
Distilled water production equipment - “transparent investment”

It often happens that a good idea for a new business is literally under your feet. The paradox is that often nobody notices or uses obvious things. Take, for example, the production of distilled water. The domestic market is represented by only a few large manufacturers. Meanwhile, purified water without impurities is required in many areas of production and everyday life.

distilled water production equipment

Where is distilled water used?

  1. Car care. Distilled water is poured into the battery to dilute the electrolyte, it is also added to concentrated antifreeze, to washers.
  2. Gen. Experts advise filling autonomous heating systems with precisely distilled water, since the salts contained in ordinary liquids create scale when heated. Also, purified water can be poured into irons with steam generators or used in aquariums.
  3. Flushing measuring instruments, laser printers.
  4. The medicine. Distilled water is used in injection solutions, as well as in dental equipment.

Two main technologies are used to produce distilled water:

  • multiple boiling distillation;
  • reverse osmosis purification.

Multiple boiling method

When using this technology, the process of evaporation of water occurs. It is heated to a temperature at which it evaporates, and impurities remain in the sediment. In the next tank, steam is converted to condensate. Then the water is again evaporated. This process can be repeated 2 to 6 times. The larger the number of containers will pass the water, the less impurities it will contain at the outlet.

Reverse osmosis method

Obtaining distilled water with this technology occurs by passing it through a complex of filters. First, water undergoes mechanical cleaning, then it is passed through membranes, the openings of which allow water molecules to escape, but retain larger particles of impurities.

In contrast to the previous method, with membrane distillation, energy consumption is reduced by tens of times. Its disadvantages are the length of the cleaning process and the need for periodic replacement of filters. In addition, equipment for the production of distilled water by reverse osmosis has a higher cost.

How to organize distilled water production?

To organize a production workshop, you can use any sufficiently ventilated room. Water supply and reliable power supply will be required. It is also important that the company has free access to transport.

The largest financial costs will require, in fact, the apparatus for the production of distilled water. Its cost is determined primarily by the performance of the installation.

A sufficiently high-quality electric distiller, capable of producing 100 liters of water per hour, costs about 3 thousand euros. Membrane distillers using reverse osmosis have significantly higher performance, but also cost more.

So, the price of a membrane cleaning system with a capacity of 2000 l / h is close to 7 thousand euros. To ensure at least average production volumes (from 20,000 l / day), you will need to purchase several distillation plants.

conductivity meter for distilled water

Equipment for the production of distilled water can be purchased from Russian, European or Chinese manufacturers.The most expensive, but also the most durable, is equipment from Europe.

The service life of domestic units is somewhat shorter, but in case of breakdown they will not have to wait long for the delivery of component parts. Chinese distillers are the budget option. However, one should not expect from them high water purification. We hope that now it’s easier for you to decide which equipment to use for distilled water.

Water Purification Quality

None of the modern methods of distillation allows you to get water, absolutely free from impurities. Their allowable amount is regulated by GOST. To control the quality of products used conductivity meter for distilled water. This device measures the electrical conductivity of a liquid and, by comparing it with a standard value, determines the concentration of impurities.

It should be noted that equipment for the production of distilled water by boiling provides the highest degree of purification. Mineralization of water at the outlet is 1-5 mg / l, while the reverse osmosis method allows to reduce mineralization only to the level of 5-25 mg / l.

distilled water production apparatus

How to promote distilled water business?

Properly organizing the production of distilled water is only half the success. It is very important to ensure regular sales of your products. And if the existing business implies the presence of regular customers, then at the beginning of the path you will need to develop a plan for promoting the goods. First of all, you should think about the target audience of customers.

  • The first group is motorists. You can organize the sale of water near the tracks or provide advertising near garage cooperatives and parking.
  • The second group of potential customers is residents of private houses who buy distilled water for a heating system.
  • Photocenters also use distilled water. It is diluted with chemicals used for color printing.

distilled water

The price of distilled water sold in stores is quite high, since it includes considerable costs for its transportation. Therefore, production directly in the sales area allows you to set lower prices, attractive to the buyer and profitable for business.

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