
Education in Poland. Higher education institutions in Poland

Studying abroad, once the dream of many Soviet schoolchildren, today has become a reality for young people living in the territory of the former Soviet Union. 20 years ago, education at prestigious foreign universities was only available through a student exchange program. Today, having mastered the English language, any high school graduate can get a diploma in one of the higher educational institutions of the USA, England, France, Poland and other countries. Sometimes it can even be free.

Education in Poland

It is not surprising that more and more young people are trying not to miss the chance to study abroad. Having received, for example, education in Poland, the country most favorable for this in pricing, a university graduate can find work in any country that is a member of the European Union. It also guarantees a more prestigious and highly paid place in domestic companies.

Polish education has a long history. For example, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow is the oldest in Europe. At one time, such famous people as Nikolai Copernicus, Jan III Sobieski (Polish king), Francis Lukic Skorina (Belarusian first printer), Stanislav Lem (science fiction writer), Jozef Cech (mathematician, teacher), Wislaw Shimborska (poetess, Nobel Prize Laureate). Today, higher education in Poland has become popular not only because specialists who graduated from a university in this country will be hired in any corner of the European Union, but also because the cost of such studies is often much lower than in domestic universities.

University of Cracow

Jagiellonian University is a higher educational institution in Poland. It was opened on May 12, 1364, as evidenced by a letter signed by King Casimir 3. At that time 11 departments were formed, 8 of which had a legal direction, 2 - medical. Another specialized in free art.

education in poland

For a long time he was called the Cracow Academy. But since the XIX century he was given a new name - Jagiellonian University (in honor of King Jagello, who made the biggest contribution to its development). Today this educational institution is a member of the Utrecht network - the Association of European Universities, which includes the following universities:

  • Bologna (Italy).
  • Helsinki (Finland).
  • Strasbourg - named after Louis Pasteur, Robert Schumann, Mark Block.
  • Madrid and others.

In total, this association has the best universities from 26 countries. Nowadays, students at 15 faculties are accepted at the Jagiellonian University. Here, numerous educational programs are implemented, based on innovative scientific research. Since 1999, a scholarship fund has been operating, thanks to which the best students and graduate students from Poland and other countries can spend more time on scientific work using the most modern equipment. The cost of training is 2000 euros per year (about 146 thousand rubles).

The University of Economics

Most Polish universities are higher schools, academies and colleges. So, today there are 450 of them in this country. More than three hundred of them are private. According to the law on education, only state universities can assign the title of professor in this country. Education in them is more expensive and more difficult to enter here.

The University of Economics in Warsaw was founded in 1906 and is a state institution. He is deservedly included in the top 10 best universities in the world. Its graduates are the most sought-after specialists both in western Europe and in its eastern part.

 Warsaw University

In Polish, training is carried out at the faculties of economics, finance and accounting, management, social policy and others. In English - on economic, management and international economics. If there is a “Pole Card”, education in Poland for Ukrainians, for example, will be free. There are especially many young people from this state, since the powers border and work closely in the scientific field. If not, then for the year you will have to pay 2,000 euros (146, 2 thousand rubles) at the faculty, where lectures are given in Polish, and from 1800 to 2550 (131.6-186.5 thousand rubles) there, where they teach in English. By the way, this university provides its students with a hostel. Living in it will cost from 350 to 500 zlotys (5872-8389 rubles) per month.

Civitas University

In Warsaw, there are 75 universities in which 15% of the population of this city are studying, which makes it the most student in western Europe. Collegium Civitas is the name of a private university where you can study in Polish or English in the fields of international relations, political science, diplomacy, journalism, sociology and marketing. From the day it was founded in 1997 to the present day, the teaching staff of this university has proved that private education in Poland is at the same high level as public education.

Civitas University cooperates with 60 universities of the world, participates in student exchange programs and enables its students to take internships in the best educational institutions in other countries. The cost of training at Collegium Civitas is from 1,400 to 2,300 euros (102.4-168.2 thousand rubles) per year. Polish courses are organized for foreign students at the university. They last 5 weeks and cost only 1,650 zlotys (27,686 rubles). You can live either in a hostel or in a student hotel.

University of Social Psychology

This largest private university was founded in 1996. It is located in a city called Warsaw (Poland). Today it has its branches in Poznan, Katowice, Wroclaw and Sopot. Despite his “youth”, he gained a reputation as the most popular educational institution not only in his homeland, but also in Europe. Annually, specialists in sociology, graphics, journalism, philology, psychology, international relations, law, cultural studies, marketing and design are graduated here.

Warsaw Poland

Training is conducted in two languages. For students who know Polish, it will cost 5100-8830 zlotys (85.5-148.1 thousand rubles), and for English-speaking applicants - from 1600 to 3500 euros (117-259.6 thousand rubles) per year.

Warsaw State University

This educational institution with a bicentennial history is rightfully considered one of the largest and most prestigious in Poland. Founded in 1816, today the University of Warsaw collaborates with leading universities in 51 countries of the world. At 37 faculties of one hundred specialties, 58,000 students study annually. It employs nearly 6,000 people, more than half of whom are teachers. Warsaw National University specializes in fields such as the humanities, the sciences and natural sciences.

