
Security measures during firing: requirements and legal characteristics

Each employee knows that safety measures during firing are the main theoretical knowledge, without which the employee is not allowed to practice. For each department there are separate orders for the treatment of flammable products, however, safety rules can be combined into one common mosaic, which looks as follows.safety measures during firing

Basic rules for providing firing

Each student and leader is aware that safety measures during firing from small arms are provided, first of all, by the correct organization. Any ongoing event with weapons, whether it be training sessions for cadets or ordinary practices for long-serving employees, it is necessary to organize a clear and competent guide.

The next, but no less important point is the verification of weapons. Serviceability is the key to security. Employees are forbidden to open fire from faulty weapons, as the shooting range is a zone of special danger to life. Many get damaged even with properly functioning weapons, and what can we say about malfunctions ... And if this item is in the hands of an inept person? So he will endanger, along with the life of others, his own fate. Remember, if there was a malfunction with the weapon during the shooting: a misfire, a doublet, and so on, raise your hand and report the incident to the head of the shooting. In the case when you can perfectly eliminate the malfunction yourself - eliminate it - this is how almost all security measures dictate during firing.

In addition to military weapons, immediately before the start of training, it is necessary to check the serviceability of imitation equipment, anti-armor equipment, as well as bullets, lighting and other auxiliary equipment.security measures when firing from small arms

Finding unauthorized persons

Security measures during training firing impose a ban on the presence of unauthorized persons in the shooting range. If there is a dangerous object on the ground where shots or explosions are regularly heard, it is obligatory marked with bright signs. For example, the attention of a person who does not know the territory may be attracted by such inscriptions as “Stop, shoot!” Or “Shooting range!”, “Access is prohibited!”. As soon as you saw signs of this kind, you must leave the boundaries of the object and stay away from it in the future. As a rule, shooting ranges are organized in an open and well-visible area, respectively, signs are installed at the intersection of paths, roads, passing places, and so on. The presence of a trench also indicates possible shots.

General measures of personal security during firing require the notification of residents near the settlements about the prohibition of entry and entry into the shooting range.security measures during fsin firing

Actions on the command "Fire!"

When conducting training sessions on fire training You will come across this small, but very bright and significant team, which means the opening of fire. It is submitted exclusively by the head or an authorized assistant. It is allowed to open fire only after voicing this command - another rule that proclaimed security measures during firing.

In a dash, this command is better audible than in the open air, but in any case, the leader must give “Fire!” Loudly, clearly and clearly taking into account the wind, weather conditions, and the fact that the shooters are in headphones. In the field, this command is indicated by a red flag on the territory of the firing range command post, and at night a lantern is lit.security measures during the firing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

Cease firing

Security measures during firing from small arms also regulate the ceasefire. So, the shooter is obliged to stop the shots after the command “Stop!” Or “Cease the fire!” Sounded. They can mean both a temporary cessation of shooting, and its complete end.

The student’s actions after the spoken words are as follows:

  1. Immediate cessation of shots.
  2. Putting military weapons on the fuse.

After the aforementioned team, the shooting director may say the following: “Discharge!”, “Fire!” In the first case, the shooter needs to take all actions to examine the mechanism, depending on the weapon, and in the second case, continue firing without a report.personal security measures during firing

Prohibited Movements

Security measures during firing also prohibit the following actions:

  • If you opened fire in anti-noise headphones, then correcting, putting on, taking off, taking other actions with them, while having a weapon in your hands, is strictly prohibited! At such moments, the shooter's attention is focused directly on the headphones themselves, which can cause an accidental shot.
  • Until the opening of fire, the weapon is always on the fuse. When making somersaults, turns, jumps, swings, the weapon must be safe for you and others - another requirement that is regulated by security measures during the firing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. RB (Hand-to-hand combat) is one of the most popular techniques for fighting weapons in hands, as all law enforcement officers must know it.

Self-cessation of shooting

Firing can immediately cease without the appropriate command, which establish security measures during firing. The Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, as well as other services have corresponding orders, which describe situations of an independent ceasefire.

