
Responsibilities of a Fire Truck Driver: An Overview

Specialists working in the fire department save lives and objects exposed to fire. This is their main task. Thorough training and education goes to every person who wants to work in this structure. Because in the future he will have to carry out responsible work. And now it’s worth considering the responsibilities of a fire truck driver.


Independently perform work on a specialized machine can a person who has gone through introductory training and passed the fire safety exam. The fire department can hire an adult with an identity card that gives the right to drive a certain category of transport, and without medical contraindications for this type of activity.

fire truck driver duties

Every three months, the driver must undergo repeated safety training. It happens unscheduled if the technological process has changed, the rules for labor protection or a truck has been replaced. Every two years they undergo a mandatory medical examination.

Main principles

To list the duties of a fire truck driver is from the most important points. So, each specialist must comply with the rules of the work schedule established by the company and the requirements of all approved instructions. All personal protective equipment issued should be used carefully and as intended.

If a person wants to work as a driver in a structure such as the fire department, then he must know that he will be assigned a separate truck, which he will accept upon entering the post under the act. Before the start of the shift, he checks the machine, equipment, uniforms and equipment for serviceability. He is convinced of the serviceability of the trailer, auger spreader, steering wheel, brakes, wipers. Checks the air pressure in the tires and the absence of leakage of water, oil and fuel. And, of course, fueling the car.

fire department

If at the moment of the beginning of the movement some malfunction was detected, the driver should not go on the line. The problem should be reported to the administration of the motor transport department. You need to purge the gas system with a pump. Accept, refuel and pump leaded gas from the windward side of the machine. If this fuel gets into your hands, you need to rinse them with kerosene, then rinse with warm water and soap.


The responsibility of the driver of the fire truck also includes the ability to provide first aid to the injured person. To do this, he must keep a medical kit in the car and, of course, fire-fighting equipment.

But the main responsibilities of the driver of a fire truck are to perform only the work that he was entrusted with. You can’t pass it on to others. It is possible only with the permission of the head of the AHO.

instruction of drivers of fire trucks

Fire protection is a serious structure. Each driver serving in it must observe the rules of hygiene. Eat, smoke and relax only in places designated for this. Drink water also from special installations.

He must also be attentive. Moving parts and components of the machine carry a danger, like a cooling system, a hot surface of the engine, a muffler, exhaust gases. The most dangerous is the fall of equipment during unloading and accident. In order to prevent this from happening, the worker must be responsible and strictly follow instructions with the rules.

During work

Driving a fire truck is difficult because it contains a lot of nuances.Before leaving the parking lot or from the garage, he must make sure that it will be safe for the rest and, of course, notify with a warning signal. If reversing is problematic, you need to use the help of others.

work as a driver of a fire truck

You need to go to the call at such a speed that will be as safe as possible, taking into account the visibility, visibility, and the cargo carried. Also, the driver is obliged in any case to comply with traffic rules. He must refuel the body with sand either with a 1-bucket excavator or with a forklift. If this happens at night, then you need to take care of good lighting.

Other requirements

Instructions for fire truck drivers are very detailed. In addition to duties, it also contains requirements of a different nature. For example, regarding what is prohibited to specialists.

The driver must not drive while intoxicated or leave the flight tired / sick. If the car is parked while firefighters extinguish a fire, they are supposed to sit behind the wheel and wait for further directions. You can’t sleep or rest, especially when the engine is running. Starting a motor to heat the cab is also prohibited. As well as transfer control of the machine to unauthorized persons.

fire truck driver training

It is impossible to repair the car at the time of unloading and loading. Tow the car with the goal of starting the engine - too. In general, there are many prohibitions on the technical part, they are all spelled out in the corresponding provision.

What else is worth knowing?

The training of fire truck drivers involves a rather long period of training. Each future specialist gains skills in order to later apply them in their work. He must obey implicitly the orders of the squad commander, immediately come to the scene of the fire to liquidate the team, keep the machine in constant combat readiness, check the equipment assigned to him, draw up relevant reports and know how to safely get the vehicle out of a situation complicated by the fire. And, of course, to be an integral part of a well-coordinated team, which is also important.

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