any are required).

A medical board at a military registration and enlistment office involves going through a number of doctors whose tasks include determining your health status. So, without fail you will have to visit:

  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • surgeon
  • optometrist;
  • Laura;
  • Dentist
  • therapist.

In some cases, additional examinations and consultations with other specialists may be prescribed. If you have information about chronic and current diseases, as well as being in hospitals for treatment, be sure to take them with you, this will help specialists make an accurate diagnosis and significantly increase your chances of a delay.

By the way, the medical board in the military enlistment office for girls is carried out almost on the same conditions as for men. At least a significant list of doctors remains unchanged. The main difference is that the fair sex attend such events solely of their own free will, since they cannot be conscripts on a mandatory basis.

medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office

Inspection Preparation Recommendations

Passing a medical examination at a military registration and enlistment office does not require any special training from a conscript or contractor. However, experts recommend resting, getting enough sleep and gaining strength, because professional examinations of several specialists can take a considerable amount of time. To reduce your queuing, try to arrive early. On the evening before, pay special attention to hygiene procedures, give up alcohol and smoking. Such measures will help you create a favorable impression among specialists.

Do not try to fool the doctors during the examination, most likely your lie will be detected quite quickly, and an attempt to hide or change the truth will entail the speculation that you are trying to evade military service. The consequences of this situation can be very sad, do not create unnecessary problems for yourself, be extremely careful and attentive.

how to get a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office

How is a draftee evaluated?

The medical board at the military registration and enlistment office evaluates your state of health according to a specific system. So, there are four special gradations by which representatives of the military sphere can judge how good they are for a particular military service. These include:

  • Category A. Draftee is fit.
  • Category B. Conscript is fit for service with certain restrictions.
  • Category B. Limited shelf life.
  • Category D. Draftee is unsuitable.

Each doctor exposes a certain category based on the results of the examination; the final assessment is made up of the total number of indicators. If any specialist finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, then perhaps the examination will be carried out by the regional military registration and enlistment office as a higher authority. Category B and C does not cancel your service in the army, however, it imposes certain concessions and restrictions, which will be mandatory taken into account in the military enlistment office.

How to challenge the decision?

The medical board at the military enlistment office issues a verdict on the state of your health, on the basis of which, officials decide whether a draftee or contractor can serve in the armed forces. If you wish, you can challenge their decision officially. To do this, you will need to consult with a military lawyer who will help to take into account all the nuances unknown to the average citizen. If there is no such possibility for some reason, it is recommended to proceed according to the following simplified algorithm:

  • Collect the documentation (in particular, you will need a copy of the statement of the commission’s decision (several copies), as well as your official complaint that, based on its results, the wrong decision about the state of health was made, medical certificates with the correct diagnosis from an alternative source, certified by the signature responsible doctor and seal).
  • Compose and send a statement to the court (such actions will lead to a temporary suspension of service, because during the proceedings you are not allowed to be drafted into the army).

It is likely that you will be able to defeat the system and get the desired release from service. However, you need to be patient - such cases are resolved for at least three months.


The actions described above are for the most part relevant if you are deemed fit to serve in the armed forces. If a person was granted a deferment, then the decision can only be challenged if there is a desire to conclude a professional contract with the army of the country. In most cases, the medical commission makes a decision on temporary unfitness for service, but there are also options when young people are completely relieved of such duties to their homeland (there must be some serious reasons).

If you have been granted a temporary delay, the exemption applies only to the period specified in the document. After the specified period, you will need to confirm or refute the diagnosis. Quite often, such manipulations are carried out according to the results of recording in a medical record (if you regularly visit doctors, there will be no problems with this) and do not require the personal presence of a recruit. If necessary, you can be invited to a second personal examination, as a rule, this happens if there are any doubts related to your health condition. Conducts such events not only district, but also the regional military registration and enlistment office.

Do not be afraid of such words as the army, military commissariat, medical board. 16 years is the age when many young people first encounter a similar situation and simply get lost from it. The most important thing you should do is not to worry and comply with the current legislation of our country. If you are sure that the medical commission made the wrong diagnosis, do not be afraid to assert your rights and go to court to find the truth.

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