
Yandex office in Moscow: photo, address

Today, Yandex is no longer just a search engine, but a whole complex of many useful services with which you can not only find useful information, but also organize your leisure time.

A bit about features

In addition to searching for information and media, using Yandex you can:

  • find the description, reviews and prices of a huge variety of products and compare them with competitive products using the Yandex.Market system;
  • use e-mail;
  • write files to the Yandex.Disk file hosting service for subsequent exchange with other users;
  • view current news;
  • find the right place using Yandex.Maps;
  • use a translator;
  • buy airline tickets;
  • make plans for the evening with the help of a poster and a television program;
  • learn exchange rates;
  • find fresh vacancies;
  • view the weather forecast.

And this is just a small list of what you can do with the server. In addition to numerous features, Yandex is equipped with powerful tools for webmasters and Internet marketers, with which you can advertise your own resources, promote, analyze statistics, track and rank users according to the necessary criteria.

Today, this server rightfully takes the first place in attendance in Russia and in the entire neighboring countries: Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. And this is not surprising, because this system is often equated as a beacon of Russian technology. Let's talk more about the main office of Yandex in Moscow, where new technologies are emerging and countless incredible ideas are regularly being implemented.

Yandex office in Moscow


The public company is one of the largest with several thousand employees in different countries: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Let's look at the main office of Yandex in Moscow to understand what is the secret to the success of such a huge corporation. What is it: a special work environment or a cohesive creative work?

The central office of Yandex in Moscow is located in a seven-story building, which is currently under construction. Outwardly, it is a huge enclosed area with its own courtyard, so the issue of navigation is extremely important so that workers do not get lost in the intricacies of floors and corridors.

Beams help visitors and employees to navigate, indicating which side of the premises. For better navigation, even false ceilings are used; inscriptions are clearly visible on them and help to navigate well in space.

Yandex office address Moscow


The Yandex office in Moscow has the following location of premises. On each floor there is a toilet and a so-called coffee room (in other words, a relaxation room), where visitors or employees can have a free cup of tea or coffee, eat fruit or cookies. The remaining rooms are divided into 2 main locations: meeting rooms and open space rooms. The first are represented by both small rooms for 3-4 people, and huge conference rooms. The second are jobs directly for developers. Teams working on the same project or in related fields are conveniently located close to each other.

Yandex head office in Moscow


Undoubtedly, without a sense of humor and a greater share of creativity, such a successful and global project would hardly have turned out, therefore the Yandex office in Moscow is designed in such a way that, perhaps, not a single headquarters of a large corporation has been completed. All rooms have their own semantic names with reference to the floor on which they are located. For example, the 7th floor is full of signs like “7 heaven”, “7.40”. There is a meeting room with the name "Seven do not wait."On the 4th floor there is a room where no more than four people can fit, and it is called The Beatles.

Yandex central office in Moscow


Strange as it may seem, balconies occupy a special place in the Yandex office. There are six of them and they are actively used in the summer. Actually, this is not surprising, because there is everything for relaxation and comfortable work: tents from the sun, benches, tables, even huge chess. And what an amazing view of the panorama of Moscow opens from them: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the monument to Peter and even a piece of Red Square.

Yandex office in Moscow photo


In addition to signs and funny names of premises, the Yandex office in Moscow (the photo is located in the article) is replete with a huge number of reminders for employees about what they should do and what should not be forgotten. Starting from the simple “Close the doors for company security” and ending with a donation box for “Service monetization”, “Elephant distribution center” and announcements like “In the studio for Artemy Lebedev, a reaper, a cucumber, well done and a dude are needed”.


The Yandex office in Moscow has another special place - the library. This room called “7 Dwarfs” is located on the 7th floor. Here, employees or Yandexoids, as they call themselves, can exchange any literature and take any book from the library. There is also a well-known Yandex rarity - a Bible search application created at the dawn of the Internet and distributed on floppy disks.


Another amazing feature of this headquarters is the hat room, which collects hats from almost all corners of the world. Moreover, these are not museum exhibits at all, you can touch each one with your own hands and even try on it.

In addition, the Yandex office is equipped with receptions on each floor so that the client can contact on a matter of interest, well, for the purpose of security, of course. There are also touch monitors showing the occupancy of each room. Not to mention the multiple awards, diplomas and gifts that can be found on each floor.

Bonuses for employees are a particularly pleasant moment, therefore Yandex is considered an ideal place of work for many webmasters. The office has its own gym, table tennis, billiards, parking (including for bicycles and motorbikes) and much more.


All that remains is the question, where is the Yandex office in Moscow located? Getting to him is easy. You need to go to the Park Kultury metro station, go there to Komsomolsky Prospekt and turn right towards ul. T. Frunze. There you will see a red brick 7-story building with a barrier and the Yandex logo. Office address: Moscow, st. Leo Tolstoy, 16.

Where is the Yandex office in Moscow

In conclusion, I want to note that in any city and in any country the Yandex company is a unique, original, creative and very convenient office for both visitors and employees. There is everything necessary for employees: from a coffee machine to a gym, so work is the dream of many web designers, computer people and marketers. The office welcomes customers, that's why everything here is arranged for their comfort and productive cooperation, an atmosphere of friendliness and friendliness reigns, so it is always comfortable to work with Yandex.

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