
NPF "Promagrofond": reviews, rating, address

What kind of reviews does Promagrofond receive? Let's try to find out. After all, choose non-state Pension Fund in Russia it is very difficult. And to ensure a comfortable old age, this is simply a necessary, mandatory step. The competition among such companies is huge. Only customers and employees are able to talk about the features, advantages and disadvantages of organizations. Promagrofond is no exception. Can you trust him? How good is a retirement fund?

promotional fund reviews


Promagrofond reviews its customers and employees as a company that offers to keep retirement savings safe and sound until a certain date. This is the most common private pension fund. In it, customers monthly transfer part of their earnings to secure a pension. Or rather, its cumulative part.

Please note - "Promagrofond" offers not only to save, but also to slightly increase your money. The accounts here have a certain annual interest rate, due to which the funded part of the pension increases slightly. When the time comes, savings are paid to depositors. Either completely and all at once, or partially. The remaining funds after the death of a citizen are transferred to the heirs. It is very pleasing.

According to customers, there is no deception regarding activities. So, you can hope for the integrity of the company!


"Promagrofond", reviews of which you can read in the article, is quite widespread in the country. The fact is that this pension fund has existed for many years. It opened in 1994 and since then has become quite popular throughout Russia.

In fact, this organization has existed for about 22 years. And this figure is extremely pleasing to customers. Why? Modern pension funds often do not differ in their sustainability: they quickly open and no less rapidly close. Only a few have been operating for many years. These funds can really be trusted.NPF Promagrofond

And the spread across Russia indicates that we are not a fraudulent organization. Fraudsters in this area quickly reveal and lose their licenses (if any).

Clients in the reviews indicate that with NPF Promagrofond they come to them with certainty for the integrity and safety of their savings for old age. So, you can rely on this corporation. In any case, many hold this opinion. It is a logical conclusion - stable and widespread companies are really distinguished by their reliability.


Of course, do not forget about some indicators of pension funds that can push away or attract an audience. The first thing many clients pay attention to is the rating of non-governmental organizations. After all, it is compiled on the basis of numerous opinions of investors. That is, there is a logical rationale for the positions of certain companies.

"Promagrofond" rating is not bad. If you look at the statistics, you can see that he is among the ten best non-profit organizations offering to preserve pension savings. Moreover, Promagrofond is closer to leading positions.

It turns out that this company really can be trusted. Not just because she is at the top of the ranking! But this indicator, as practice shows, is usually not enough to fully trust the organization. There are still some nuances that are important for pension funds.promotional fund rating


For example, the so-called level of trust. This is something like an indicator of customer confidence, reliability and sustainability of the corporation. Sometimes the usual rating may not converge in terms of performance.

But NPF Promagrofond has a relatively high level of trust - it varies between A + and A ++. We can say that at the moment there are no higher indicators. It is thanks to this component that many potential customers are eyeing our current non-state pension fund. Only after you have to pay attention to at least one more important indicator. And for some investors, it is crucial.


We are talking about the so-called profitability of the organization. Since pension funds offer not only to save, but also to increase the funded part of the pension, then the return on the company is of no less interest than its stability. How are things going with the described company?

Frankly, the profitability of Promagrofond is not too high. It varies from time to time and averages 3.55-4.5%. That is how your deductions will increase in a year. Frankly, this is not the highest rate. For him, the fund receives several negative reviews. Especially if you take into account the corporation's promises of a yield of approximately 9%. Nevertheless, it will be possible to get at least some return here. And this is better than nothing at all!

General impressions

If we talk about how the company "Promagrofond" generally works, opinions differ. Quite often there are reviews that emphasize some of the shortcomings of the corporation.profitability fund

Clients indicate the annoyance of employees when applying to the fund. Such initiatives take place exactly until you are persuaded to join the company. As soon as you become a contributor, there will be no trace of polite and intrusive personnel. In many cases, there is neglect of visitors and even rudeness.

Also, "Promagrofond" receives not the best reviews for its shadow activities. Many are outraged that their funded parts of pensions somehow ended up in this fund, although citizens have never had anything to do with it. However, such phenomena are found in all pension funds.

Promagrofond NPF is also not all right with pension payments. There are constant delays in this area. No one can explain why this is happening. Some believe that the fund simply uses the money of depositors (illegally), and when the time comes, there is simply no means for payments. Unfortunately, this is also a common occurrence for pension organizations.

Where to go

It turns out that this company should be treated with extreme caution. But if the negative aspects have not pushed you away, you can transfer the funded part of the pension here. So where exactly is it worth going?

promotional fund address

It all depends on what city you live in. This fund has branches throughout Russia. For example, there is a Promagrofond address in Kaliningrad: Professor Baranov Street, 34, office 637 (shopping center "Acropolis"). And in Moscow, the company is located in 1st Kozhevnichesky Lane, Building 8. It is advisable to find out the exact and complete addresses in your city on the company's official website. There is even an interactive map that helps you see where exactly one or another branch of the described company is located.

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