
NPF "VTB 24": rating, profitability, reviews

In Russia, for some time there is a cumulative pension system. It spawned the emergence of non-state pension funds. These organizations are still constantly opening. And the old "fight" among themselves for customers. Today we have to study the NPF "VTB 24". Can you trust this company? What kind of reviews do customers leave about her? What should I look for before contacting here? Numerous customer reviews will help sort this out. Get ready immediately for the fact that there is no unequivocal opinion. Someone is pleased with the work of the company, while others are not. Therefore, conclusions about the integrity of the corporation will have to be done independently.NPF VTB 24

Tempting offers

NPF VTB 24 is, as we found out, an organization that is interested in the Russian population. She offers to keep on accounts retirement savings. This fund proposes to additionally not only save, but also increase the money deferred for old age.

Moreover, as the fund managers assure you, attractive and favorable conditions will be offered to you. If you wish, you can always transfer savings to any other similar organization. In addition, the return on VTB 24 is promised high. This means that there is no point in changing the pension fund.

Plus, when the time comes, you will be allowed to completely withdraw pension savings from your account. Or receive them partially and monthly. And after death, the remainder of the funds goes to the disposal of your heirs. Very tempting offers.

Fund Rating

A huge role for investors is played by the rating of pension funds. This is a kind of indicator of the integrity and stability of companies. The rating of NPF VTB 24 is not very pleasing. But many investors complain that the organization has existed for only 5 years. And during this time, she could not yet take a stable position.npf wtb 24 reviews

At the moment, our non-state pension fund is not even included in the top 20 best organizations that can be trusted with their savings "for old age." This kind of phenomenon is frustrating. And many refuse to apply here for services at all. After all, a low rating often indicates the huge risks of investors. A pension fund can simply be closed at any time. And all your savings are likely to "burn out."

Therefore, if we rely on the rating of NPFs in Russia, then VTB 24 is not the best place to preserve the funded part of the pension. However, customers still come here. In particular, due to the fact that it is NPF Bank VTB 24. And it should be assumed that the fund will not have problems with payments at certain points. So, even a low rating among similar organizations should not push you away.


The next important indicator is the reliability of the company. It usually reflects the firm's resilience. That is, in fact, this item is more important than the usual rating. It is also called the level of trust of the population (as far as customers trust the fund).

Despite the low rating, NPF VTB 24 has really good performance in this area. Fund reliability is characterized as A ++. This is the highest point of the trust. Not all NPFs can boast of such an indicator. It follows that VTB 24 is a sustainable organization. It will not be suddenly closed. And the fact that it was created by the same name bank is only an additional guarantee of reliability. All this pleases investors. You can trust this company and not worry about your funded part of the pension. In any case, many citizens think so.rating NPF VTB 24


Important points do not end there. For customers, the return on the fund very often plays a huge role. It’s not enough to invest money somewhere - I want to further increase my deposits.Otherwise, you can use the state pension fund. There will be no significant difference.

The profitability of NPF VTB 24 is mainly pleasing. Even in conditions of constant inflation, the organization offers a good annual profit. How much exactly? According to statistics, this indicator is about 8.15% per annum. But in practice it turns out about 4.5%. The rest is "eaten up" by inflation.

In principle, the majority of similar pension funds offer higher returns - about 9–9.5% (in reality, the same 4–4.5% are obtained). But VTB 24 is also not so bad. In any case, the company demonstrates its reliability. For this reason, many are willing to sacrifice a few percent of "returns" in order to ultimately be calm about retirement savings. You can earn extra here, although not too much. But you are guaranteed cash safety.yield NPF VTB 24

Customer service

How does our today's company work with clients? The service is also important. Yes, this is not such an important indicator, but they still pay attention to it. NPF "VTB 24" reviews are mixed in this area.

For example, speaking about the work of the direct offices, everything is fine - here they will quickly help you, advise, sign the contract. No problems getting information about the status of the account and information about the pension fund.

But when it comes to the "My Account" on the official website of the organization, opinions change dramatically. Using this service, it is theoretically possible to request a personal account statement. But in practice, you won’t be able to get it - "My Account" constantly "junk". In addition, until you independently request an extract, no one will just send this document to you in order to inform customers. This phenomenon gives rise to negative feedback from investors. They indicate the irresponsible attitude of the company to its customers.


You may notice that NPF VTB 24 receives mixed opinions from the public. Some are inclined to believe that the fund is good only because the eponymous bank is among the top 10 best Russian banking companies. In addition, usually those who do not plan to change the pension fund and withdraw funds in the near future usually get positive opinions.npf bank vtb 24

But the rest of the people are not too happy with the work of the fund. Often, profitability is "lame", it is problematic to get a statement of the state of the personal account, and it is generally impossible to wait for the payment of pension savings. It will require a titanic exposure. So, VTB 24 is not much different from similar non-state pension funds. If reliability is important to you, you can invest here. But getting back to old age savings will be very difficult.

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Reason for complaint
Bottom line: nothing will burn out for you, even if they leave the market tomorrow. But in terms of profitability, you can choose more profitable.
Strange article. Many errors. I agree that NPF VTB is not the best option on the market. A quote from the article “The Pension Fund can simply be closed at any time. And all of your savings will most likely be burned out.” VTB NPF is included in the register
"Register of non-state pension funds - participants in the system of guaranteeing the rights of insured persons." The deposit insurance agency will pay in the event of a license revocation or bankruptcy. I can’t understand this phrase either, the quote “Nevertheless, clients still apply here. In particular, due to the fact that it is VTB 24 non-state pension fund. And it should be assumed that the fund will not have problems with payments at certain times "Clients are clearly bought on the brand of VTB 24 bank. And the author of the article writes "there will be no problems"? I don’t know what they meant. But it sounds like the bank will be responsible for the obligations of the NPF. Of course not. You need to pay on the percentage that the fund gives you on your savings. Again, to quote from the article "If you believe the statistics, then this figure is about 8.15% per annum. But in practice it turns out about 4.5%. The rest is" eaten up "by inflation." It makes money normally, almost everyone. 8% earned this a little on the client, and how much they considered necessary to give. And you can not talk about inflation. Below 10% is not profitable, that's all.


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