If the situation is out of control, the first one to notice the interference should notify the rest of the shooters and all those around them.security measures when firing in the shooting range

Typical ceasefire situations

The general picture of non-standard situations in which the student is obliged to stop shooting is as follows:

  • In the case of the appearance of people, cars, animals and other objects within sight on a target field. Not a ceasefire jeopardizes the life and health of a person, an animal, damage to vehicles or any other mechanism. This rule also applies to low flying vehicles within the range.
  • Similarly to the command “Stop, cease fire!” Is such an action as raising a white flag in the vicinity of the command post or from behind cover. At night in this situation, the lantern will be used by the person responsible.
  • The third situation, which reflects security measures during firing, is the occurrence of a fire. In this case, additional explanations are unnecessary, because with the continuation of the fire you can provoke not only a large territorial spread of the fire, but also endanger yourself and others immediately. In the fire, shells and other ammunition can explode, causing adverse effects.security measures during training firing

Hand gun shooting

Each law enforcement agency has its own security measures during firing. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, for example, is authorized to create internal orders that state the rules for handling and using hand weapons.

So, the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees are forbidden to use those ammunition on which “traces of time” remained. If you notice rust, a green coating, loose parts, bruises, and so on, you should immediately inform the head of the firing and ammunition reception and delivery center. Remember that in place immediately after the issuance of cartridges, in order to avoid such situations, you should carefully examine all objects. This rule applies not only to all types of live ammunition, but also to explosive and throwing items.

Work with a Makarov pistol

Security measures during firing from PM indicate that:

  • Employees are prohibited from holding the gun in the area of ​​the barrel in the place where there are moving parts. This rule is designed to prevent injuries to the hand and damage to the gun.
  • When returning the shutter from its extreme rear position, it is forbidden to follow it with your hand or make any effort. The shutter locks into place automatically. If you want to put the weapon on the bolt delay, you should lead it all the way until you hear a click characteristic for this action. Make sure that the shutter does not hurt your hand!
  • If you have not used up all the cartridges or one of them was thrown out of the chamber for reasons unknown to you, it is worth continuing to shoot. At the end of all "military" operations, you should report this to the leader.

Categorical bans

Security measures are not only certain rules of conduct, but also some prohibitions. So, the participants of the shooting are strictly forbidden to perform the following actions:

  1. Without a leader’s command, start firing. This rule also includes a ban on the inadmissibility of loading a weapon, opening it, and so on without an appropriate command.
  2. Removing weapons from a holster. It is forbidden to uncover a gun without a command.
  3. Keep weapons aside from the possible appearance of people. It doesn’t matter: the gun is loaded or not, any employee is forbidden to direct the barrel at people.
  4. Transfer the fixed pistol to other persons, including employees who are not related to the classes.
  5. Open fire after a command is voiced about the need to stop. It is forbidden to use defective weapons, ammunition. You can’t shoot when the white flag is raised or the flashlight is on.

These actions are purely imperative, violation or neglect of the above rules is unacceptable.

The procedure for storage and carrying weapons

For any tool that is assigned to the employee, he bears full personal responsibility. The person is obliged to ensure proper storage conditions for the mechanism, as well as to maintain it and the issued ammunition in good condition. It is necessary to check the serviceability of weapons with accurate periodicity.

It is forbidden to carry the given weapon without special ammunition and equipment, for example, an employee who has received a Makarov pistol is obliged to store and carry it exclusively in a holster. In addition, when wearing a weapon, it is necessary to securely secure it with a revolving cord, which will minimize the possibility of loss. If a person does not have the possibility of maintaining the mechanism, it must be handed over at the place of stay to the nearest structural unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (to the duty unit).

Under state law, employees are prohibited from exposing weapons in order to demonstrate and satisfy the interest of the crowd. Exceptions are only those situations that are specified in the legislation, for example, with an immediate threat to the life of an employee or other citizens.

Employees who have received service weapons for storage are prohibited from traveling with them outside the Russian Federation.

All security measures, prohibitions, rules for the storage of weapons, the use of ammunition must be clearly and confidently known, since people who have not passed the test according to the theory of fire training are not allowed to practice.Strong theoretical knowledge will protect you from accidental injuries, as well as the life and health of everyone around you.

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