
Your business: how to open a sushi bar from scratch. Sushi bar business plan: necessary documents and equipment

sushi bar business plan

For many years now, sushi bars have been experiencing the peak of their popularity. These establishments are impossible to see empty day or night. And to get there on holidays sometimes seems like an impossible task - you have to book a table in advance. However, in order to reach this level as quickly as possible, you need to clearly draw up a sushi bar business plan and stick to it.

Step 1. Choosing an area

First of all, you have to decide where your future institution will be located. There are many options. In particular, these are the expensive central areas of the city, where fashion boutiques and fashionable restaurants are concentrated. However, in this case, the business plan of the sushi bar must be drawn up in such a way that the establishment matches the luxurious surroundings.

Everything should be ideal - and the level of service, and the menu, and pricing. Of course, renting a room in such a place will cost you a round sum, but keep in mind that your prices will be quite high.

An alternative is the opening of a small democratic sushi bar with low prices in the area of ​​congestion of offices, on the territory of shopping and entertainment complexes or in the vicinity of other food outlets (provided that such an institution is not there). The rental price will be lower, and the main income will come from high attendance.

Sushi bars are opened both in sleeping areas and in small towns. They can also be cost-effective, because Japanese cuisine is very in demand, and those who want to spend time in your establishment will certainly be found. However, prices in this case should not be too high - this will scare off a fair share of customers.

Step 2. Choosing a room

As for the size of the room, it can start from 30 m2 (we are talking about the area of ​​the hall for visitors) and reach 300 m2 and more (if you are going to create a large institution).

It is important that the premises you choose comply with certain regulatory requirements - in particular, sanitary-epidemiological and fire-fighting.

Once you find a suitable room, you can move on.

Step 3. Registration of activities and obtaining licenses

What documents are needed to open a sushi bar? In fact, this is a very important issue that should be carefully studied.

First, you will need to register the company itself. This can be done both as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. It is believed that opening an IP and conducting business documentation is not as difficult as for an LLC.

To register with the tax authorities, it will be necessary to select the appropriate OKVED activity codes:

  • 55.30 - “The activity of restaurants and cafes”;
  • 55.4 - “Activity of bars”;
  • 55.52 - "Supply of catering products."

Secondly, it is necessary to choose a tax system. First of all, one should start from the planned activities and the size of the hall for visitors. For a hall up to 150 m2 You can use a simpler system - UTII (single tax on imputed income). However, if the area of ​​the premises exceeds the specified figure, you will pay a simplified tax (USN) - 15% of the net profit of the institution.

If, being interested in how to open a sushi bar from scratch, you plan to carry out not only customer service directly on the premises, but also delivery of food to your home / office, you will have to keep separate records and use two tax systems at the same time.For the catering system in the sushi bar, UTII will be used, and for delivery - USN.

What do you need to open a sushi bar yet? The whole list of documents must be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor. It is important that all your employees receive medical records.

Another important point concerns the sale of alcoholic beverages. If you want to include alcohol in the menu of your institution, you will also need to obtain an appropriate license.

what equipment is needed for sushi bar

Step 4. Purchase of equipment

We continue to draw up a business plan for the sushi bar. At this stage, our task is to purchase all the required equipment. Depending on the characteristics of your institution, the full list may be adjusted, however, its basis remains unchanged:

  • a set of specialized dishes for cooking rice;
  • a machine for making sushi and rolls;
  • thermoses for storing cooked rice for sushi;
  • refrigerators in which seafood and other ingredients will be stored;
  • various equipment for cooking;
  • sushi cases - special glass refrigerated display cases with a given temperature and humidity, designed to store finished products;
  • dishes.

What equipment is needed for a sushi bar other than what we have already named? If your restaurant’s menu contains exclusively cold dishes (sushi, sashimi, rolls, etc.), such a set of equipment will be more than enough. If you plan to add hot dishes to the menu, you will need not only additional equipment, but also new staff.

Interesting fact: according to the estimates of entrepreneurs who work in this area, approximately 60% of orders are for cold dishes, and only 10% for hot dishes. The remaining 30% are orders from the bar.

Step 5. Recruitment

A few decades ago, when Japanese cuisine was just beginning to develop in our country, specialist chefs were discharged directly from Japan. Clear business, it was worth this pleasure not cheap. However, today, after the discovery of a huge number of courses and the growing popularity of sushi, it is absolutely not difficult to find an experienced and talented sushi.

Being interested in how to open a sushi bar from scratch, you need to consider that an impressive staff of employees is required for a Japanese restaurant, among which there must be:

  • Chef;
  • several sushi cooks;
  • cooks specializing in hot dishes;
  • kitchen workers;
  • waiters
  • cashiers;
  • accountant;
  • product and other product purchasing manager.

Of course, some employees may combine several functions. For example, waiters can fulfill the duties of cashiers, etc. However, this is unacceptable for a prestigious establishment.

furniture for sushi bar

Step 6. Shopping

When compiling a business plan for a sushi bar, be sure to think about where you will buy products. Even a genius sushi will not be able to make real sushi if he does not have suitable products. Rice, fish, vinegar, sugar and salt should be Japanese. And these are not whims at all.

Sushi prepared with our local products may appeal only to those who have never tried the real ones. Focusing on such visitors, one should not count on big profits either.

Step 7. Room decoration

It is desirable that the oriental flavor in the design of the hall is combined with true European comfort. You should not seat visitors on mats and force them to eat exclusively with chopsticks. Leave a corner in your institution for those who wish to relax in the traditional Japanese style, but buy beautiful and stylish furniture for the sushi bar (more precisely, for the rest of the hall). Chopsticks should be offered to absolutely everyone, but at the first request you should give out familiar European cutlery.

Step 8. Cost Analysis

To summarize and try to determine what starting capital you will need to open your own sushi bar:

  • room rental - 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • repair and decoration of the hall - 1 million rubles;
  • purchase of furniture and utensils for the main hall, kitchen and bar - 2.5 million rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • first purchase of products - 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary to employees for the first month of work - 300 thousand rubles;
  • additional costs (registration of licenses and documents, utility bills, transportation costs) - 300 thousand rubles.

In total, about 4 million rubles will be required to open an average sushi bar.

Of course, in small towns, spending will also be significantly lower. However, the ratios between the various costs will remain approximately the same. That is, making your own business plan, you can easily navigate in the numbers characteristic of the city in which you live. Keep in mind that the price level, and as a result, the profit that you will receive, will also be lower.

what documents are needed to open a sushi bar

Step 9. Assessing the prospects of the project

Think it's expensive? However, it should be borne in mind that the profit of an institution of this type can reach 250-300 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of the sushi bar is extremely high - your starting investment can fully pay off in 1-1.5 years.

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