
Equipment for the production of soft ice cream. Specificity and working conditions

soft ice cream production equipment

With the onset of heat, the popularity of ice cream becomes undeniable. If on cool days you don’t feel the need for a crispy horn with melting contents, in hot weather the desire to cool down becomes a tangible one.

Outlets with soft ice cream, located here and there, do not go unnoticed. Business is seasonal, but nonetheless popular.

How to choose equipment for the production of soft ice cream so that it is not excruciatingly painful for the nerves and money spent? What you should pay attention to?

Ice cream

If we turn to the sources, we can find out that ice cream appeared long before our era in China, and was ice, arbitrarily mixed with fruits and honey. Much later in Europe, this dish was brought by Marco Polo, after which it began its victorious march through the cuisines of the world.

Each people brought something different to it, based on the choice of products and the specifics of their preferences, however, the essence of ice cream remained unchanged - a frozen sweet mass, consisting of products of both plant and animal origin.

Our days

soft ice cream machines

By its types, modern ice cream is infinite - it is hard fruit ice, and the softest semifredo, and textured granite, but in this article we will talk about its soft variety.

Its preparation is quite simple - the milky sweet substance is whipped, simultaneously frozen, which ultimately gives a persistent ice cream that melts on the tongue.

At home, without using soft ice cream machines, a similar dish can be prepared, of course, however, it will differ from the purchased one.

The main problem in its creation is to give the desired texture. Ice cream should be tender, uniform and melting. In home-made production with the help of a freezer and a mixer, the consistency will not be the same - coarser and granular. And what to do if you want to not just treat your relatives to a treat, but to make money on it? We will tell and explain below.

Equipment. What to make ice cream on?

Firstly, it is necessary to determine where exactly the equipment will stand. Depending on the ambient temperature, one or another model is selected, since most relatively inexpensive models (up to 150 thousand rubles) are designed for comfortable operation at room temperature.

If you plan to sell the product outdoors, you will have to spend money on a freezer for the production of soft ice cream, which works without problems at temperatures up to 40aboutC (it costs at least 200 thousand rubles). In case of neglecting the operating recommendations, ice cream will not reach the desired consistency due to a conflict of external and internal temperatures, and the unit itself will begin to flow inexorably.

soft ice cream freezer

If we talk about specific models, it should be noted the fact that you should not chase brands and underestimate Chinese manufacturers. In practice, Italy, which has built up a reputation as an undeniable authority in all areas of production, can produce machines for the production of soft ice cream, which will be endlessly capricious in operation and in consumables.

This equipment varies in performance, which is manifested in the volume of the hopper, and in the number of possible varieties of ice cream (determined by the number of all the same bins).

Consumables. What to make ice cream of?

The classic recipe for ice cream includes milk, cream, vanilla and egg yolks.It is impossible to correctly compose such a mixture at an external trading point, and it is not known how the equipment for the production of soft ice cream will react to it, so everyone works on ready-made powder formulations.

soft ice cream machine

As a rule, these are packs of powder, the consumption of which is in the ratio of about 1 kg per 2.5 liters of milk. The number of tastes is limited only by human imagination. There is everything from watermelon sorbet to frozen tiramisu.

The consistency and quality of the final product is affected not only by the soft ice cream machine, but also by the fat content of the mixture - each type of “dry” ice cream has its own, plus the fat content of the milk, in which everything is diluted.

The higher the percentage of fat content, the more nutritious and denser the ice cream, while it whips worse. The lower the percentage, the easier, more pleasant and airy the frozen cream is, however, its melting speed is catastrophic. From this we can conclude that the degree of fat content of ice cream is inversely proportional to the period during which it turns into a puddle. The ideal ratio can only be obtained by trial and error.

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