
Pension Fund "European" (NPF): customer reviews, employees

Non-governmental Pension Fund “European” is one of the most famous organizations in its segment. He is regarded as one of the technological leaders in the market, as well as a company that has been able to show effectiveness in times of crisis. What are the main achievements of NPF Evropeisky as a private business firm? How do its clients and employees evaluate the company's activities?

European non-state pension fund reviews

Company Overview

Before studying how customers and employees of the “European” NPF characterize reviews of this company, consider the basic information about this organization. What key facts reflect the specifics of this NPF?

The organization positions itself as a provider of services in the field of private pension insurance based on European, Western standards for the quality of service and communication with customers. Many of the products offered by NPF Evropeisky (citizen reviews presented on thematic portals confirm this) are individually oriented.

Leading Russian rating organizations evaluate this NPF as corresponding to a high level of reliability. "European" Pension Fund (NPF) - AO. The comments on the legal form of this structure, expressed by experts, reflect the opinion that AO is optimal for firms of the corresponding profile.

The organization is a member of the National Association of Funds, as well as the American Chamber of Commerce in the Russian Federation. Contracts with NPF Evropeisky were concluded by more than 1.8 million Russians, as far as compulsory insurance contracts are concerned. As for non-state support programs, there are fewer contracts under them, but the corresponding indicator is nevertheless significant - they are concluded with more than 20 thousand customers.

NPF Evropeisky (customer reviews characterize this circumstance extremely positively) has one of the highest levels of profitability of savings. So, in the period from 2009 to 2012, this indicator amounted to about 70.95%. In the period from 2009 to 2014, the return on savings amounted to about 101.96%.

There are representative offices in major cities of the Russian Federation. Their geography is represented by settlements from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.

NPF Evropeisky is included in the system of protecting the rights of insured citizens. As many experts note, the organization in question has an exclusively technological infrastructure used as part of the activity. The amount of pension funds held by NPFs is about 58 billion rubles.

Rating Ratings

It will be useful to follow how the activities of NPF Evropeisky were evaluated by rating agencies over time. As many reviews of NPF “European Pension Fund” testify, customers, choosing this organization to place their pension savings, relied primarily on the organization’s ratings. What can be said about the corresponding evaluations of the brand?

So, for example, in 2012, the Expert Agency assigned a rating to the fund corresponding to a very high level of reliability. This has become possible since NPF Evropeisky:

  • showed a high level of investment efficiency savings with a conservative investment policy;
  • was able to ensure a presence within the broad geography of economic activity;
  • showed excellent dynamics in the client base;
  • managed to build a highly effective model for organizing business processes;
  • introduced a number of advanced infrastructure solutions - in particular, a CRM system developed by the company itself.

At the same time, a number of constraining factors influenced the rating of NPF Evropeisky in 2012. For example, too much concentration of work in the segment compulsory pension insurance and this despite the fact that the experience of implementing activities in it, the fund had by that time a small one - about 2 years. Also, the rating from “Expert” was influenced by the fact that in 2012 the fund only began to independently pay pensions.

NPF European employee reviews

However, if we talk about the dynamics of ratings of NPF Evropeisky, in 2015 the experts of the Expert agency raised the corresponding rating to a level corresponding to the extremely high reliability of the organization. At the same time, the “European” NPF (reviews of market analysts see this fact as very positive) was characterized as a fund with a stable rating. That is, in the near future, an appropriate level of evaluation of the performance of NPFs is likely to continue.

In 2015, the economy of the Russian Federation experienced a significant recession, and even if the fund was able to achieve impressive results, analysts believe that it will be able to support them in the future when the economic situation in Russia stabilizes. What factors influenced the rating of NPF Evropeisky in 2015 by analysts of Expert agency?

First of all, this is a relatively low percentage of financial instruments that are characterized by stock risk. In addition, the managers of the “European”, according to experts of the rating agency, were able to build a sufficiently effective model for investing funds of the fund. Another factor in obtaining APFs highly rated by analysts in 2015 is the reliability of those management companies with which the organization in question cooperates. Good results in 2015 were shown by the "European" NPF (analysts confirm this) in terms of attracting customers.

NPF European Ryazan reviews

Speaking about the constraints that influenced the procedure for the Expert to rate the NPF under consideration, it should be noted, first of all, the relatively low degree of diversification of accumulations and reserves. In addition, the ratio of the fund’s own capital to savings, according to analysts, is characterized by moderation.

NPF Evropeisky: business prospects

Summarizing the facts about NPF Evropeisky, it will be useful to pay attention to the latest business news regarding the activities of the organization in question. So, in March 2016, the “European” NPF (analysts' opinions were extremely positive regarding this prospect) joined in an association with the participation of 3 other largest organizations in its segment — Future Fund, Lukoil-Garant Fund, and CSG.

According to market experts, this association helps to increase the stability of the Russian private pension market, stimulates the development of internal corporate decision-making mechanisms in each of the funds, and creates the necessary foundation for ensuring the stability of certain segments of the pension system, such as investment savings.

Thus, the organization in question - reviews of the European Pension Fund NPF by market analysts confirm this - is a promising private company that has been able to show high work efficiency in a crisis and has all the necessary resources to further improve its own business model and actively participate in ensuring the development of a private pension system in the Russian Federation.

