
Fire training: weapons, safety requirements

Everyone has ever heard the term "fire training." Someone came across him at school lessons OBZH, someone during his service in the armed forces. What is hidden behind this wording?

Fire training lesson

During the battle, enemy forces are destroyed by fire. For the proper conduct of the battle and effective destruction of targets, the fighter should know and fulfill a number of requirements:

  • own a weapon at a high level, treat it carefully and carefully prepare for firing;
  • during the battle, choose the right place for aimed fire;
  • be able to quickly make fire from any position, regardless of the time of day;
  • correctly assess range with identification of aiming points taking into account wind and target movement;
  • carefully listen to the commands for their speedy execution.

fire training

The fire training of motorized rifle units is intended to train all of the above rank-and-file, sergeant and officer corps of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and for the proper use of weapons in combat engagements. This plays a special role in training snipers.

Young people, as part of the general education program on life-saving skills, also pass standards on fire training, mastering some special sections.

What is studied in these sections?

In the subsection devoted to the basics of shooting, the essence of the shot, the features and subtleties of moving the bullet are examined in detail. This is important for a clear understanding of the rules of shooting and the competent use of weapons in order to effectively hit the enemy.

The development of weapons materiel allows you to study the combat qualities, mission and device of small arms, to properly handle, store and skillfully prepare for trouble-free use.

fire training standards

One of the most important sections of training is teaching methods and rules of shooting. This allows you to achieve accuracy in the fire suppression of immovable, temporarily appearing, moving, single and group targets in any climatic conditions.

Mastering the process of throwing a hand grenade allows you to learn how to throw it from a variety of positions to hit targets in various situations.

Studying the methods of monitoring the progress of the battle and calculating the range during shooting promotes the appearance of special skills for observing the enemy’s actions, quickly identifying targets, choosing the right sight, the corresponding aiming points and adjusting the shooting.

Weapons used

Fire training involves the use of small arms, while a living target is mechanically hit by a bullet moving from the energy of the charge of gunpowder.

fire training of motorized rifle units

For training use:

  • machine;
  • carbine;
  • machine gun (manual, easel, single, tank);
  • pistol;
  • revolver;
  • submachine gun;
  • a rifle.

Kalashnikov assault rifle

Fire training at life safety classes, at military training is taught using a Kalashnikov assault rifle, which has been in our army since 1949.

Currently there are several of its modernized varieties.
The bullet flies out of the barrel of the machine due to the pressure of the powder gas discharged through the hole at the top of the barrel.

fire training classes

To carry out a shot, the cartridge must be fed into the chamber, and the machine mechanism is cocked in advance. To this end, the shooter pulls the bolt frame towards himself with the help of a special handle.

When shooting in automatic mode after pressing the trigger, the cartridges from the magazine fly out until it is released. In addition, there is a single shot mode.Switching modes is done by the translator.

About security requirements

Fire training is unthinkable without observing certain safety requirements that any cadet should clearly understand.

Shooting is prohibited with limited visibility, when the senior is not visible to the main and dangerous directions of fire.

It is unacceptable to be in places where there is an unexploded grenade. These points should be indicated in time by a set of signs with a warning inscription. It is forbidden to touch an unexploded grenade or any means of imitation. Hand grenades may only be carried in a grenade bag.

Weapons cannot be loaded at the shooting range until the voice signal “Fire” sounds. It is forbidden to direct the weapon towards a person. The use of defective ammunition and weapons is unacceptable. It is forbidden to leave unattended and transfer to someone loaded weapons.

Sniper training, features

More attention during the fighting is paid to snipers.
Practical experience shows that it is better to select them from special forces. They have good rifle skills. Preference is given to shooting athletes, hunters, and combat training students.

A sniper should have perfect physical training, be able to control his heart rate and breathing. When a fighter barely breathes, and his heart seems to jump out of the chest after a quick rise to a great height, he is hardly capable of showing accurate fire.

sniper training

The sniper training course includes several required disciplines:

  • study of the role and place of a sniper in battle;
  • the right choice of weapons and equipment;
  • proper preparation of sniper weapons for hostilities;
  • the study of ballistics, both internal and external;
  • communication organization;
  • mastering the basics of precision shooting;
  • evening and night shooting training;
  • the study of sniper tactics and field skills;
  • intelligence and target search;
  • determination of the aiming point and fire after receiving a command;
  • simultaneous fire;
  • preparation of a sniper ambush;
  • the implementation of sniper support during the assault;
  • monitoring and information gathering;
  • training in proper record keeping;
  • mastering the rules of storage and savings of the rifle.

Of course, any sniper fire training is impossible without practical long classes under the supervision of an experienced professional instructor.

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