If the average cost of training in Poland is 1500-2000 euros (109.7-146.2 thousand rubles), then most of the faculties ask for up to 4500 € (329 thousand rubles) per year. Thanks to the innovative approach to the educational process developed in 2006, Warsaw University has been a leader in the ranking of the best universities in the country for many years.

Jagiellonian University

To enter here, foreign citizens will need:

  • certificate of secondary education;
  • application to it;
  • medical certificate;
  • 4 photos;
  • copies of civil and foreign passports;
  • IELTS certificate for passing the exam in Polish or English;
  • copies of all of the above documents certified by a notary.

The university has three departments. In the afternoon classes are held from Monday to Friday in the morning, in absentia on Saturday and Sunday every 2 weeks, in the evening on weekdays from 16.00.The main task of the university is to maximize the involvement of applicants in the learning process, research in the chosen specialty.

University of Maria Skłodowska-Curie

This state university is located in Lublin. His main areas are biology, biotechnology, economics, physics and mathematics, pedagogy, humanities, psychology, law, political science, art. Training is conducted in Polish and English. Since 1964, 129 specialties of 30,000 people are trained here annually at 10 faculties. Among its graduates, 900 have a doctorate and more than 4,000 have a Ph.D. The fact that education in Poland keeps up with the times is evidenced by the introduction of new specialties. So, at the University of Lublin, faculties such as historical tourism, internal security, engineering and cognitive science are opened.

universities in poland

Students of this university constantly conduct research in various scientific fields, which is facilitated by modern laboratories equipped with the best technology. Thanks to the ERASMUS program, of which he is a member, students can take internships both in Europe, and in the USA, China and Brazil. The cost of training for foreigners is 2,000 euros (146.2 thousand rubles) per year, and for those who have a Pole Card, it will be 30% cheaper. Although it also happens that the rector can increase, decrease or completely withdraw payment at his discretion.

Cracow University of Economics

The leading direction of this educational institution is not only economics, but also sociology, history, philosophy, law, commodity science, ecology, physics, biology and chemistry. If there is a “Pole Card”, a free education is provided. In Poland, many universities give the owners of this document the opportunity not to pay for their studies. As for this university, it is the largest higher economic educational institution in the country. It was founded in 1925. During this period, 90,000 people became its graduates.

Upon receipt of a bachelor's degree, in addition to the chosen specialty, it is mandatory to study 2 foreign languages. Students can choose any of the following: German, French, English, Italian, Spanish, Russian. For foreign applicants, one of the required languages ​​can be Polish. In addition to training in a specialty and scientific activity, all students are invited to participate in the sports life of the university. For this purpose, 30 sections of various directions are open in its walls. Athletes represent the university in international competitions.

Gdansk Polytechnic University

Although this university was founded back in 1904, today it is the training place for the most ambitious youth who want to test their talents in business, engineering or architecture. Not all universities in Poland can boast so many inventions introduced into production, research programs of international importance.

secondary education in poland

It is here that the maximum number of foreign students is trained. The diploma of the Gdansk Polytechnic is open doors and a fast career in the best European companies. A year of study in Polish will cost from 2000 to 3100 € (146.2-226.7 thousand rubles), and in English - 4000 Euro (292.5 thousand rubles).

Maritime Academy of Gdynia

This is the best educational institution in Europe in this direction. It trains electricians, navigators, officers and mechanics of the merchant fleet. To obtain practical skills, the Academy purchased the Horizont-2 research ship equipped with modern navigation technology. In addition to the educational process, students are attracted to an active life. For example, participation in the annual regatta. Tuition in Polish for foreign applicants will cost from 2000 to 2500 euros (146.2-182.8 thousand rubles), and in English - 3500-4000 € (256-292.5 thousand rubles) per year.

University of Information Technology

Founded in 1994, this university prepares the most sought-after specialists in computer science, computer graphics, management and administration. Here annually published new research papers in the field of computer technology. The University of Information Technology (Warsaw, Poland) provides the opportunity for the best students to continue their scientific work at the Institute of System Sciences. Applicants who participated in the institution’s sports life in local and foreign competitions are provided with scholarships and benefits. The average cost of training is from 5600 zlotys (93.9 thousand rubles) per year.

Public Academy of Sciences

This is the only private educational institution having its branches in almost all major cities of the country. It is enough to choose one or several of the twenty-two areas in which the Academy specializes, and find out exactly where the training takes place.

free education in poland

Specialists of film production, architecture and urban studies, journalism, design, tourism are trained here. Since 1994, the Academy took the second place in popularity in the ranking of universities in Poland, not only thanks to the excellent teaching experience and the best specialists, but also with its student reward programs and scholarships. Studying in one of 75 specialties will cost a foreign student from 4400 to 7500 zlotys (73.8-125.8 thousand rubles) per year.

Free education

It is prestigious to get higher education in Poland, and with knowledge of the local language in most universities it is also cheaper than at home. Nevertheless, not all school graduates take this chance. It’s just that not everyone knows that secondary specialized and secondary education in Poland is free for all, without exception. After graduating from grade 9, an ordinary student from Russia, Ukraine or Belarus can continue his studies at one of the technical schools or at the lyceum. This will allow you to get a specialty, learn Polish and enter one of the local universities.

All students with a good academic performance receive a scholarship. Upon graduation, they are issued a certificate of secondary education and separately - a document on the specialty. For students who have issued a "Pole Card", training in almost all universities of the country will be free.

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