
Basic rules for transporting children on a bus: list, features and recommendations. Rules for organized transportation of a group of children by bus

In the Russian Federation, the rules for transporting children on a bus are becoming stricter and stricter every year. It should be noted that if earlier for this purpose it would have been easy to use ordinary GAZelle, now children and schoolchildren can only be transported using specially equipped buses.

What rules and innovations have occurred this year and what should the group leader know about the buses in which his wards will move?

Rules governing the bus transport of children

Basically, the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses are created in order to ensure the safety of young people during mass events. They are dangerous, first of all, by the presence of a large number of people in transport. That is why the organizers of such events must comply with some requirements of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Rules for transporting children on the bus

Now all the rules are described in detail in Decree No. 652, which was adopted on 06/30/2015. Prior to this change, the Resolution adopted in 2013 was in force.

After updating the rules for transporting children on a bus, they received new requirements for the necessary documentation, vehicles, drivers and other aspects. You need to understand this topic.

When the rules for transporting children on a bus do not apply

The main change that has appeared in the rules now sounds like a ban on the presence of both parents of the child or their representatives. Parents of children or their legal representatives can participate in the transportation of a children's group only if they simultaneously perform the function of a medical worker or accompanying person.

How to understand these rules for transporting a group of children on a bus? They mean that if their parents or official representatives are also present with the children, then it is not necessary to comply with all requirements. When transporting children, parents are required to independently monitor the safety of minors, and the accompanying person and the driver no longer bear responsibility for the group.

Rules for organized transportation of a group of children by bus

Primary requirements

Of course, a lot of improvements were made this year, however, it is necessary to highlight several key ones.

  1. In transport, according to the rules for the organized transportation of children by buses, there must be at least eight minors.
  2. The bus during the transportation should not be scheduled and perform the function of public transport.
  3. The traffic police gives the driver a special permit, a copy of which he is obliged to carry with him. After completion of transportation, the document must be stored for three years.
  4. Bus rides for children can be made exclusively from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Traffic at night is possible only if the bus is “tied up” with air or railway transport, as well as during the day it was delayed by weather conditions.

Violation of the rules for transporting children by bus

It is also worth noting that the maximum night speed cannot exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

Coordination with the traffic police

So, when traveling more than 8 minors, the organizer must report it to the traffic police. If this does not happen, then the inspector can take this as a deliberate violation of the rules for transporting children by bus.

When planning a trip, the manager must first choose a transport company in accordance with the requirements and conclude a charter agreement with her.By the way, it is not necessary to involve a transport company. This may be another private person who meets the requirements. After this, the charter contract is sent to the inspection and a notification is automatically generated. This notice will be enough for a small group, which will consist of no more than two buses.

Rules for transporting a group of children on a bus

If three buses or more are involved during the trip, then in that case its organizer will be required to submit an application to the traffic police to order a car for escort.

It is important to remember that any notification, including with the application, must be submitted several days before the event. Otherwise, the inspection staff may simply ignore the notification, and then the trip will have to be postponed.

What you need to submit a notice to the traffic police

Since this year the requirements were ruled (the transportation of children by bus is now organized differently), the following papers are needed to file a notice with the inspection:

  • exact time and date of trip;
  • precisely laid route;
  • the number of buses that will take part in the trip, as well as their brand, models, numbers;
  • all information about the drivers, as well as about their WU;
  • customer data;
  • information about the transport company;
  • all information about the accompanying group;
  • number of minors on the bus.

Rules for transporting children by school bus

In general, in order to arrange transportation, it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, however, the accompanying person only needs to contact the transport company to transmit the necessary information.

Other documents required for transportation

In addition to the notice in the traffic police, the bus driver and the accompanying group must have in their hands a large package of necessary documents, namely:

  1. Information on stocks of food and drinking water. Previously, such data was not required for short transfers.
  2. Route and approximate time for it.
  3. The route should be painted in full detail. Particular attention must be paid to scheduled stops.
  4. Full data for the entire group, including its leaders.
  5. Seats for seating.
  6. Information about the medical worker who is required to be present during the trip, the time of which exceeds 12 hours.

By the way, it should be noted that the rules for transporting children by school bus are practically no different from the requirements for single trips.

Rules for transporting children by bus

Leaders and organizers of the trip must remember that during the movement of the bus no one can be planted in it. If replanting a person is still planned, then in this case it must be indicated in all documents.

How to choose the right driver and bus

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses state that the choice of the driver and the vehicle itself must be approached especially seriously.

How to choose a bus driver?

First of all, he must have a V with category D with an experience of 1 year over the past three years. Also, the driver has no right to transport children if he has been deprived of his rights or arrest for violation of traffic rules in the last year. Before entering the route, he must listen to safety instructions and undergo the necessary medical examination.

It is worth noting that until 2016, the requirements for the driver, and more precisely for his experience, were stricter. Previously, only those drivers who had continuous experience of one year were allowed to transport children.

In addition, when organizing a trip, you need to pay attention to the year of manufacture of the bus itself. He must be no older than ten years. Also, the vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph, as well as a GPS navigator or the ERA-GLONASS system. You will also need a diagnostic card.

Rules for the organized transportation of children by buses

If at least one requirement is not met, the trip will not be able to take place.

Punishment for violation of transportation rules

The organizers of a child’s trip should not rely on "maybe" and prepare all the documents in advance.Traffic police warn that, having violated the rules for transporting children on the bus, the organizer will be in an unpleasant situation: he will be fined heavily in accordance with 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The fine that is issued to the driver is 3,000 rubles, officials may receive a fine of 25,000 rubles, and the fine for legal entities is 100,000 rubles.

Such a penalty is provided if the traffic police did not provide a charter contract, the lists of children were not transferred, or the route was not agreed. A fine is also imposed if the driver does not meet the requirements.

If violators were "caught" in night time days, then in this case the fine for the driver will amount to 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the VU for up to six months (at the discretion of the court). Officials will be fined 50,000 rubles, and legal entities in the amount of 100,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that recently, due to high fines, violations during the transportation of minors have become much less.

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Reason for complaint
it’s just at times they began to ride less ..... until you put a traffic cop on your paw ... you’re just like during the inspection when the traffic police smoked it .... paid - good, ... did not pay - not good. ....


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