
Equipment for the production of slings: manufacturing principles and features of the line configuration

The appearance of textile slings was made possible thanks to the development of the chemical industry, in particular the development of new polymeric materials.

Products from them have good mechanical strength, are elastic and have a long service life. Equipment for the production of slings in many ways resembles classic weaving stations. But manufacturing technology has some differences.

Manufacturing technology

The main material for the production of fabric slings are polymer threads made of polypropylene. Often, plastics similar to this material are used, having the proper strength and flexibility.

equipment for the production of slings

To create a full-fledged production line, the following equipment will be required:

  • Ribbon loom with the possibility of continuous production.
  • Painting equipment. It is necessary for color marking of the product depending on the maximum burst load.
  • The machine for fastening 2 or more tapes in one. He also performs the formation of end loops.

The main parameter of the equipment is performance. For a small line in the first stage, you can take the maximum volume from 1.5 to 2 m per minute. You should also determine the type of product. Slings for fixing cargo have a smaller thickness, which affects the complexity and cost of production. If it is planned to produce loops for working with crane equipment, then their design must have end loops.

Ribbon knot

The main machine for making slings is a woven machine. It works on the principle of all textile machines of this kind. From several bobbins, polymer threads are fed to the processing unit.

ribbon loom

By weaving with each other, they form a ribbon. When choosing a machine, you should pay attention to its performance and dimensions of manufactured tapes. Some models can weave up to 4 pieces at a time. This function will be convenient in case of uneven orders. In the case of low volumes, only one tape is produced, and with their increase - several at once.

It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of choosing several operating modes, in particular, adjusting the thickness of the lines. Depending on this, it is possible to manufacture products with different operational characteristics.

Painting and fixing

Color marking is necessary to visually determine product specifications. Currently, standard notation is used.

sling production tape

The tape for the production of slings is painted directly during the production process. For this purpose, cameras with special bathtubs are provided in the equipment, passing through which, polypropylene threads are painted in appropriate colors.

Violet will indicate the smallest carrying capacity - up to 1 t. Products with orange markings are in greatest demand. They can withstand loads of up to 10 tons. If loom not designed for the manufacture of ribbons of such strength, you can purchase additional equipment for stitching several ribbons into one.

Additional processing

In most cases, these are standard sewing machines that can work with textile materials of high density and thickness. Modern technological equipment for the production of slings can perform this operation in automatic mode. But the cost of such a line will be high - the price of some models can reach 2 million rubles.

Therefore, at the first stage, it is recommended to purchase sewing machines, the use of which can significantly expand the range of products.But when using them, it is necessary to monitor the quality of products. To do this, samples are taken from each batch and checked on a tension stand. Similar equipment is available in all centers of metrology and standardization.

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Ivan Grigoriev
Hello. I ask you to inform the cost of equipment for the manufacture of textile tapes used for the production of slings. Thanks in advance.
Hello. Is the tape completely painted in the paint machine? Price and how stable is the paint? Thanks Dmitry 89992080948
I wanted to know the price of the line, please contact 89876060226 Denis
I ask you to inform the cost of equipment for the manufacture of textile tapes used for the production of slings. Thanks in advance. Contact phone 8 913 431 3555


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