
Category B military ID What does it mean?

Military ID is of great importance for military citizens. It belongs to one of the main types of documents, and in the first place, of course, is a civil passport. Too many recruits ask: "They issued a military ID, category B. What does this mean?"

A military ID is proof that a military citizen of a country is registered with the military enlistment office. This document can also talk about the military rank of a citizen and what category of health he is in.

When can I get a military card?

category military card

A ticket is issued only to liable citizens in the following situations:

  • during military service;
  • upon admission to military schools of a profile direction;
  • when a military person is credited to the army reserve;
  • when the military are exempted military duties;
  • when enlisted military men who have reached 27 years in the army.

Getting a military ticket

category in military ID

In fact, in order to get the appropriate document, you need to spend a lot of time. First of all, this document is issued to those citizens who have experience in military service. In the second turn, a military ID can be obtained by those who have graduated from a specialized military school. After graduation, all graduates are automatically entered in the list of reserve officers. And in the third turn, a ticket can be obtained by persons who have reached the age of 27. If this category of people has not been called up before, then when they reach the age of 27, they are automatically included in the “non-conscription lists”.

In order to obtain the appropriate document, you must come to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination. Doctors such as an ophthalmologist, surgeon, neuropathologist, dentist, ENT specialist, general practitioner and (if necessary) other specialists should be examined.

If the health of a citizen to be drafted for military service allows you to pass it in the armed forces, then a certain mark is put on the military ticket.

The document is issued within 10 days after a positive decision is made by the draft board.

Information indicated on military ID

military ID category at work

A military ID is a fairly important document; it contains a lot of information that is not understandable to everyone.

The ticket indicates the military rank and military posts. The period and place of military service is also indicated. The military ticket contains information on the awards and commemorative badges received.

The document contains a mandatory mark on the anthropometric indicators of a person liable for military service, namely his height, weight, head size, shoe size, etc. The ticket indicates the health status of the soldier, the presence of injuries or contusions.

The military ticket has separate pages that indicate military equipment that has been “assigned” to a particular soldier. The document contains information on the status of a military officer at the moment. Namely, whether he is in stock, was fired or is on military training.

Categories on military card

military ID category for re-examination

In addition to the above marks, the military card must also necessarily indicate the category of health related to military service. These categories for persons liable for military service are established by a physician during a medical examination.

There are five categories of fitness for health, these are “A”, “B”, “C”, “G”, “D”. Many citizens of military age do not know what these categories really mean.

The fitness category, indicated by the letter “A”, suggests that the conscript is completely healthy and can carry out military service without restrictions.

Category "B" means that the conscript is fit for military service, but has some health restrictions.

The fitness category “B” means that a liable citizen is partially fit and temporarily unable to undergo military service due to poor health.

The fitness category “G” means that the conscript is not fit for service and has a deferment.

Category “D” means that the conscript is exempted from military service due to health reasons.

Military ID, category "B". Job

category B3 in military ID

The fitness category “B” actually means that a person liable for military service is partially fit for service due to his health. This category of fitness is the most desirable for each draftee. In order to get the fitness category “B”, you must go through a medical examination. If the conscript has certain health problems, then the conscript is considered partially fit for military service. There are three military categories that fall into this category of validity.

Military ID, category "B". Reevaluation

issued a military ID category in

If the war begins, then the first and foremost recruits are called up for military registration and enlistment offices. Those who have a military rank 2 rank need to come to the commissariats. This category of military men will not be sent to the combat zone.

Conscripts who have category “B” on the military ID card (or rather, with the 2nd category prescribed) must undergo a medical examination, as a result of which a decision will be made whether the young man is fit or not fit for military service. If the conscript is fit, then he is sent to fees, which can go on throughout the year. The military commissariats after the medical examination have the right to change category 2 to category 1.

If a young man is in military age, then they have the right to be credited to the reserve. That is, in peacetime he is not entitled to be sent to serve in the armed forces.

The diseases that are exempt from military service include:

  • mental disorders;
  • mycoses;
  • various defects of fingers and hands;
  • curvature of the spine of the second degree;
  • platypodia of the third degree;
  • the presence of hypertension;
  • and other types of diseases.

The following list of people should also be included in the stock category:

  • liable for military service, which until the age of 35 did not receive a military rank;
  • junior officers over the age of 50;
  • other ranks of officers up to 55 years old;
  • captains and colonels up to 60 years old;
  • liable women who have an officer rank under the age of 50;
  • liable for military service, not having an officer rank under the age of 50 years.

Officers of the highest rank belong to the first and second category. They are in stock until they reach 70 years. First of all, as a result of hostilities, 1 category of military personnel is sent to serve.


So, in this article, a topic such as a military ticket of category B was raised. What does this letter written in the corresponding document mean? We found out that category B military IDs are received by liable citizens who have some health restrictions. That is, they have certain diseases. However, a Category B military card allows military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in such types of troops as ground forces, as well as strategic missile forces. These are just examples.

In fact, a category “B” military ID does not guarantee that a young person will not go to a military unit to serve. Nevertheless, in a number of cases this is a rather real prospect. Category "B" in a military card may mean that a man will be recognized in the armed forces exclusively in case of war. Thus, we can draw the following conclusion. Category "B3" in military ID is the most desirable for the draftee.

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I have a category B can I work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or military units?


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