NPF Evropeisky: customer reviews

So, we have examined in some detail the basic information about the organization.Now we’ll examine the next most important aspect that characterizes the European Pension Fund NPF - customer reviews. The opinions of citizens who have entrusted their pension savings to this corporation can be classified into several main groups:

  • reviews evaluating the level of competence of NPF specialists;
  • opinions on the convenience of interacting with the fund, obtaining the necessary information about the state of the pension account;
  • reviews evaluating the level of satisfaction with the investment policy of NPFs.

Consider these categories of opinions of citizens about the fund in more detail.

Reviews about NPF "European": the competence of specialists

Indeed, the competence of specialists in any organization whose activities are related to finance - especially non-governmental pension funds, is becoming the most important criterion for choosing an NPF, as well as evaluating its performance. This is primarily due to the lack of awareness in many cases of ordinary citizens about the features of private pension insurance and the need to obtain detailed information about the relevant services. If the level of competence of NPF specialists turns out to be sufficiently high, and problematic questions regarding the placement of funds in NPFs are explained to people in detail, then clients will be satisfied with the work of such fund employees.

As for the NPF “European Pension Fund”, customer reviews regarding the assessment of the competencies of specialists in general are very positive. People characterize the foundation’s employees as polite, friendly, educated employees who are ready to help resolve most of the issues that arise.

Convenience of interaction with the organization

The next category of NPF client reviews is the one that reflects their assessment of the comfort of interacting with the organization. The opinions of the corresponding category are positive. This is primarily due to the ability to obtain information about the state of the pension account at any time, as well as the necessary clarifications regarding the structure of savings. Consulting support for clients, according to NPF clients, is organized at the highest level, both in offices and through various online channels.

Profitability of savings

The next most important aspect of the interaction between clients and non-state pension funds is the profitability of investing pension savings. In principle, the relevant data is open to everyone - every year the funds publish statements that reflect how effective the investment strategy of the corporation was. Therefore, the opinions of users regarding this aspect of the operation of NPFs can be reduced in fact to the level of comments of the respective statements, since the profitability of individual savings in general corresponds to the figures determined in the reports and characterizing the effectiveness of the NPFs in general.

NPF Evropeisky: employee reviews

Thus, customers evaluate the work of NPF “Evropeisky” quite positively. But what do employees of NPF “Evropeisky” say about the experience of interacting with this corporation in the framework of labor relations? Feedback from employees of this fund, in turn, can also be classified into several varieties:

  • opinions on working conditions;
  • salary level estimates;
  • opinions regarding career prospects and professional growth in the company.

We will study them in more detail.

Employee reviews: working conditions

This aspect of opinions may not be the most significant, since the working conditions of office employees in most modern Russian companies are generally the same. Some time ago, it could matter in which city a person works - the infrastructure of enterprises, even those that represent the same brand, in many cases varied greatly.

NPF European Pension Fund customer reviews

But now the situation is different.In principle, the geography of the company’s activity does not matter much - whether it be the capital of Russia or, for example, one of the most beautiful cities in which NPF Evropeisky is present - Ryazan. Employee reviews regarding working conditions in Moscow and Ryazan are very similar. The size of the city does not matter much either. It does not matter if it is a small regional settlement or one of the largest megacities in which NPF Evropeisky operates - Nizhny Novgorod. Feedback from employees regarding the conditions for fulfilling their labor functions in the office, again, will most likely be the same.


Regarding salaries, the content of reviews is largely determined by the specifics of a particular labor function of a person. If this is an employee receiving a stable salary, his opinion may not be the same as characterizing a specialist who earns mainly from bonuses awarded by NPF Evropeisky. The reviews of sales agents in this sense may be completely dissimilar to the opinions of full-time economists of the fund’s territorial divisions. But in general, employees of the corporation speak of the fund as an organization that offers quite competitive salary conditions - if we talk about the insurance market, as well as the professions common to it, which are also characteristic of other sectors of the economy.

Reviews about NPF European Pension Fund

Career growth

Work in NPF “Evropeisky” - the reviews of employees presented on thematic online portals confirm this, it allows to achieve significant career growth, provided that we systematically increase our own competence of specialists. The fact is that the non-state market pension insurance in the Russian Federation, one way or another, is still at a fairly early stage of development. Therefore, experienced and qualified professionals are always appreciated.


So, NPF Evropeisky is one of the largest corporations in the Russian private pension insurance market. The brand is among the most famous and recognizable in its segment. It has high ratings from reputable agencies, as well as a wide geography of economic activity in the Russian Federation. This is primarily due to the effective business model of the company, a well-thought-out investment strategy for pension savings, and the presence of high-tech infrastructure that is involved in various areas of business processes. Even with not the most optimal economic conditions, the corporation is developing successfully. The company, as practice shows, is ready not only for competition in the private pension insurance market of the Russian Federation, but also for cooperation with other major funds.

Work in NPF Evropeisky - employee reviews confirm this, is characterized by quite decent working conditions, the ability to receive good salaries and rely on career growth provided that employees improve their own qualifications.

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